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Shopify 的 Google 渠道账户要求和发货要求介绍

Shopify Google Google 渠道

Google 账户要求

若要设置 Google 渠道,您需要拥有一个 Google 账号和一个 Google Merchant Center 账号。Google Merchant Center 是一个工具,可帮助您将商店和产品数据上传到 Google,并将这些数据用于 Google 智能购物广告系列及其他 Google 服务。详细了解 Google Merchant Center。

如果要创建智能购物广告系列,则您还需要 Google Ads 账号。如果您没有 Google 账号,可以在设置 Google 渠道时进行创建。

Google Merchant Center 账号需要与未与其他账号关联的经过验证的域名相关联。当您将 Google Merchant Center 账号连接到 Google 渠道时,将自动与您的 Shopify 商店的域名建立关联,除非该域名已经与其他 Google 账号相关联。如果您的域名已经与其他 Google Merchant Center 账号相关联,您可以将域名关联转移给您连接到 Shopify 的 Google Merchant Center 账号。

将现有 Google Merchant Center 账户与 Shopify 同步之前的注意事项

当您设置 Google 渠道并连接现有 Google Merchant Center 账号时,以下信息将从 Shopify 商店同步到 Google:

  • 您的在线商店域名

  • 您在线商店提供的产品的产品信息

  • 相关 Shopify 商店设置,例如运费和税费

您对 Google Merchant Center 中的设置所做的任何更改都可能会影响 Google 渠道同步您的账号和您正在投放的任何 Google 智能购物广告系列的能力。

连接 Merchant Center 账户后,Google 渠道会在单独的步骤中同步您的产品。如果您已设置产品信息流,系统会将其覆盖以避免 Shopify 商店和 Merchant Center 账户之间发生冲突。若要详细了解如何管理要同步哪些产品,请参阅同步您的产品


您可能需要先设置运费以满足 Google 渠道的要求,然后才能使用该应用,具体取决于您产品的发货地点。若要详细了解所需的发货设置,请访问 Google Merchant Center 帮助。

对于澳大利亚、德国和美国的某些承运商和服务,Google 渠道仅支持承运商计算的运费。在Google Merchant 帮助中心确认 Google 支持哪些承运商和服务。如果您使用不受支持的承运商或居住在其他国家/地区,则需要使用自定义运费。

如果您需要为 Google 渠道添加运费,您可以选择自动从 Shopify 商店导入发货设置,您也可以在 Google Merchant Center 中手动设置运费。在将商店的发货设置导入 Google 渠道之前,请查看以下注意事项:

  • 您可以导入仅将产品发货到 Google 渠道中的目标国家/地区费率。

  • 您需要在一般发货资料中为发货产品的国家/地区设置可发货区域。

  • 为确保您的产品清单有准确的预计配送日期,Google 会根据以下条件计算运费的发货时间和处理时间:

    • 如果您的商店具有涉及运输速度的自定义固定运费,则 Google Merchant Center 中的运输时间取决于您的运输和配送设置中设置的运输速度。

    • 如果您不使用自定义固定费率(包含运输速度),则运输时间将基于您区域的典型运输时间。

    • 默认情况下,您的处理时间基于 Shopify 商家的平均处理时间。




  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到Google渠道>概览,然后点击设置

  2. 产品信息流部分,点击发货设置旁边的选择

  3. 在 "配置发货设置"下,选择 "自动导入设置"。Shopify 会测试是否可以从商店导入您的发货设置:

    • 如果您的商店的发货设置符合条件,则这些设置会从您的商店导入。

    • 如果您商店的发货设置不符合条件,则无法导入,并且您需要在Google Merchant Center手动设置。

更新商店的发货设置后,这些更改都会自动重新导入 Google Merchant Center。


Google account requirements

To set up the Google channel, you need to have a Google account and a Google Merchant Center account. Google Merchant Center is a tool that helps you upload your store and product data to Google and make them available for Google Smart Shopping campaigns and other Google services. Learn more about Google Merchant Center.

If you want to create Smart Shopping campaigns, then you also need a Google Ads account. If you don't have Google accounts, then you can create them when you set up the Google channel.

A Google Merchant Center account needs to be associated with a verified domain that isn't associated with another account. When you connect a Google Merchant Center account to the Google channel, your Shopify store's domain is claimed automatically, unless it's associated with a different Google account. If your domain is associated with a different Google Merchant Center account, then you can transfer the domain claim to the Google Merchant Center account that you connected to Shopify.

Considerations before syncing an existing Google Merchant Center account with Shopify

When you set up the Google channel and connect an existing Google Merchant Center account, the following information syncs from your Shopify store to Google:

  • your online store domain

  • product information for the products that are available to your online store

  • relevant Shopify store settings like shipping and taxes

Any changes that you make to your settings in Google Merchant Center could affect the Google channel's ability to sync your accounts and any Google Smart Shopping campaigns you are running.

The Google channel syncs your products in a separate step after your Merchant Center account is connected. If you already have a product feed set up, then it is overwritten to avoid conflicts between your Shopify store and your Merchant Center account. For more information about managing which products are synced, see Syncing your products.

Shipping requirements

Depending on where you ship your products, you might need to set up your shipping rates to meet the Google channel requirements before you can use the app. Learn more about the required shipping settings from Google Merchant Center Help.

The Google channel supports carrier-calculated shipping rates for certain shipping carriers and services in Australia, Germany, and the United States. Confirm which shipping carriers and services Google supports on the Google Merchant Help Center. If you use an unsupported shipping carrier or live in another country or region, then you need to need to use custom flat shipping rates.

If you need to add shipping rates for the Google channel, then you can choose to automatically import the shipping settings from your Shopify store, or you can set up your shipping rates manually in Google Merchant Center. Review the following considerations before you import your store's shipping settings into the Google channel:

  • You can import rates to ship your products only to the target country in your Google channel.

  • You need to have a shipping zone set up in your general shipping profile for the country where you ship products.

  • To ensure that your product listings have accurate estimated delivery dates, Google calculates the shipping time and handling time for your shipping rates based on the following criteria:

    • If your store has custom flat rates with shipping speeds, then the shipping time in Google Merchant Center is based on the shipping speeds that are set in your Shipping and delivery settings.

    • If you aren't using custom flat rates with shipping speeds, then the shipping time is based on the typical shipping times in your region.

    • By default, your handling time is based on the average handling time for Shopify merchants.

Automatically import shipping settings from your store

If you have a shipping zone set up for the country where you ship products, then you can automatically import shipping settings from your store.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to the Google channel > Overview, and then click Settings.

  2. In the Product feed section, click Select beside Shipping settings.

  3. Under Configure shipping settings,, select Automatically import settings. Shopify tests whether your shipping settings can be imported from your store:

    • If your store's shipping settings meet the conditions, then they're imported from your store.

    • If your store's shipping settings don't meet the conditions, then they can't be imported and you need to manually set up your shipping rates in Google Merchant Center.

Any time your store's shipping settings are updated, the changes are automatically reimported to Google Merchant Center.

