shopify在线订单的到店取货资格、Shopify Plus、结账体验介绍
当客户前来取货时,您需要在 Shopify 中将订单状态从“未发货”更改为“已发货”。这可以提示您和您的员工订单已取货,无需进一步操作。
有不超过 20 个地点
如果您对资格要求有疑问,请联系 Shopify 支持团队。
确保负责准备用于取货的产品或将订单标记为已取货的所有人都可以访问您的 Shopify 后台。
Local pickup for online orders
You can set up the option for customers to pick up their online orders at your retail store, curbside, or any location that you choose.
To do this, enable the local pickup option for each location where customers can go to get their orders.
The shipping rate for local pickup is set to Free and can't be changed.
Each pickup order requires you or a staff member to verify that each item is in stock. After you verify each item, you can send a notification to the customer that the order is ready. You can also print a pickup slip to attach to the order.
When a customer comes to get their order, you need to change the order status within Shopify from unfulfilled to fulfilled. This signals to you and your staff that the order has been picked up and no further action is required.
You can add pickup delivery instructions by managing the preferences for your pickup locations. For example, you can use pickup to offer curb-side pickup. After a customer places an order online and arrives at your store, you can have them call you and then you can bring their order out to them.
To use the local pickup option, your store needs to meet the following requirements:
have 20 or fewer locations
have multi-origin shipping enabled if your store has multiple locations
If you have questions about the eligibility requirements, then contact Shopify Support.
Checkout experience
After you enable the local pickup option, your customers can choose between Ship and Pick up in the Delivery method section of your checkout. When they select Pick up, they can choose the location where they want to pick up their order.
Customers see the Pick up option only if they meet the following requirements:
All the products in the cart are eligible for pickup.
All the products are available in inventory at a pickup location.
The customer doesn't choose an unsupported accelerated checkout method. If they choose one of the following in the first step of the checkout then the pickup option is not available to them.
Shop Pay is a supported accelerated checkout method pickup option. If a customer uses Shop Pay they will have the pickup option.
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Amazon Pay
A customer can't choose to have some items shipped and some items picked up on the same order. Instead, the customer should place two separate orders. If you're using a theme that supports pickup availability, then the customer can see whether a product is available for pickup before they add it to their cart.
Before setting up local pickup
You need to complete the following before you can offer local pickup:
Verify that the fulfillment priority order for your online orders is set up to meet your business needs.
Stock inventory at each pickup location.
Disable any pickup apps.
Ensure that each person who is preparing items for pickup or marking orders as picked up has access to your Shopify admin.
Update any location names so that customers can understand where to go to pickup their order.
Let each pickup location fulfill online orders.
By default, letting a location fulfill online orders also means that non-pickup online orders can take inventory from your pickup or retail locations. Make sure that you review your fulfillment priority and modify it if necessary. If the Continue selling when out of stock option is selected for a product, then local pickup orders can be placed for locations without inventory.
You can also set up a location to fulfill pickup orders only.