
在自定义和设置 Dovetale 账户之前,您需要注册账户。


  1. 在您的 Shopify 后台中,转至销售渠道 > Dovetale

  2. 欢迎使用 Dovetale! 页面上,输入商店的信息,包括品牌名称、品牌网站和品牌 Instagram 账户。

  3. 点击下一步: 账户

  4. 创建您的 Dovetale 登录信息页面上,确认您的详细信息,然后创建密码。

  5. 点击创建账户



注册 Dovetale 账户后,您可以自定义社区页面。


创建 Dovetale 账户后,您可以自定义社区页面,并创建社区申请调查。

步骤 1:创建社区申请页面

  1. 创建社区页面页面中,点击开始

  2. 页面设计部分中,上传 logo 的图片并自定义页面的颜色。

  3. 关于您的品牌部分中,为页面撰写标题以及社区描述。

  4. 合作伙伴的额外权益部分中,自定义加入社区的权益。

  5. 图片部分中,您可以上传图片或连接您的 Instagram 账户,以在社区页面上显示图片。

  6. 点击下一步: 社交,以继续设置社区页面,并自定义您的申请调查。

步骤 2:自定义申请调查

  1. 社交页面上,选择申请人可用于提交申请的社交媒体账户。

  2. 点击下一步: 个人资料

  3. 个人资料页面上,选择要向申请人收集的信息。

  4. 点击下一步: 调查

  5. 了解申请人页面上,添加并创建您希望申请人在完成申请调查时回答的问题。

  6. 点击下一步: 分享,以开始分享社区申请页面。

步骤 3:分享您的社区申请页面


  • 您的社区申请页面已完成! 页面,您可以访问链接并进行分享。如果要分享您的链接,请点击复制。您可以在您的粉丝和客户可能访问的位置发布此链接。例如,您可以添加指向 Linkpop 登陆页面的链接,以便访问者可以申请加入您的 Dovetale 社区。

  • 将它添加到 Shopify 商店部分中,点击授予访问权限,以允许 Dovetale 访问您的 Shopify 模板并创建页面链接。然后,您可以将此页面添加到商店的菜单中。

  • 如果要将小组件添加到商店,可以在将小组件添加到商店部分中自定义小组件。

确定如何分享 Dovetale 社区页面后,点击保存并完成

设置 PayPal Payouts

通过 Dovetale 的 PayPal Payouts 集成,您可以直接从 Dovetale 向联盟付款。若要使用 PayPal Payouts,您必须拥有 PayPal 商业账户,并且必须启用 PayPal Payouts。

若要了解如何设置 PayPal Payouts,请参阅 PayPal 开发人员文档。


Create your account

Before you customize and set up your Dovetale account, you need to sign up for an account.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Sales channels > Dovetale.

  2. On the Welcome to Dovetale! page, enter your store's information, including brand name, brand website, and brand Instagram account.

  3. Click Next: Account

  4. On the Create your Dovetale login page, confirm your details, and then create a password.

  5. Click Create my account.

Community page

The community page lets people apply to be a part of your community. You can edit and customize the look and feel of your community page, including colors, images, content, and write about the perks of joining your community.

After you register for your Dovetale account, you can customize your community page.

Customize community page

After you create your Dovetale account, you can customize your Community page, and create your community application survey.

Step 1: Create your community application page

  1. From the Create your Community page page, click Get started.

  2. In the Page design section, upload an image of your logo and customize the colors of your page.

  3. In the About your brand section, write a title for the page, and a description of your community.

  4. In the Perks of partnership section, customize the benefits of joining your community.

  5. In the Images section, you can upload images, or connect your Instagram account, to show images on your community page.

  6. Click Next: Social, to continue setting up your community page, and customize your application survey.

Step 2: Customize application survey

  1. On the Social page, select the social media accounts that applicants can use to apply.

  2. Click Next: Profile.

  3. On the Profile page, select the information that you want to gather from your applicants.

  4. Click Next: Survey.

  5. On the Get to know your applicants page, add, and create questions that you want to ask your applicants when they complete their application.

  6. Click Next: Share, to begin sharing your community application page.

Step 3: Share your community application page

After you finish customizing your community page, and community application page, you can choose how you want to share them:

  • On the Your community aplication page is complete! page, you can access a link to share. If you want to share your link, then click Copy. You can post this link where your followers and buyers are. For example, you can add a link to your Linkpop landing page so people can apply to be a part of your Dovetale community.

  • In the Add it to your Shopify store section, click Grant access to let Dovetale access your Shopify theme and create a page link. You can then add this page to your store's menus.

  • If you want to add a widget to your store, then you can customize a widget in the Add a widget to your store section.

After you have decided how to share your Dovetale community page, click Save & Finish.

Set up PayPal Payouts

Dovetale's PayPal Payouts integration lets you pay affiliates directly from Dovetale. To use PayPal Payouts, you must have a PayPal Business Account, and you must have PayPal Payouts enabled.

To learn about setting up PayPal Payouts, refer to the PayPal Developer Docs.

