
Shopify 支持以下图片格式:

  • JPEG 或 JPG

  • 渐进式 JPEG 格式

  • PNG

  • GIF

  • HEIC

  • WebP

何时使用 JPEG 图片

JPEG 图片非常适合摄影作品和其他色彩复杂的静止图片。JPEG 格式具有包含数百万种颜色的调色板。JPEG 还具有有损压缩功能,这有助于加快页面加载速度,而不会使图片质量明显降低。

将 JPEG 格式用于以下类型的图片:

  • 产品

  • 横幅或幻灯片

  • 页面和博客文章

何时使用 PNG 图片

PNG 图片非常适合用于单色且没有渐变的图形和图标。PNG 格式也能够支持透明度。

将 PNG 格式用于以下类型的图片:

  • logo

  • 图标

  • 边框和装饰


为了加快加载速度,当图片显示在您的在线商店上时,Shopify 会对这些图片进行压缩。压缩图片意味着减小文件大小,从而可以更快地加载页面。通过压缩,更多图片可以存储在给定数量的磁盘或内存空间中。此外,还大幅减少了访问图片所需的时间。压缩可能会导致图片的质量发生变化,具体取决于图片的格式、大小和原始质量。

压缩后的 Shopify 图片质量等级如下所示:

  • JPEG:65% 到 90% 之间

  • PNG:90%

  • GIF:质量没有变化

对于 JPEG 图片,压缩图片的质量级别取决于原始 JPEG 图片的质量以及输出大小:

86% 或以上高或宽为 1024px 或以上85%
65 - 85%高或宽为 1024px 或以上原始质量
64% 或以下高或宽为 1024px 或以上65%
76% 或以上高度和宽度均小于 1024px75%
65 - 75%高度和宽度均小于 1024px原始质量
64% 或以下高度和宽度均小于 1024px65%


Image formats

Shopify supports the following image formats:

  • JPEG or JPG

  • Progressive JPEG

  • PNG

  • GIF

  • HEIC

  • WebP

When to use JPEG images

JPEG images are ideal for photography and other still images with complex colors. The JPEG format has a palette with millions of colors. JPEG also has lossy compression, which can help to keep page loading times fast without a noticeable loss in image quality.

Use the JPEG format for the following kinds of images:

  • products

  • banners or slideshows

  • pages and blog posts

When to use PNG images

PNG images are ideal for graphics and icons with flat colors and without gradients. The PNG format is also able to support transparency.

Use the PNG format for the following kinds of images:

  • logos

  • icons

  • borders and trims

Compression rates

To keep load times fast, Shopify compresses images when they're displayed on your online store. Compressing an image means reducing its file size to allow for faster page loading. With compression, more images can be stored in a given amount of disk or memory space. Additionally, the time required to access the images is greatly reduced. Compression might result in a change in image quality, depending on your image's format, size, and original quality.

Shopify's image quality levels after compression are as follows:

  • JPEG: Between 65 - 90 percent

  • PNG: 90 percent

  • GIF: no change in quality

For JPEG images, the quality level of a compressed image depends on the quality of the original JPEG image as well as the output size:

Original qualityOutput sizeOutput quality
86% or moreHeight or width of 1024px or more85%
65 - 85%Height or width of 1024px or moreOriginal quality
64% or lessHeight or width of 1024px or more65%
76% or moreHeight and width both less than 1024px75%
65 - 75%Height and width both less than 1024pxOriginal quality
64% or lessHeight and width both less than 1024px65%

