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Shopify Email 的设置、安装和定价介绍

Shopify Email shopify商店

设置 Shopify Email

注:有关 Shopify 如何收集、使用和存储个人信息的详细信息,请参阅我们的隐私政策

在安装和设置 Shopify Email 之前,请验证您的商店是否满足所有要求。

使用 Shopify Email 的要求

若要使用 Shopify Email,您需要拥有 Shopify 在线商店,并安装在线商店销售渠道。如果您想使用 Shopify Email 向订阅者发送电子邮件,则您的商店需要使用付费的 Shopify 订阅套餐并设置支付服务提供商。如果您的账户使用的是试用套餐,则可以创建电子邮件消息,并使用 Shopify Email 给自己发送测试电子邮件消息,但不能发送给订阅者。

注:可能会有其他 CNAME 记录被添加到 DNS 设置中。这些是 Shopify Email 所需的记录,请勿将其删除。

安装 Shopify Email

  1. 转到 Shopify Email 应用页面。

  2. 单击添加应用。如果您未登录 Shopify 账户,则系统会提示您登录。

  3. 点击安装应用

您可以在 Shopify 后台的营销部分找到 Shopify Email。依次点击创建宣传活动 > Shopify Email


所有拥有付费 Shopify 套餐的商家每月开始时都可获得 10,000 封免费电子邮件额度。电子邮件费用按以下规则计算:

  • 系统会按照电子邮件活动所发送到的每个电子邮件地址来计算电子邮件的数量。例如,向 800 位订户发送 1 封促销电子邮件计数为 800 封电子邮件。

  • 未使用的电子邮件不会结转到下个月。

  • 超过 10,000 封免费电子邮件后,您可以发送额外的电子邮件,每封额外电子邮件的费用为 0.001 美元。例如,发送 1000 封额外电子邮件将花费您 1 美元。费用未达到 0.005 美元时,您无需支付额外的电子邮件费用。

  • 所有付费 Shopify 订阅套餐中均提供 Shopify Email,并且您只需要为您发送的电子邮件付费。

有关详细信息,请参阅 Shopify Email 费用。


Set up Shopify Email

Before you install and set up Shopify Email, verify that your store meets all the requirements.

Requirements for using Shopify Email

To use Shopify Email, you need to have an online store with Shopify, and to have the Online Store sales channel installed. If you want to send emails to your subscribers using Shopify Email, then your store needs to have a paid Shopify subscription plan with a payment provider set up. If your account is on the trial plan, then you can create email messages, and send test email messages to yourself using Shopify Email, but not to your subscribers.

Install Shopify Email

  1. Go to the Shopify Email app page.

  2. Click Add app. If you aren't logged into your Shopify account, then you are prompted to log in.

  3. Click Install app.

You can find Shopify Email in the Marketing section of your Shopify admin. Click Create campaign > Shopify Email.


All merchants with a paid Shopify plan have 10,000 free emails to send at the beginning of every month. Email cost is calculated using the following rules:

  • Emails are counted based on each individual email address that an email activity is sent to. For example, sending 1 promotional email to 800 subscribers counts as 800 emails.

  • Unused emails don’t carry over to the following month.

  • You can send additional emails beyond the 10,000 free emails at a cost of $0.001 USD per additional email. For example, sending 1,000 additional emails would cost you $1 USD. You aren’t billed for the additional emails until the cost reaches $0.005 USD.

  • Shopify Email is available on all paid Shopify subscription plans, and you're charged only for the emails that you send.

For more information, refer to Shopify Email cost.

