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  1. 前往 Shopify 应用商店。

  2. 搜索 appointments

  3. 找到所需的应用后,点击 Add app

  4. 按照应用的安装说明进行操作。




  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到订单。

  2. 点击创建订单

  3. 将产品添加到订单中。

  4. 添加客户的详细信息。

  5. 可选:添加任何其他详细信息,例如:

    • 应用折扣。

    • 开启或关闭税金。

    • 添加标签或备注。

    • 为订单添加备注。

  6. 执行以下操作之一:

    • 向客户发送发票。默认情况下,发票包含指向结账页面的链接,客户可以通过该链接支付订单。

    • 接受客户付款。



使用 Facebook 或 Instagram 上的实时功能是实现您和您的客户之间进行直接联系的绝佳方式。当您使用社交媒体上的实时功能时,您可以谈论新的产品或特色产品、当前或即将推出的促销活动,或者关于您业务的任何更新,让您的客户知道这些对他们来说都是好消息。


有关 Instagram Live 的详细信息,请参阅 Instagram 帮助中心

有关 Facebook Live 的详细信息,请参阅 Facebook 解决方案


您可以在使用您的社交媒体账户(例如 Facebook 或 Instagram)时与客户保持联系。如果您想展示特定产品(例如新到货的产品或最近在促销的产品),您可以使用社交媒体上的故事功能来吸引关注。您可以通过您的故事直接回复客户的评论和帖子或突出显示品牌粉丝来与您的客户对话。活跃在社交媒体上也可以提醒您的客户并让他们放心,告诉他们仍可通过您的在线状态和商店来在您的商店中购物。


Remote shopping experience

When customers can't visit your business, you can stay connected to them by creating online shopping experiences such as virtual shopping appointments, live social media broadcasts, and short videos posted to your profile or story. Connecting with your customers directly is a great way to develop stronger relationships and brand loyalty, while reassuring your customers that you care about their customer service needs.

Book virtual shopping appointments

You can offer virtual shopping appointments with your customers to let customers shop and place orders using a live video chat. When customers book an appointment with you, use a video chat service to connect remotely to provide a one-on-one shopping experience.

For example, if you sell sports and athletic wear, then your customers could book an appointment with you to discuss the fit or specific details of your products. Speaking to your customers about their needs can also help you find a product that you sell that suits their needs better than the product that they’re asking about. Personalizing the shopping experience like this can help your customers find exactly what they’re looking for.

During the appointment, you can create a draft order to begin processing your customer’s order. This lets you to keep track of what items your customer has decided to purchase, and creates an invoice for your customer. When the appointment comes to an end, you can email the invoice to your customer for them to complete payment.

Download an appointment app

  1. Go to the Shopify app store.

  2. Search for appointments.

  3. When you find an app that you want, click Add app.

  4. Follow the app's installation instructions.

Create a draft order

You can create a draft order for your customer and then send them an invoice for the order. By default, the invoice contains a link to a checkout, where your customer can pay for their order.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Orders.

  2. Click Create order.

  3. Add products to the order.

  4. Add the customer's details.

  5. Optional: Add any additional details such as:

    • Apply discounts.

    • Turn taxes on or off.

    • Add tags or a note.

    • Add a note to the order.

  6. Do one of the following actions:

    • Send an invoice to the customer. By default, the invoice contains a link to a checkout that your customer can use to pay for the order.

    • Accept payment from the customer.

Save the order as a draft so that you can update it later from the Drafts page.

Use social media Live posting

Using the Live feature on Facebook or Instagram is a great way to open a direct link between you and your customers. When you use the Live features on your social media, you can talk about new or featured products, current or upcoming promotions, or any updates to your business that would be good for your customers to know about.

You can also use the text chat to answer questions about your brand or products as your customers ask them. Replying directly to your customers adds a personal touch to the brand experience, and can build brand loyalty.

For more information about Instagram Live, refer to the Instagram Help Center

For more information about Facebook Live, refer to Facebook solutions

Post and feature products on social media

You can engage your customers while using your social media accounts like Facebook or Instagram. If you want to feature a specific product, such as a new arrival or an item that recently went on sale, then you can use the story feature on your social media to draw attention to it. You can use your Story to speak to your customers directly by responding to their comments and posts or highlighting fans of your brand. Being active on social media also works to remind and reassure your customers that you are still accessible through your online presence and store.

