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基于角色的邮箱以 info@ 或 support@ 等词开头。这些邮箱通常指向团队,而不是个人。我们建议您手动删除基于角色的邮箱,因为这些地址可能不受监视。随着时间推移,这可能会影响您的打开率。


是的,您只能向选择接收您商店的电子邮件的客户发送电子邮件。您将在客户页面上看到这些客户带有接受营销标志。Shopify Email 会为您筛选出不接受您的电子邮件营销的所有客户。

您的 Shopify Email 中的客户群中的订阅者数量可能与 Shopify 后台客户部分中的订阅者数量不同。为了保持您的发件人声誉和送达率,无法使用 Shopify Email 向不断弹回的订阅者邮箱发送电子邮件。


若要向特定客户细分发送电子邮件宣传活动,您可以首先从 Shopify Email 应用或客户页面开始操作。在本文的过程中,您将从客户页面发送电子邮件宣传活动。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到客户

  2. 点击所有客户

  3. 在细分列表中,点击客户细分。

  4. 点击为客户细分发送电邮

  5. 点击使用 Shopify Email 为客户细分发送电邮

  6. 如有必要,请安装 Shopify Email 应用。

  7. 创建电子邮件宣传活动。


Import customer lists

You can import a customer list, but you should review all names and email addresses on the list first. This will help you avoid errors when you send out your email campaigns.

Role-based email addresses

Role-based email addresses start with words like info@ or support@. These email addresses are usually directed to a team, not a single person. We recommend that you remove role-based email addresses manually because they are probably not monitored. This can hurt your open rate over time.

Will my emails send only to people that subscribe to my email marketing list?

Yes, you can only email people who opt in to receiving emails from your business. You will see those customers listed with an Accepts marketing indicator on their customer page. Shopify Email filters out any customers who do not accept email marketing from you.

The number of subscribers in your customer group in Shopify Email might differ from the number of subscribers in the Customers section of your Shopify admin. To maintain your sender reputation and deliverability over time, subscriber email addresses that consistently bounce back can't be emailed using Shopify Email.

Send an email campaign to a specific segment of customers

You can send an email campaign to a specific segment of customers by starting from within the Shopify Email app or from the Customers page. In this procedure, you send the email campaign from the Customers page.

Before you begin, create a customer segment that includes email subscribers.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Customers.

  2. Click All customers.

  3. From the segments list, click a customer segment.

  4. Click Email segment.

  5. Click Email segment using Shopify Email.

  6. If necessary, install the Shopify Email app.

  7. Create an email campaign.

