
找到有关 Stocky 的常见问题的解答。

我可以在 Shopify 和 Stocky 之间同步成本价吗?

可以在 Shopify 和 Stocky 之间同步成本价。若要更新成本价,在 Stocky 中,选择偏好设置 > 同步。若要将价格从 Stocky 更新到 Shopify,请点击将平均成本同步到 Shopify。若要将价格从 Shopify 更新到 Stocky,请点击将成本价同步到 Stocky

是否可以在 Shopify 后台中使用在 Stocky 中创建的自定义字段?

不可以。Stocky 的自定义字段只能在 Stocky 中使用。

Stocky 如何舍入数字?

Stocky 将所有数字舍入到两位小数,然后累加所有订单项目并得出总额。如果您需要更改发票总额以与外部核算软件保持一致,则可以在任何发票中使用调整字段。

为什么 Stocky 未与 Shopify 同步?

有两种常见情况会导致 Stocky 无法与 Shopify 同步:

  • 无法连接 Shopify API

  • 您的多属性 ID 中的一项更改

无法连接 Shopify API

如果 Shopify API 不可用或在 Stocky 尝试更新库存水平时返回错误,请等待五分钟,然后再次尝试同步。

如果同步问题无法解决,则可能是因为产品多属性 ID 发生了变化。请按照下一部分中的指南修复错误。

多属性 ID 发生更改

Shopify 中的每种产品和多属性都具有唯一 ID,称为多属性 ID。Stocky 使用此唯一 ID 与 Shopify 进行通信。即使在删除产品时,Stocky 也会继续与同一个多属性 ID 关联。例如,某些应用或批量导入产品可能会删除并创建相同的产品,这会导致多属性 ID 发生变化。发生这种情况时,Stocky 将无法找到已删除产品的多属性 ID,因而无法与该产品的信息同步。

如果您在 Stocky 的采购订单 (PO) 中有一个已删除的产品,则需要编辑 PO 以删除该已删除的产品,并添加具有新多属性 ID 的新产品。编辑 PO 后,Stocky 将能够再次同步。

为避免更改多属性的 ID,请按照以下最佳做法执行操作:

  • 在 Shopify 中更新产品时,请勿删除产品并创建类似的产品。始终编辑原始产品,以确保多属性 ID 保持不变。

  • 当您在 Shopify 中批量导入产品时,请确保始终点击替换具有相同 handle 的任何当前产品,以使产品的多属性 ID 保持不变。

如果您没有执行可能影响多属性 ID 的任何操作,那么可能是您的另一个应用导致了同步问题。


Frequently asked questions

Find answers to common questions about Stocky.

Can I sync cost prices between Shopify and Stocky?

Yes, cost prices sync between Shopify and Stocky. To update cost prices, in Stocky select Preferences > Syncing. To update prices from Stocky to Shopify, click Sync average costs to Shopify. To update prices from Shopify to Stocky, click Sync cost prices into Stocky.

Can I use the custom fields I create in Stocky in my Shopify admin?

No. Stocky's custom fields can be used only within Stocky.

How does Stocky round numbers?

Stocky rounds all numbers to two decimal places, and then adds each line item to provide a total. If you need to change the total of an invoice to match an external accounting software, then you can use the Adjustments field in any invoices.

Why is Stocky not syncing with Shopify?

There are two common situations that stop Stocky from syncing with Shopify:

  • unable to connect with the Shopify API

  • a change in your variant ID

Unable to connect with the Shopify API

If the Shopify API is unavailable or returning an error when Stocky tries to update your stock levels, then wait five minutes and try syncing again.

If the sync issue doesn't resolve, then it might be due to a change in your product's variant ID. Follow the guide in the next section to fix the error.

A change in your variant ID

Every product and variant in Shopify has its own unique ID, which is called a variant ID. Stocky communicates with Shopify using this unique ID. Even when you delete a product, Stocky continues to associate with the same variant ID. For example, some apps or importing products in bulk can delete and create the same product, which changes the variant ID. When this happens, Stocky can't find the variant ID of the deleted product and fails to sync with that product's information.

If your purchase order (PO) in Stocky has a deleted product, then you need to edit the PO to remove the deleted product and add the new product with the new variant ID. After you edit the PO, Stocky is able to sync again.

To avoid making changes to your variant IDs, follow these best practices:

  • When you update products in Shopify, don't delete the product and create a similar one. Always edit the original product to ensure that the variant ID remains the same.

  • When you import products in bulk in Shopify, make sure to always click Replace any current products that have the same handle to maintain the same variant IDs for your products.

If you're not performing any actions that can affect your variant ID, then one of your other apps might be causing the sync issue.

