使用 WisePad 3 终端接受付款

您可以使用 WisePad 3 终端来接受芯片和 PIN 码或非接触轻触式付款。

非接触式付款可以限制为低于特定金额的购买,具体取决于支付方式或您的企业所在的国家/地区。若要进行更大金额的购买,或者您的客户超出了他们的感应式付款限制,那么客户可以插入卡并输入 PIN。


  1. Shopify POS 中,轻触结账。如果 WisePad 3 终端已连接并准备就绪,就会出现请轻触或插入卡片选项。

  2. 允许客户感应或插入他们的卡。芯片应正面朝上,朝向 Shopify logo。

  3. 在交易成功后,客户可以取走他们的卡片。

  4. 选择是否提供收据并选择配送方式

WisePad 3 终端故障排除

以下是 WisePad 3 终端最常见的故障排除步骤。

WisePad 3 终端无法与我的 POS 设备配对

  1. 验证 Shopify POS 设备上的蓝牙是否已打开。

  2. 在设备设置中验证 POS 应用是否具有连接到蓝牙的权限。

  3. 验证您的 Internet 连接是否稳定。

  4. 验证您的 WisePad 3 终端的电量是否超过 50%。如果不超过,请将其充电至 50% 以上,然后再重试,因为即使设备已插入,与电量低于 50% 的电池配对时也可能会遇到问题。

  5. 验证 WisePad 3 终端是否已连接到其他设备。如果是,请先取消与该设备的配对,然后再尝试与新设备配对。

  6. 关闭您设备上的 POS 应用,然后再次将其打开。

WisePad 3 终端与 POS 设备断开连接

  1. 验证 WisePad 3 终端的电量是否充足。如有必要,请为终端充电。

  2. 按下并松开 WisePad 3 终端的电源按钮,以唤醒终端。

  3. 验证 WisePad 3 终端是否位于 POS 设备的蓝牙范围内。

  4. 验证您的 Internet 连接是否稳定。

  5. 将 WisePad 3 终端与 POS 设备取消配对,然后再重新配对。

  6. 重置您设备上的 POS 应用。


Accept a payment with the WisePad 3 card reader

You can use the WisePad 3 card reader to accept chip and PIN or contactless tap payments.

Contactless payments can be limited to purchases under a specified amount, depending on the payment type or the country where your business is based. To make purchases for larger amounts, or if your customer has exceeded their tap limit, your customer can insert the card, and then enter their PIN.


  1. From the Shopify POS, tap Checkout. If the WisePad 3 card reader is connected and ready, then a Tap or insert card option becomes available.

  2. Allow the customer to tap or insert their card. The chip should face up, towards the Shopify logo.

  3. When the transaction is successful, the customer can remove their card.

  4. Choose whether to provide a receipt and the delivery method.

Troubleshooting the WisePad 3 card reader

The following are the most common troubleshooting steps for the WisePad 3 card reader.

The WisePad 3 card reader will not pair with my POS device

  1. Verify that Bluetooth on your Shopify POS device is turned on.

  2. Verify that the POS app has permission to connect to Bluetooth in your device settings.

  3. Verify that your internet connection is stable.

  4. Verify that your WisePad 3 card reader is charged above 50% battery. If it's not, then charge it to above 50% before trying again because the device might experience trouble pairing with less than 50% battery, even if it's plugged in.

  5. Verify whether the WisePad 3 card reader is connected to a different device. If it is, then unpair it from that device before trying to pair it with a new device.

  6. Turn off the POS app on your device and then turn it on again.

The WisePad 3 card reader disconnects from my POS device

  1. Verify whether the WisePad 3 card reader has sufficient battery. Charge the card reader if necessary.

  2. Press and release the WisePad 3 card reader's power button to wake it up.

  3. Verify whether the WisePad 3 card reader is within Bluetooth range of the POS device.

  4. Verify that your internet connection is stable.

  5. Unpair and repair the WisePad 3 card reader with your POS device.

  6. Reset the POS app on your device.

