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shopify Stocky平均单位成本介绍

shopify Stocky平均单位成本


平均单位成本是当前库存的平均成本。每次接收采购订单时,您的平均单位成本都会更新。例如,如果您的库存中有 10 个单位的产品 A,成本价为每单位 10 美元,那么您的初始平均单位成本即为 10 美元。如果您之后再订购 10 个单位的产品 A,此时的成本价为每单位 5 美元,那么您的平均单价现在即为 7.50 美元。



将 CSV 文件导入 Stocky

  1. 在 Stocky 中,点击偏好设置

  2. 点击 COGS

  3. 点击导入初始平均单位成本

在 SKU/多属性报告中

  1. 在 Stocky 中,点击报告

  2. 选择 SKU/多属性报告

  3. 选择,然后选择平均成本

  4. 点击更新

  5. 现在会显示一份报告,其中显示您的每种产品多属性及其相关平均成本。在平均成本列中输入平均成本。


如果您想为现有销售订单生成 COGS 报告,则需要将当前的平均成本应用于这些特定订单。此方法生成的报告可能并非完全准确,但它可为您提供每种产品的大致成本。


  1. 在 Stocky 中,点击偏好设置

  2. 点击 COGS,然后选择倒填平均单位成本


  1. 在 Stocky 中,选择采购订单。

  2. 点击偏好设置 > 采购订单 > 草稿 PO/已确认的 PO 的设置

  3. 选择平均成本


Average unit cost

The average unit costs is the average cost of your current stock. Every time you receive a purchase order, your average unit cost is updated. For example, if you have 10 units of product A in stock, which has a cost price of $10 per unit, then your average unit cost is initially $10. If you then order another 10 units of product A, this time with a cost price of $5 per unit, then your average unit cost is now $7.50.

On this page

  • Set your initial average unit costs

  • Applying the average unit costs to historical sales orders

  • Enable the average unit cost on your purchase orders

Set your initial average unit costs

There are a few different ways to set your initial average unit cost:

Import a CSV file into Stocky

  1. In Stocky, click Preferences.

  2. Click COGS.

  3. Click Import initial average unit cost.

From the SKU/Variant report

  1. In Stocky, click Reports

  2. Select the SKU/Variant Report.

  3. Select the Columns, and then select Average Cost.

  4. Click Update.

  5. A report showing each of your product variants with the associated average cost is now displayed. Enter the average cost into the Average cost column.

Applying the average unit costs to historical sales orders

If you want to COGS reports for existing sales orders, then you need to apply your current average cost to those specific orders. This method might not be completely accurate, but it provides you with an approximate cost associated with each product.


  1. In Stocky, click Preferences

  2. Click COGS, and then select Backdate Average Unit Costs.

Enable the average unit cost on your purchase orders

  1. In Stocky, select a purchase orders.

  2. Click Preferences > Purchase Orders > Settings for draft/confirmed PO.

  3. Select Average Cost.

