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Shopify Email 设置电子邮件营销活动介绍


使用 Shopify Email 创建电子邮件营销活动

在 Shopify 后台中,您可以直接从 Shopify Email 创建和发送电子邮件。您可以自定义或创建自己的品牌模板。您还可以选择将接收您的电子邮件的客户细分(群)。


有关内容建议、设计提示和策略的完整列表,请参阅我们关于 Shopify 电子邮件营销的最佳做法的指南。


通过 Shopify Email,您可以向已订阅您商店的电子邮件营销的客户细分发送电子邮件。若要向特定受众发送电子邮件营销活动,请了解有关创建客户细分的详细信息。



  1. 在 Shopify 中,转到营销

  2. 点击创建活动

  3. 点击 Shopify Email

  4. 选择电子邮件模板。

  5. 点击收件人,然后选择一个客户细分。

  6. 输入电子邮件的主题。

  7. 可选:输入预览文本以自定义在客户邮箱收件箱中的主题后显示的文本。例如,More fresh finds for your summer wardrobe



Create an email marketing campaign using Shopify Email

From your Shopify admin, you can create and send emails directly from Shopify Email. You can customize or build your own branded templates. You can also select which segment (group) of customers will receive your emails.

Draft emails save automatically while you edit, and won't be sent until you confirm that the email is ready. You can also schedule emails in advance to help yourself plan ahead for your store.

Refer to our guide about Shopify's best practices for email marketing for a full list of content suggestions, design tips, and strategies.

Set up an email marketing activity

Shopify Email enables you to send emails to segments of customers who have subscribed to email marketing from your store. To send email campaigns to specific audiences, learn more about creating customer segments.

You need to add a subject for the email. When you add a subject, your email activity will be saved with that name. You can change this at any time.


  1. In Shopify, go to Marketing.

  2. Click Create campaign.

  3. Click Shopify Email.

  4. Choose an email template.

  5. Click To, and then select a customer segment.

  6. Enter a subject for the email.

  7. Optional: Enter preview text to customize the text that appears after the subject in customer email inboxes. For example, More fresh finds for your summer wardrobe.

After you set up the email activity details, you can customize the email body content.

