


  1. 在 Shopify POS 中,点击结账。如果感应式和芯片式读卡器已连接,则会在屏幕顶部显示感应或插入卡

  2. 允许客户感应或插入他们的卡。芯片应正面朝上,朝向 Shopify logo。

  3. 如果需要选择账户,则客户必须选择他们是使用活期账户还是储蓄账户。根据客户使用的银行,系统还可能提示用户选择用于完成交易的语言。

  4. 允许客户在 PIN 输入屏幕上谨慎地输入他们的 PIN。客户完成输入 PIN 后,他们需要轻触带有复选标记 logo 的绿色按钮。

  5. 交易成功后,选择是否提供收据,然后点击开始处理新订单。客户现在可以取出他们的卡。

提示加拿大客户在 iPad 或 iPhone 设备上或提示美国客户在 iPad、iPhone 或 Android 设备上直接输入他们的 PIN。为避免不必要的屏幕接触,请考虑提供手写笔,供客户在与您的 POS 设备交互时使用。


客户可通过 Interac 借记卡获得退款。为防止欺诈,必须在客户出示借记卡的情况下当面进行退款。如果客户使用了绑定到数字钱包(例如 Apple Pay 或 Google Pay)的 Interac 卡,则必须出示所用的原始设备。您无法使用原始付款方式之外的其他付款方式来进行退款,也不能进行现金退款。不能通过 Shopify 后台完成退款。

只有使用 Shopify POS Pro 的商家可以处理换货。



  1. 确认您是否符合使用感应式和芯片式读卡器的要求。

  2. 确认是否有 Internet 连接。Shopify POS 需要通过 Wi-Fi 或您设备的蜂窝数据连接到 Internet,然后才能处理付款。如果您无法连接到 Internet,则需要在离线时使用其他付款方式。

  3. 确认您的设备是否已启用蓝牙,以及读卡器在 Shopify POS 硬件设置中是否显示为已连接。如果读卡器未显示为已连接,请尝试将读卡器与设备配对。

  4. 如果您还使用感应式、芯片式和刷卡式读卡器(仅适用于美国),请点击右下角的连接菜单,并检查您的设备是否也与感应式、芯片式和刷卡式读卡器配对。

    当两个读卡器都与您的设备配对时,Shopify POS 会优先使用感应式、芯片式和刷卡式读卡器,因为它具有的功能最多。如果您想改用感应式和芯片式读卡器,请关闭感应式、芯片式和刷卡式读卡器。

如果您的读卡器仍无法工作,请在 Shopify POS 应用中,点击  > 支持 > 发送报告,以向 Shopify 支持发送报告。支持团队将在您提交报告后与您联系。


如果您通过 Shopify POS 应用更新读卡器并且更新异常中止,则必须将读卡器与其他设备配对,然后重试。


  1. 将读卡器与当前 iOS 设备解除配对。

  2. 将读卡器与已安装 Shopify POS 应用的辅助 iOS 设备配对。

  3. 完成读卡器更新。

  4. 将读卡器与辅助 iOS 设备解除配对。

  5. 将读卡器与主 iOS 设备配对以处理交易。


Accept a chip payment with the Tap and Chip Reader

You can use the Tap & Chip Reader to accept chip card payments.


  1. From the Shopify POS, tap Checkout. If the Tap & Chip Reader is connected, then it will say Tap or insert card at the top of the screen.

  2. Allow the customer to tap or insert their card. The chip should face up, towards the Shopify logo.

  3. If an account selection is required, then the customer must select if they're using their checking or savings account. Depending on the bank that the customer uses, they might also be prompted to select which language to complete the transaction in.

  4. Allow the customer to discretely enter their PIN on the PIN entry screen. After the customer completes the entry of their PIN, they tap the green button with the checkmark logo.

  5. When the transaction is successful, choose whether to provide a receipt, and then tap Start new order. The customer can now remove their card.

Refunding or exchanging with the Tap and Chip Reader

Refunds are available for Interac debit. To prevent fraud, the refund must be made in person with the debit card present. If the customer used an Interac card attached to a digital wallet, such as Apple Pay or Google Pay, then the original device used must be present. You can't refund a purchase to a different payment than what was originally used, nor can you refund the purchase in cash. Refunds can't be completed through the Shopify admin.

Exchanges can only be made by merchants who use Shopify POS Pro.

Troubleshoot the Tap & Chip Reader

If your card reader isn't working, then investigate the problem using the following steps:

  1. Verify that you meet the requirements to use the Tap & Chip Reader.

  2. Verify that you have an internet connection. Shopify POS needs to connect to the internet through Wi-Fi or your device's cellular data to process payments. If you can't connect to the internet, then you need to use a different payment type while you're offline.

  3. Verify that your device has Bluetooth enabled and that the card reader is showing as connected in the Shopify POS hardware settings. If the card reader isn't showing as connected, then try pairing the card reader with your device.

  4. If you're also using a Tap, Chip and Swipe reader (available only in the US), tap the connectivity menu in the bottom right corner and check whether your device is also paired with the Tap, Chip and Swipe card reader.

    When both card readers are paired with your device, Shopify POS will prioritize the Tap, Chip and Swipe card reader because it has the most features. If you want to use the Tap and Chip reader instead, then turn off the Tap, Chip and Swipe reader.

If your card reader's still not working, then from your Shopify POS app, send a report to Shopify Support by tapping  > Support > Send a Report. Support will contact you after the report has been submitted.

Troubleshoot a card reader update

If you're updating the card reader through your Shopify POS app and the update freezes, then you must pair the card reader to a different device and try again.


  1. Unpair the card reader from your current iOS device.

  2. Pair the card reader to a secondary iOS device that has the Shopify POS app installed.

  3. Complete the card reader update.

  4. Unpair the card reader from the secondary iOS device.

  5. Pair the card reader to your primary iOS device to process transactions.

