许多 Shopify 模板都包含大型图片或幻灯片,它们可以扩展到浏览器的高度或适应您的屏幕尺寸。
由于大图无法适应所有设备,因此 Shopify 有时仅显示部分图片,具体取决于您使用的设备。如果您的图片幻灯片包含大量大图,那么您可能会发现图片的某些部分不可见。
Best practices for slideshows, image banners, and full-width images
Many Shopify themes feature large images or slideshows that scale to the height of your browser or adapt to your screen size.
If you use one of these themes or have a large slideshow or background image, then it's important to understand what types of images will look best.
Because large images can't fit on all devices, Shopify sometimes displays only part of the image depending on the device you're using. If your image slideshow contains a lot of large images, then you might find that parts of the images aren't visible.
To make sure that your images work well with your theme, here are some things to keep in mind:
Some themes have an image position setting that you can use to specify which part of an image is the focal point. If your theme doesn't have such a setting, then make sure that the focal point of each image is in the center. When your images are cropped on some screens, the focal point is visible, while areas around it are hidden.
Images that you use for slideshows or backgrounds shouldn't have text in them. If the text is a part of the image itself, then it might get moved around, cropped, or adjusted based on your theme. Use the theme editor to add text and links to your slideshows.
For images that you use in slideshows or as backgrounds, choose simple images so that any overlying text is easy to read.
Wide images on tall screens
Wide images might be cropped on the left and right when the device used to view them has a tall screen (like a mobile phone or tablet)