
备注:此功能仅适用于使用 Shopify POS Pro 的商家。

当您创建采购订单时,Stocky 可以就您应订购的产品和数量提出建议。Stocky 使用您商店中的销售数据来帮助您确定应重新订购的产品。Stocky 可以根据产品最近的订单历史记录、特定时间点的订单历史记录或您为产品选择的维持库存水平来提出建议。


  • 通过需求预测创建采购订单

  • 选择需求预测类型


  1. 在 Stocky 中,点击采购 > 新采购订单

  2. 选择采购订单是面向厂商还是供应商

  3. 生成中,选择使用建议

  4. 输入其余的详细信息,然后点击创建采购订单



过去 X 天

Stocky 会获取您输入的示例周期内每天的平均订单数,并将其乘以您在建议字段中输入的天数。

例如,假设您过去 7 天售出了 14 件衬衫,即平均每天售出 2 件衬衫。如果您将 7 天作为示例周期并在建议字段输入 14 天,则 Stocky 会建议您订购 28 件衬衫。


Stocky 会获取您输入的示例周期内每天的平均订单数,并将其乘以您在建议字段中输入的天数。

例如,假设您在三个月前进行了为期两天的促销,并在此期间售出了 50 件衬衫。您想再次进行相同的促销,但此次时间为五天。如果您选择销售日期并在建议字段中输入 5 天,则 Stocky 会建议您订购 125 件衬衫。


Stocky 会获取您在建议字段中输入的示例周期的同期内所获得的订单,并建议您订购相同数量的库存。

例如,假设您想知道根据去年的同期情况,您在接下来的 30 天内可能需要多少库存。如果您输入 30 ,则 Stocky 会查看去年相同日期范围内售出的库存数量,并建议订购的产品数量。


Stocky 会就您需要订购多少库存才能达到货架限制提出建议。



针对低于最低库存水平的产品,Stocky 会就您需要订购多少库存才能达到货架限制提出建议。



输入目标数量后,Stocky 会就您需要为每个产品订购多少库存才能达到您输入的目标数量提出建议。

例如,假设您有三种产品,库存分别为 3 件、6 件和 10 件。如果您输入目标数量 15,则 Stocky 会建议您分别订购 12 件、9 件和 5 件这三种产品。

创建采购订单后,您可以直接在 Stocky 中向您的制造商或供应商发送订单。接收库存后,请将采购订单标记为“已接收”以更新库存量。


Demand forecasting for purchase orders

When you create a purchase order, Stocky can make suggestions about the products and quantities that you should order. Stocky uses sales data from your store to help you determine which products should be reordered. Stocky can make recommendations based on a product's recent order history, its order history at a certain point in time, or maintaining inventory levels that you've chosen for a product.

On this page

  • Create a purchase order with demand forecasting

  • Choose the type of demand forecasting

Create a purchase order with demand forecasting

  1. In Stocky, click Purchases > New Purchase Order.

  2. Select whether the purchase order is for a vendor or supplier.

  3. In Generate, select Using Suggestion.

  4. Enter the rest of the details, and then click Create Purchase Order.

Choose the type of demand forecasting

You can forecast the demand of products using different criteria.

Forecast typeDescription
Last X days

Stocky takes the average orders per day within the sample period that you enter and multiplies it by the number of days you enter in the Suggest for field.

For example, suppose that you sold 14 shirts in the last 7 days, which is an average of 2 shirts per day. If you put 7 days as your sample period and 14 days in the Suggest for field, then Stocky would recommend that you order 28 shirts.

Custom date range

Stocky takes the average orders per day within the sample period that you enter and multiplies it by the number of days you enter in the Suggest for field.

For example, suppose that you had a two-day sale three months ago and sold 50 shirts during it. You want to run the same sale again but this time for five days. If you select the dates of the sale and enter 5 days in the Suggest for field, then Stocky would recommend that you order 125 shirts.

Same period last year

Stocky takes the orders that were placed within the sample period that you enter in the Suggest for field and suggests that you order the same amount of inventory that was ordered.

For example, suppose that you want to know how much inventory you might need in the next 30 days, based on the same time period last year. If you enter 30, then Stocky looks at how much inventory was sold last year during the same date range and suggests how much product to order.

Fill shelves

Stocky suggests the amount of inventory you need to order to reach your shelf limits.

To use the Fill shelves option, you have to enter shelf limits for your products in your supplier or vendor pages.

Fill shelves (if below min)

Stocky suggests the amount of inventory you need to order to reach your shelf limits for products that are below their minimum inventory level.

To use the Fill shelves (if below min) option, you have to enter shelf limits and minimum inventory levels for your products in your supplier or vendor pages.

Target stock level

After you enter a Target quantity, Stocky suggests the amount of inventory you need to order for each product to reach the target quantity that you enter.

For example, suppose that you have three products with inventories of 3, 6, and 10. If you enter a target quantity of 15, then Stocky would suggest that you order 12, 9, and 5 of those products.

After a purchase order is created, you can send it to your manufacturers or suppliers directly within Stocky. After you receive the inventory, mark the purchase order as received to update your inventory levels.

