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您可以在 Shopify 商店中为 Bing Ads 添加转化跟踪,以便更好地了解您的必应营销工作的效果。例如,您在必应上针对不同的产品投放了两个广告,通过转化跟踪,您可以查看哪个广告可促成更多销售。

要开始必应广告跟踪,您需要拥有 Bing Ads 账户。然后,在 Bing Ads 账户中创建通用事件跟踪 (UET) 标签,并将 UET 标签添加到您的 Shopify 账户中。

有关必应的详细信息和支持,请参阅 Microsoft 广告帮助中心。

通过 Microsoft 注册 Bing Ads 账户

如果您没有 Bing Ads 账户,则可以注册账户。


若要获取通用事件跟踪 (UET) 标签,您需要设置自己的 Bing Ads 账户。设置账户后,登录账户并创建 UET 标签。如需 Bing Ads 账户方面的帮助,请联系 Microsoft 广告帮助中心。

向 Shopify 商店添加通用事件跟踪标签

  1. 登录 Bing Ads 账户。

  2. 找到并复制 UET 标签。

  3. 向模板中添加 UET 标签:

    1. 在 Shopify 账户中,转到在线商店 > 模板

    2. 点击操作下拉菜单,然后点击编辑代码

    3. 打开 theme.liquid 文件并找到 <head> 部分。

    4. 将您复制的 UET 标签复制到 <head> 和 </head> 之间的任意位置,然后点击保存

  4. 向感谢页面中添加 UET 标签:

    1. 在 Shopify 账户中,转到设置 > 结账

    2. 自定义脚本部分,粘贴 UET 标签并点击保存


向商店中添加通用事件跟踪 (UET) 后,您可以在您的 Bing Ads 账户中设置转化跟踪,以便在发生特定事件时进行跟踪。以下是您可能想要跟踪的一些常见事件:

  • 客户访问您的目标页面 - 如果想跟踪有多少人访问广告所链接的页面,您可以对您为广告制作的相同目标 URL 添加转化跟踪。

  • 客户到达结账流程 - 如果想跟踪有多少客户在点击广告后到达结账流程,您可以对包含 checkouts 的目标 URL 添加转化跟踪。

  • 客户完成结账 - 如果想跟踪有多少客户在点击广告后完成购买,您可以对包含 thank_you 的目标 URL 添加转化跟踪。

有关必应的详细信息和支持,请参阅 Microsoft 广告帮助中心。


Setting up Bing Ads conversion tracking

You can add conversion tracking for Bing Ads on your Shopify store to better understand the impact of your marketing efforts with Bing. For example, if you run two ads on Bing for different products, then you can see which ad resulted in more sales with conversion tracking.

To begin your Bing ad tracking, you need to have a Bing Ads account. Then, create a Universal Event Tracking (UET) tag in your Bing Ads account and add your UET tag to your Shopify account.

For more information and support with Bing, refer to the Microsoft Advertising Help Center.

Sign up for a Bing Ads account from Microsoft

If you don't have a Bing Ads account, then you can sign up for one.

Create a Universal Event Tracking tag

To get a Universal Event Tracking (UET) tag, you need to set up your Bing Ads account. After your account is set up, log into it and create a UET tag. For help with your Bing Ads account, contact Microsoft Advertising Help Center.

Add your Universal Event Tracking tag to your Shopify store

  1. Log into your Bing Ads account.

  2. Find and copy your UET tag.

  3. Add your UET tag to your theme:

    1. In your Shopify account, go to Online Store > Themes.

    2. Click the Actions drop-down menu and then click Edit code.

    3. Open the theme.liquid file and find the <head> section.

    4. Paste the UET tag you copied anywhere between the <head> and </head> tags, and then click Save.

  4. Add your UET tag to your thank you page:

    1. In your Shopify account, go to Settings > Checkout.

    2. In the Additional scripts section, paste the UET tag and then click Save.

Set up conversion tracking

After you add a Universal Event Tracking (UET) tag to your store, you can set up conversion tracking in your Bing Ads account to track when certain events happen. Here are some common events you might want to track:

  • Customer reaches your intended page - If you want to track how many people reach the page your ad links to, then you can add conversion tracking for the same destination URL that you make for the ad.

  • Customer reaches the checkout - If you want to track how many customers reach the checkout after clicking your ad, then you can add conversion tracking for a destination URL that contains checkouts.

  • Customer completes a checkout - If you want to track how many customers make a purchase after clicking your ad, then you can add conversion tracking for a destination URL that contains thank_you.

For more information and support with Bing, refer to the Microsoft Advertising Help Center.

