
Shopify POS app

您可以通过在搜索员工字段中输入姓名、电子邮件地址或电话号码来搜索特定的员工。此外,您还可以通过点击一个或多个 POS 角色来筛选员工列表。此外,您还可以通过轻触一个或多个 POS 角色来筛选员工列表。

Point of Sale channel (Shopify admin)

您可以通过在搜索字段中输入姓名、电子邮件地址或电话号码来搜索特定的员工。此外,您还可以按访问权限级别(例如后台)或 POS 角色筛选员工列表。您可以勾选一个或多个筛选规则,还可以组合使用访问权限和 POS 角色筛选规则

例如,您可以筛选员工列表,只显示具有后台和 POS 应用访问权限和同事 POS 角色的员工。

删除仅限使用 POS 应用的员工

如果您是店主或,或者如果您具有管理 POS 员工权限,则可以删除仅限使用 POS 应用的员工。

Shopify POS app


  1. 在 Shopify POS 中,点击 ,然后点击员工。

  2. 轻触仅限使用 POS 应用的员工的姓名。

  3. 点击删除员工。

Point of Sale channel (Shopify admin)


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中的销售渠道部分,点击 POS > 员工

  2. 点击仅限使用 POS 应用的员工的姓名。

  3. 点击删除员工


您可以在 Shopify 后台的 POS 渠道中同时对多位员工应用以下操作:

  • 分配 POS 角色。

  • 为拥有 Shopify 后台访问权限的员工账户授予 POS 权限。

  • 删除仅限使用 POS 应用的员工。

在下面的示例中,您可以一次性为多个员工分配相同的 POS 角色。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中的销售渠道部分,点击 POS > 员工

  2. 对于您要为其分配 POS 角色的每位员工,勾选其姓名旁边的复选框。

  3. 点击分配 POS 角色,然后点击要为所有选中员工分配的角色。


Search and filter the staff list

Shopify POS app

You can search for a specific staff by entering a name, email address, or phone number into the Search staff field. In addition, you can filter the staff list by tapping one or more POS role.

Point of Sale channel (Shopify admin)

You can search for a specific staff by entering a name, email address, or phone number into the search field. In addition, you can filter the staff list by level of access (for example, Admin), or by POS role. You can check one or more filtering rule, and combine both access and POS role filtering rules.

For example, you can filter the staff list to display only the staff that have Admin and POS app access and the Associate POS role.

Delete a POS app only staff

If you're the store owner, or have the Manage Point of Sale staff permission, then you can delete POS app only staff.

Shopify POS app


  1. From Shopify POS, tap , and then tap Staff.

  2. Tap the name of a POS app only staff.

  3. Tap Delete staff.

Point of Sale channel (Shopify admin)


  1. From the Shopify admin, in the SALES CHANNELS section, click Point of Sale > Staff.

  2. Click the name of a POS app only staff.

  3. Click Delete staff.

Apply the same action to multiple staff

You can apply the following actions to multiple staff simultaneously in the Point of Sale channel in the Shopify admin:

  • Assign POS roles.

  • Give Point of Sale permission for staff with Shopify admin access member accounts.

  • Delete POS app only staff.

In the following example, you assign the same POS role to several staff all at once.


  1. From the Shopify admin, in the SALES CHANNELS section, click Point of Sale > Staff.

  2. Check the box beside the name of each staff whose POS role you want to assign.

  3. Click Assign POS role, and then click the role that you want to assign to all the selected staff.

