您可以在营销页面上查看营销结果的摘要。摘要包含过去 30 天的数据,并显示与前 30 天的同期比较。它包括以下指标:
在线商店访问次数 - 您在线商店在 30 天内的总访问次数(每次访问是指访客在一段时间内进行持续活动。)。
营销活动的销售次数 - 在 Shopify 中创建的营销活动和与 Shopify 共享数据的第三方营销源带来的在线商店流量所产生的总销售次数。
营销活动的订单数 - 在 Shopify 中创建的营销活动和与 Shopify 共享数据的第三方营销源带来的在线商店流量所产生的总订单数。
营销广告支出 - 在 Shopify 中创建的营销活动和与 Shopify 共享数据的任何第三方营销源所花费的总金额。
如需了解详细信息,请参阅了解在 Shopify 中创建的活动的营销活动报告。
在 Shopify 的营销页面上,点击在线商店访问次数会显示有关您的在线商店流量的更多详细信息:
按时间段显示在线商店流量 - 30 天内的总访问次数,包括与前 30 天的同期总访问次数进行对比。
在线商店转化 - 形成订单的在线商店访问的百分比。还会显示已转化和未转化的总访问次数。
主要流量来源 - 在 30 天内为在线商店带来最多访问次数的在线来源。
主要销售额来源 - 在 30 天内,为在线商店带来最高总销售额的访问的在线来源。
主要流量地点 - 在 30 天内与在线商店最高访问次数关联的地理地点。
流量来源 - 客户用于访问您网站的网站或服务。
转化率 - 促成订单的访问的百分比。
订单数 - 每个流量来源带来的访问所产生的订单总数。
订单金额 - 每个流量来源带来的访问所产生的所有订单的总价值。订单金额包括税费和运费,但不包括退货金额(这与总销售额不同)。
访问次数 - 每个流量来源带来的在线商店总访问次数。
地点 - 客户访问您的网站时所在的地理地点。
转化率 - 促成订单的访问的百分比。
订单数 - 每个流量来源带来的访问所产生的订单总数。
订单金额 - 每个流量来源带来的访问所产生的所有订单的总价值。订单金额包括税费和运费,但不包括退货金额(这与总销售额不同)。
访问次数 - 每个流量来源带来的在线商店总访问次数。
显示客户在您在线商店中的购物方式。此报告显示达到转换漏斗中每个阶段的访问次数 - 从登陆您的网站,到将产品添加到购物,再到到达或完成结账流程。此报告还包含一个图表,用于直观地显示各个转化阶段的访问次数。
转化阶段 - 访客到达的转化漏斗中的阶段。
访问次数 - 在线商店中达到每个阶段的总访问次数。
例如,假设您有来自 Facebook 和 DuckDuckGo 的流量。如果您按访问次数对报告进行排序,则每个报告类别中只有 Facebook 和 DuckDuckGo 的订单会发生更改。
在营销结果摘要下,您可以查看您在 Shopify 中创建的每个活动所带来的销售和流量明细。此明细包括过去 90 天的数据,因此其中显示的数据可能不同于摘要中包含的数据(摘要仅包括过去 30 天的数据)。
Performance data
You can see a summary of marketing results on the Marketing page. The summary includes data from the last 30 days, and shows a comparison to the previous 30 day period. It includes the following metrics:
Online store sessions - The total number of sessions in your online store during the 30-day period (a session is a period of continuous visitor activity).
Sales from marketing - The total number of sales that can be attributed to online store traffic that came from marketing campaigns created in Shopify and any third-party marketing sources that share data with Shopify.
Orders from marketing - The total number of orders that can be attributed to online store traffic that came from marketing campaigns created in Shopify and any third-party marketing sources that share data with Shopify.
Ad spend on marketing - The total amount spent on marketing campaigns created in Shopify and any third-party marketing sources that share data with Shopify.
Learn more about understanding the marketing activity reports for campaigns created in Shopify.
Traffic insights
On the Marketing page in Shopify, clicking on Online store sessions shows more detailed information about your online store traffic:
Online store traffic over time - All sessions from the 30 day period, compared to all sessions from the previous 30 day period.
Online store conversion - The percentage of online store sessions that resulted in an order. Also shows the total number of sessions that converted and that didn’t convert.
Top traffic sources - The online sources that brought the most sessions to the online store in the 30 day period.
Top sales sources - The online sources that brought the sessions that resulted in the highest total sales to the online store in the 30 day period.
Top traffic locations - The geographic locations associated with the highest online store sessions during the 30 day period.
Some of the online store traffic insights also link to reports that contain more data. There are three reports accessible from the traffic insights:
Top traffic sources report
Top traffic locations report
Online store conversion report
Top traffic sources report
Shows the online store’s top traffic sources by total number of sessions, orders, order value, or conversion rate. Order value includes taxes and shipping but, unlike total sales, excludes returns.
The Top traffic sources report includes the following columns:
Traffic source - The website or service a customer used to reach your website.
Conversion rate - The percentage of sessions that resulted in an order.
Orders - The total number of orders that resulted from sessions from each traffic source.
Order value - The total value of any orders that resulted from sessions from each traffic source. Order value includes taxes and shipping but, unlike total sales, excludes returns.
Sessions - The total number of sessions on your online store from each traffic source.
Top traffic locations report
Shows the online store’s top geographic locations by total number of sessions, orders, order value, or conversion rate. Order value includes taxes and shipping but, unlike total sales, excludes returns.
The Top traffic locations report includes the following columns:
Location - The geographical location a customer was in when they visited your website.
Conversion rate - The percentage of sessions that resulted in an order.
Orders - The total number of orders that resulted from sessions from each traffic source.
Order value - The total value of any orders that resulted from sessions from each traffic source. Order value includes taxes and shipping but, unlike total sales, excludes returns.
Sessions - The total number of sessions on your online store from each traffic source.
Online store conversion report
Shows how customers shop in your online store. The report shows the number of sessions that reach each stage in the conversion funnel, from landing on your website, to adding a product to the cart, to reaching or completing the checkout. This report also includes a diagram that visually shows the sessions through the stages of conversion.
The Online store conversion report includes the following columns:
Conversion step - The step in the conversion funnel that a visitor reached.
Sessions - The total number of sessions on your online store that reached each step.
When you sort Sessions by ascending or descending value in the Online store conversion report, only the traffic sources are sorted within each reporting category. The reporting categories, such as All traffic or Added to cart, don’t rearrange based on their totals.
For example, suppose you have traffic from Facebook and DuckDuckGo. If you sort the report by Sessions, then only the order of Facebook and DuckDuckGo will change within each reporting category.
For information about the marketing reports in the Analytics section, see Marketing reports. If you want to view reports on the results of your marketing campaigns that use third-party marketing apps, then see Marketing activity reports.
Viewing sales and sessions attributed to marketing campaigns
Under the summary of marketing results, you can see a breakdown of the sales and sessions attributed to each campaign that you created in Shopify. The breakdown includes data from the last 90 days, so it might show different data than the summary, which includes data only from the last 30 days.