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shopify创建 Launchpad 活动介绍

shopify LaunchpadLaunchpad 创建


您可以使用 Launchpad 来安排、协调和执行活动,例如销售、产品投放以及库存重新入库。随着活动的进行,您可以通过查看应用的实时分析控制面板来跟踪活动效果。


您可以使用 Launchpad 自动执行以下活动任务:

  • 在活动开始和结束时更改产品价格。

  • 向销售渠道供应所选产品,以在选定的时间和日期进行发布。

  • 在活动开始时增加库存水平。

  • 安排创造性的模板定制内容,以便更好地突出活动中涉及的产品。

  • 安排订单项目和发货脚本以便在结账时更改价格并给予折扣。

  • 在活动开始前的设定时间内使用密码保护您的在线商店,以形成热度和预期。

  • 收集关于活动效果的数据

创建 Launchpad 活动



在创建活动之前,请确保您熟悉 Launchpad 指南和限制


依次点击应用Launchpad,从 Shopify 后台打开 Launchpad 应用。


  1. 在您的 Shopify 后台中,转到应用 > Launchpad。

  2. 点击创建活动

  3. 标题分区中,输入活动的标题。

  4. 开始日期分区中,输入开始日期和时间。如果您在保存活动时未指定开始日期和时间,此活动将会被另存为草稿。

  5. 选择以下一个或多个选项:

    • 若要发布新产品,请选择在销售渠道中发布产品,然后点击管理。此选项可用于向销售渠道供应产品。Launchpad 不会更改产品状态,并且如果产品的状态为草稿已存档,则无法发布产品。

    • 若要为当前产品或之前无法供应的产品添加库存,请选择在销售渠道中发布产品,然后点击添加产品

    • 若要以折扣价或促销价提供产品或产品系列,请选择对产品和产品系列应用折扣,然后点击添加产品添加产品系列

    • 若要批量对产品或产品系列应用折扣,请选择产品和产品系列应用折扣,然后点击批量折扣

    • 若要将活动安排为在特定日期和时间自动结束,请选择设置结束日期。如果您未指定结束日期,则活动只能由您手动结束。

    • 若要在活动期间使用其他模板,请选择启用模板切换

    • 若要运行特定的 Shopify 脚本,请选择启用订单项目脚本启用发货脚本

    • 若要在活动前锁定商店,请选择启用密码页面

  6. 单击保存





You can use Launchpad to schedule, coordinate, and execute events, such as sales, product drops, and inventory restocks. As an event progresses, you can track its success by viewing the app's real-time, analytic dashboard.

Key features & capabilities

You can use Launchpad to automate the following event tasks:

  • Change the product pricing at the start and end of an event.

  • Make selected products available to your sales channels to release them at a chosen time and date.

  • Increase inventory levels at the start of an event.

  • Schedule creative and theme customizations to better highlight the products involved in the event.

  • Schedule line item and shipping scripts to change prices and grant discounts at checkout.

  • Password protect your online store for a set duration of time before the start of an event to build hype and anticipation.

  • Gather data about the success of the event.

Creating Launchpad events

Create an event to schedule sales, product drops, and inventory restocks.

Before you begin

Before you create an event, make sure that you're familiar with the Launchpad guidelines and limitations.

Create an event

Open the Launchpad app from your Shopify admin by clicking Apps and then clicking Launchpad.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Launchpad.

  2. Click Create event.

  3. In the Title section, enter a title for the event.

  4. In the Start date section, enter a start date and time. If you don't specify a start date and time when you save the event, then the event is saved as a draft.

  5. Select one or more of the following options:

    • To release new products, select Publish products across your sales channels, and then click Manage. This option makes a product available to a sales channel. Launchpad does not change product status and can't publish products if the product's status is Draft or Archived.

    • To add inventory to current products or to previously unavailable products, select Publish products across your sales channels, and then click Add products.

    • To offer products or collections at discounted or sale prices, select Apply discounts to your products and collections, and then click Add products or Add collections.

    • To apply discounts to products or collections in bulk, select Apply discounts to your products and collections, and then click Bulk discounts.

    • To schedule the event to end automatically at a specific date and time, select Set end date. If you don't specify an end date, then the event only ends when the event is ended manually.

    • To use a different theme for the duration of your event, select Enable theme switching.

    • To run specific Shopify scripts, select Enable line item scripts or Enable shipping scripts.

    • To lock your store before the event, select Enable password page.

  6. Click Save.

If you entered a start date and time, then your event is scheduled to run at that date and time. Otherwise, your event is saved as a draft.

You can access the dashboard during an event without publishing products or updating inventory.

