
您可以使用 Retail Barcode Labels 应用为您的所有产品自动创建唯一的条码。该应用将生成 8 位数条码。您可以在产品详细信息或多属性详细信息页面中编辑条码,或使用批量操作进行编辑。


  1. Shopify 后台中,转到应用

  2. 点击 Retail Barcode Labels

  3. 点击创建条码,然后选择为所有产品创建条码

  4. 为产品创建条码对话框中,选择以下任一选项:

    • 仅为还没有条码的产品或多属性创建条码:这会为您还没有条码的任何产品生成条码。

    • 使用新的条码替换任何现有的条码。如果某产品或多属性还没有条码,请创建新的条码。:这会为您产品目录中的所有产品创建新条码。此操作无法撤销。

  5. 点击创建条码


您可以使用 Retail Barcode Labels 应用为特定产品创建唯一的条码。该应用将生成 8 位数条码。您可以在产品详细信息或多属性详细信息页面中编辑条码,或使用批量操作进行编辑。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到应用

  2. 点击 Retail Barcode Labels

  3. 点击创建条码,然后选择为特定产品创建条码

  4. 添加产品对话框中,选择要为其创建条码的产品,然后点击添加

  5. 为产品创建条码对话框中,选择以下任一选项:

    • 仅为还没有条码的产品或多属性创建条码:这会为您还没有条码的任何产品生成条码。

    • 使用新的条码替换任何现有的条码。如果某产品或多属性还没有条码,请创建新的条码:这会为您产品目录中的所有产品创建新条码。此操作无法撤销。

  6. 点击创建条码



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品

  2. 选择要为其创建条码标签的产品。

  3. 点击其他操作,然后选择打印条码标签

  4. 选择标签模板。

  5. 产品部分中,点击产品名称,然后输入您要为每个多属性打印的标签数。

  6. 可选:点击预览标签,查看每个产品标签的预览。

  7. 验证显示在打印工作部分中的打印机设置。

  8. 点击打印标签按钮。

  9. 可选:若要保存条码标签的 PDF 副本,请将目标设置为另存为 PDF

  10. 根据推荐设置更新打印机设置,然后点击打印


Create barcodes for of all your products

You can use the Retail Barcode Labels app to automate the creation of unique barcodes for all your products. The app generates 8-digit barcodes. You can edit a barcode from the product details or variant details page, or by using a bulk action.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps.

  2. Click Retail Barcode Labels.

  3. Click Create barcodes and then select Create barcodes for all products.

  4. In the Create barcodes for products dialog, choose one of the following:

    • Create barcodes only for products or variants that don’t have barcodes yet: This generates barcodes for any of your products that don't already have barcodes.

    • Replace any existing barcodes with new ones. If a product or variant doesn’t have a barcode yet, create a new barcode: This creates a new barcode for all the products in your catalog. You can't undo this action.

  5. Click Create barcodes.

Create barcodes for a specific product

You can use the Retail Barcode Labels app to create unique barcodes for specific products. The app generates 8-digit barcodes. You can edit a barcode from the product details or variant details page, or by using a bulk action.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps.

  2. Click Retail Barcode Labels.

  3. Click Create barcodes and then select Create barcodes for specific products.

  4. In the Add products dialog, select the products that you want to create barcodes for and then click Add.

  5. In the Create barcodes for products dialog, choose one of the following:

    • Create barcodes only for products or variants that don’t have barcodes yet: This generates barcodes for any of your products that don't already have barcodes.

    • Replace any existing barcodes with new ones. If a product or variant doesn’t have a barcode yet, create a new barcode.: This creates a new barcode for all the products in your catalog. You can't undo this action.

  6. Click Create barcodes.

Print barcode labels from the product list view


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Select the products that you want to create a barcode label for.

  3. Click More actions, and then select Print barcode labels.

  4. Select a label template.

  5. In the Products section, click the product name and then enter the number of labels that you want to print for each variant.

  6. Optional: Click Preview labels to view a preview of each product label.

  7. Verify your printer settings displayed in the Print job section.

  8. Click the Print labels button.

  9. Optional: To save a PDF copy of the barcode labels, set Destination to Save as PDF.

  10. Update your printer settings according to the recommended settings, and click Print.

