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  1. Shopify 后台中,点击客户

  2. 搜索客户,然后点击客户的姓名以打开他们的个人资料。

  3. 电子邮件营销部分中,点击编辑状态

  4. 取消选中客户同意接收营销电子邮件

  5. 单击保存







  • 低质量的订阅者列表通常会导致高跳出率,这样反过来又会对电子邮件的送达率产生负面影响。

  • 如果不正确的或不存在的电子邮件消息阻止消息送达,相应的电子邮件地址就会自动从订阅者列表中被删除。在导入电子邮件地址列表之前,请检查该地址列表并更正错别字或错误。


  • 发送电子邮件时,请选择对您的订阅者有意义的时间。您可以提前撰写电子邮件,然后安排电子邮件在您认为订阅者更有可能打开它的时间发送出去。

  • 请验证电子邮件的主题行是否准确、简洁和引人注目。


  • 如果订阅者手动将您的邮件标记为垃圾邮件,传送系统可能会停止传送您的邮件。如果收件人并未明确订阅过您的电子邮件营销,通常就会出现这种情况。请启用双重选择加入,以帮助确保订阅者想接收您的电子邮件。


Improving the quality of your subscriber list

Managing who does and who does not receive your email marketing is a good way to increase engagement, which in turn has an impact on the delivery and batching success rate of your emails. If you want to send email campaigns that are tailored to a specific set of customers, then you can create a customer segment. To edit individual customers profiles, click their name on the Customers page in your Shopify admin.

Remove a subscriber from your subscriber list

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Customers.

  2. Search for the customer, and then click the customer's name to open their profile.

  3. In the Email Marketing section, click Edit status.

  4. Uncheck Customer agreed to receive marketing emails.

  5. Click Save.

If a customer clicks Unsubscribe in an email from you, or marks the email as spam, then they'll be automatically and immediately removed from your list.

If an email address bounces back, then that email address is not included in future email marketing email campaigns.

Emails stopped delivering

The delivery system might stop delivering an email message if subscriber engagement is low or if there are other negative performance indicators to protect your sender reputation and to ensure that future email messages are delivered.

There are several factors that might have a negative affect on an email's performance.

List quality and high bounce rates

  • Low-quality subscriber lists can often result in high bounce rates, which in turn have a negative impact on the deliverability of your emails.

  • When an incorrect or nonexistent email messages prevent a message from being delivered, then the corresponding email address is removed from the subscriber list automatically. Before you import a list of email addresses, review the address list and fix any typos or errors.

Low open rate

  • Send your emails at a time that makes sense for your subscribers. You can compose an email in advance, and then schedule the email to go out at a time that you think it's more likely to be opened by your subscribers.

  • Verify that the subject line of the email is accurate, concise, and compelling.

High number of unsubscribes or frequently flagged as spam

  • When subscribers manually mark your messages as spam, the delivery system might stop delivering your messages. This often occurs when the recipients didn't explicitly subscribe to your email marketing. Enable double opt-in to help ensure that your subscribers want to receive your emails.

