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您可以通过在 Shopify 后台点击设置 > 通知来自定义您的双重选择加入电子邮件。出于法律原因,此电子邮件不应包含任何营销内容。


您可以在 Shopify 后台中通过转到在线商店 > 模板 > 编辑语言来编辑确认消息。依据您具体采用的模板,字段的标签可能是新闻通讯表格部分下的确认,或者是注册部分下的发布成功


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 通知

  2. 通过电子邮件发送双重选择加入部分中,选中要求客户确认他们的订阅



  • A/B 测试 - 发送两个或更多版本的电子邮件并确定哪个版本更优的试验

  • 弃单营销邮件 - 向已开始结账流程但未完成购买的客户自动发送的电子邮件提醒

  • 客户关系管理 (CRM) - 用于管理与客户和潜在客户的互动的软件

  • 行动呼吁 (CTA) - 提示访客执行特定操作的按钮或一段文本,例如新闻通讯注册表单中的 Subscribe 按钮

  • 点击率 - 点击链接的人数与查看链接的总人数的比率

  • 电子邮件活动 - 包含特定模板的电子邮件或电子邮件序列

  • 电子邮件服务提供商 (ESP) - 提供电子邮件营销软件的公司

  • Google Analytics (GA) -由 Google 创建的工具,用于度量您网站上的流量和转化

  • 生命周期营销 - 根据客户的用户旅程向客户发送的电子邮件,例如向购买量大的客户发送的包含 VIP 折扣的电子邮件

  • 打开率 - 打开电子邮件的收件人占收件人总数的百分比

  • 选择加入 - 提示加入邮件列表或同意服务的特定行动号召

  • 订阅者 - 同意与您联系或接受您的营销的人员

  • 近期、频率和货币 (RFM) 分析 - 您为了了解以下信息而收集的数据:与您的每个电子邮件订阅者关联的近期(距离客户最近一次进行购买的时间)、频率(客户进行购买的频率)和货币价值(客户进行购买所花费的金额)

  • 投资回报率 (ROI) - 从投资中获取的收益相对于成本的比率

  • 细分 - 按照特定标准将客户分为更小的群组,您可以根据这些群组来创建更有针对性的电子邮件内容

  • 定位 - 细分市场,然后通过发送量身定制的内容集中开展营销工作

  • 欢迎电子邮件 - 一封自动发送的电子邮件,用于开始与在您的邮件列表中注册的潜在客户建立关系


Enable double opt-in for subscribers

Double opt-in requires customers to click a link in an email to confirm that they want to receive email and SMS marketing from you. The confirmation email is sent automatically when someone enters their email address and subscribes in your online store. In some countries, double opt-in is required by law, and it's also a best practice when it comes to acquiring more engaged subscribers. Customers who subscribe to your mailing before you enable double opt-in are not required to confirm their status.

You need to have the Online Store sales channel installed in order to enable double opt-in.

You can customize your double opt-in email by clicking Settings > Notifications in your Shopify admin. For legal reasons, this email should not contain any marketing.

If you enable double opt-in, then you should update the newsletter form's confirmation message in your online store so that customers know to check their email for a follow-up confirmation. Updating the confirmation message can help ensure more opt-ins. For example, your confirmation message could say something like “Check your email to confirm your subscription!”.

You edit the confirmation message in your Shopify admin by going to Online Store > Themes > Edit Languages. Depending on your theme, the field is labeled either Confirmation under the Newsletter form section, or Post success under the Sign up section.


  1. In your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Notifications.

  2. In the Email double opt-in section, check Require customers to confirm their subscription.

Email marketing glossary

When you're researching or preparing email marketing, you might encounter some of the following terminology:

  • A/B test - an experiment where two or more versions of an email are sent to determine which version performs better

  • Abandoned checkout email - automated email reminders sent to a customer who begins checkout, but doesn't complete the purchase

  • Customer relationship management (CRM) - software used for managing interactions with customers and potential customers

  • Call to action (CTA) - a button or piece of text prompting a visitor to take a specific action, such as a Subscribe button in a newsletter sign-up form

  • Click-through rate - the number of people who click a link compared to the total number of people who view the link

  • Email campaign - an email or sequence of emails with a specific theme

  • Email service provider (ESP) - a company that provides email marketing software

  • Google Analytics (GA) - a tool created by Google that's used for measuring traffic and conversions on your website

  • Lifecycle marketing - emails sent to a customer based on where they are in the customer journey, such as an email containing a VIP discount for customers who make a high number of purchases

  • Open rate - the percentage of emails opened by recipients compared to the total number of recipients

  • Opt-in - a specific call to action for joining a mailing list or agreeing to a service

  • Subscriber - people who have agreed to be contacted by you or receive marketing from you

  • Recency, frequency, and monetary (RFM) analysis - data that you collect to understand the recency (how recently the customer made a purchase), frequency (how often the customer makes a purchase), and monetary value (how much money the customer spends on purchases) associated with each of your email subscribers

  • Return on investment (ROI) - the ratio of the gain from an investment relative to its cost

  • Segment or segmentation - using criteria to separate customers into smaller groups, which you can use to create more targeted email content

  • Targeting - breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your marketing efforts by sending tailored content

  • Welcome email - an automated email that's used to start building a relationship with a potential customer who signs up to your mailing list

