shopify Launchpad 活动之前、期间和之后所做的更改介绍
在 Launchpad 活动之前、期间和之后所做的更改
了解在 launchpad 活动期间销售渠道可能发生的变更。
活动开始后,您无法编辑其详细信息。Launchpad 设计用于在活动开始时对商店的多个部分进行更改,而不是在活动的过程中进行更改。活动开始后,您只能更改结束日期。
如果您的活动涉及发布新产品,则产品将发布到您选择的销售渠道中。此选项可用于向销售渠道供应产品。Launchpad 不会更改产品状态。
如果您的活动涉及添加库存以支持选择产品,则这些产品的现有库存将会增加。例如,您创建了一个添加 150 双红鞋的活动。在活动开始前,库存中有 50 双红鞋。活动开始时,库存将立刻变为 200 双鞋。
如果您选择为在线商店使用特定于活动的 Shopify 脚本,则活动期间将会使用这些脚本。
在该活动中任何应用于您的产品或产品系列的促销或折扣都会从所有销售渠道中消失。例如,如果您的活动以 50% 的折扣销售鞋子,那么在促销结束时,这些鞋子将以正常价格销售。同样,如果您的产品有原价,这些价格会更改回其预售价格。
如果您选择在活动期间为在线商店运行特定的 Shopify 脚本,活动之后这些脚本会被替换为您选择的活动后脚本。
Changes made before, during, and after a Launchpad event
Learn about the changes that can occur across your sales channels during a launchpad event.
On this page
Changes made before an event
Changes made when the event starts
Changes made when an event ends
Changes made before an event
Unless you choose to lock your online store before an event, nothing changes in your store before the event starts. If you lock your online store, then the store is inaccessible to your customers for the specified time before the sale. When the event starts, the lock is removed automatically.
Changes made when the event starts
After an event starts, you can't edit its details. Launchpad is designed to make changes to several parts of your store at the moment the event begins, not on an ongoing basis. After your event has begun, you can only change the end date.
When your event starts, the following features are enabled for the duration of the event:
The dashboard begins to track new purchases that are made across all supported sales channels. The dashboard continues to report data until your event ends or until more than four weeks have passed and the event is still running. Your event can run for more than four weeks, but its dashboard is available for the first four weeks only.
If your event involves releasing new products, then your products are published to the sales channels that you chose. This option makes a product available to a sales channel. Launchpad does not change product status.
If your event involves adding inventory to select products, then the existing inventories for those products are increased. For example, you create an event to add 150 red shoes. Just before the event starts, there are 50 red shoes in inventory. When the event starts, the inventory is now 200 shoes.
If your event involves running a sale on products or collections, then those sale prices appear in your online store and other sales channels. If your products have compare at prices, then these values change to the regular, pre-sale prices of the products.
If you chose to lock your online store before the event, then when the sale starts the lock is removed and your store is available to your customers.
If you chose to use an event-specific theme for your online store, then this theme is used for the duration of the event.
If you chose to use event-specific Shopify scripts for your online store, then these scripts are used for the duration of the event.
Changes made when an event ends
When an event ends, the following changes are made:
The dashboard stops tracking event data.
Any products that were released (made available) to a sales channels by the event stay published to those channels. For example, if you create an event that publishes shoes to the online store, then these shoes are still available in the online store at the end of the sale.
Inventory amounts are not adjusted when a sale ends. For more information, refer to Automate additions to inventory.
Any sales or discounts that were applied to your products or collections for the event disappear from all sales channels. For example, if your event offered shoes at a 50% discount, then at the end of the sale, these shoes are offered at their regular prices. Similarly, if your products have compare at prices, then these values are changed back to their pre-sale values.
If you changed the theme of your online store for the event, then this theme is replaced with the after-event theme that you chose.
If you chose to run specific Shopify scripts for your online store during the event, then these scripts are replaced with the after-event script that you chose.