您的速度评分根据 Google Lighthouse 性能指标,测量您的在线商店在 Shopify 测试环境中的性能速度。
您的评分基于以下页面的 Lighthouse 性能评分的加权平均值:商店的主页、过去 7 天内流量最大的产品页面以及过去 7 天内流量最大的产品系列页面。权重基于多个因素,包括各个页面类型与所有 Shopify 商店比较的相对流量。
在线商店速度评分是多日 Lighthouse 性能评分的平均值。这是因为每次测试的性能评分可能略有不同,多日的平均值可更好地代表商店的日常性能。如果您的商店是新商店或刚刚删除了密码页面,那么您的评分可能不太准确。若要查看每种页面类型的评分,请点击查看评分的计算方式下拉列表。
Lighthouse 报告在这些页面的移动版本上运行。这是因为 Shopify 商店中 60% 的销售都是通过移动设备完成的。
若要在用于计算评分的特定产品系列页面、产品页面或主页上运行 Lighthouse 报告,请点击查看评分的计算方式,然后点击查看洞察。您可通过运行 Lighthouse 报告来查看该页面更详细的指标。若要了解这些指标的含义,请参阅 Google Lighthouse 性能评分文档。
获得较高的 Google Lighthouse 评分并不容易,并且评分越高就越难提高。Lighthouse 会将您的在线商店与所有类型的网站进行比较,其中许多网站所提供的功能与在线商店并不相同。若要了解您的商店与其他 Shopify 商店的性能对比,请查看您的速度排名。然后,您可以使用您的速度评分作为衡量标准,在其帮助下改进在线商店使其更适合客户。
您的排名表示您在线商店的速度评分与类似 Shopify 商店的比较结果。您的在线商店可能具有以下排名之一:
Your speed score
Your speed score measures how fast your online store performs in the Shopify test environment, based on Google Lighthouse performance metrics.
Your speed score is recalculated daily. Due to the way the score is calculated, your score might not change immediately after you make changes to your online store. If your store is new or password-protected, then you might not have a score.
How your score is calculated
Your score is based on a weighted average of the Lighthouse performance scores for your store's home page, your product page with the most traffic over the last 7 days, and your collection page with the most traffic over the last 7 days. Weights are based on multiple factors, including the relative traffic to each of these page types across all Shopify stores.
The online store speed score is an average of multiple days of Lighthouse performance scores. This is because performance scores can vary slightly between tests, and an average over multiple days better represents your store's day-to-day performance. If your store is new or you just removed the password page, then your score might be less accurate. To view the score for each page type, click on the See how your score is calculated drop-down.
Lighthouse reports are run on the mobile versions of these pages. This is because 60% of sales made on Shopify stores are from mobile devices.
If you don't have a collection page, product page, or home page, or a page type has no views, then the page's score is listed as No data available. Your online store speed score is calculated using only the available pages and their weights. Your score is not negatively impacted.
To run a Lighthouse report on the specific collection page, product page, or home page used to calculate your score, click See how your score is calculated and then click View insights. Running a Lighthouse report lets you view more detailed metrics for the page. To learn about what these metrics mean, refer to the Google Lighthouse performance scoring documentation.
What your speed score means
Your speed score can help you to understand your store's speed and its perceived speed for your customers.
A higher score represents an online store that’s fast for the wide variety of customers accessing it. Even a customer with a slow phone and poor mobile connection can have a positive buying experience.
A lower score represents an online store that might not be accessible to the full range of customers that want to make a purchase from your store.
A high Google Lighthouse score is hard to achieve, and becomes harder to improve as you achieve a higher score. Lighthouse compares your online store to all types of websites, many of which don’t offer the same functionality as an online store. To understand how your store is performing compared to other Shopify stores, view your speed ranking. You can then use your speed score as a measurement to help you to make your own online store better for your customers.
If you want to improve your speed score or ranking, refer to Improving your online store speed for some suggestions on where to start.
Your ranking
Your ranking represents how your online store’s speed score compares to Shopify stores similar to yours. Your online store might have one of the following rankings:
Slower than similar stores
Same speed as similar stores
Faster than similar stores
Your ranking is recalculated at the same time as your speed score. If your store is new or password-protected, then you might not have a ranking.
What your ranking means
If your store is faster than similar stores, then more customers can have a positive buying experience due to your store's speed.
If your store is same speed as similar stores, then it provides a similar buying experience to other stores like yours, and is not exceptionally fast or slow.
If your store is slower than similar stores, then your store might not be as accessible or user-friendly to all potential customers. You should consider making improvements to your store speed.
If your peers improve their stores' speeds, then your ranking might decrease even if you don't make any changes to your store.
What is a similar store?
Similar stores might have some of the following attributes in common. Other factors not listed might also be used.
Number of sales to date
Gross sales
Number of products and variants
Types of products
Apps installed
Theme used