
如果您的商店使用的是 Basic Shopify 套餐或更高级的套餐,那么您可以访问有关商店客流量的报告。关于客流量的报告包括:

  • 按时间段显示访客数

  • 按推荐来源显示流量

  • 按地点显示流量。


客流量报告与按流量推荐来源显示销售额报告不同,因为客流量报告不显示转化的销售额或订单金额 - 只显示网站的访客数。这些报告仅适用于在线商店销售渠道。


访问次数和访客数基于 Cookie。Cookie 是购物者访问您的在线商店时存储在其设备(如桌面设备或智能手机)上的小型文件。一个 Cookie 用于标识设备(访客)。另一个 Cookie 用于跟踪访问时长。

访问将在没有进行任何活动 30 分钟后以及午夜时 (UTC) 结束。由于同一访客可以拥有多个访问,因此访问数通常高于访客数。

示例:客户在您的商店中浏览产品 20 分钟,然后在 2 小时后又返回商店 10 分钟,则会报告 2 次访问和 1 名访客。如果购物者在查看商店 5 分钟后离开,然后在 10 分钟后返回,则会报告 1 次访问和 1 名访客。

如果您想查看您的在线商店但不希望系统将该查看操作计为客流量报告中的一次访问,请进入桌面版 Shopify 后台并点击眼睛图标。若通过任何其他方式在台式电脑上查看您的在线商店,则系统会将其计为报告中的一次访问。

如果您在 iPhone 或 Android 设备上的 Shopify 应用中查看您的在线商店,则系统会将其计为客流量报告中的一次访问。


Acquisition reports

If your store is on the Basic Shopify plan or higher, then you can access reports about your store's visitor acquisition. The reports on acquisition include the following:

  • Sessions over time

  • Sessions by referrer

  • Sessions by location.

When you open an acquisition report, the data is up to date, give or take a few seconds. You can reopen or refresh the report to show newer data.

Acquisition reports are different from the Sales by traffic referrer source report because acquisition reports do not show converted sales or the amount of orders—just visitors to your website. These reports apply to the Online Store sales channel only.

Sessions and visitors

The number of sessions and the number of visitors are based on cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on a shopper's device, such as a desktop or smartphone, when they visit your online store. One cookie identifies the device (the visitor). Another cookie keeps track of the length of the session.

A session ends after 30 minutes of no activity, and at midnight UTC. Because the same visitor can have multiple sessions, the number of sessions is usually higher than the number of visitors.

Example: A customer views products on your store for 20 minutes, then returns to your store 2 hours later for another 10 minutes. 2 sessions and 1 visitor are reported. If the shopper instead views your store for 5 minutes, leaves, and returns 10 minutes later, then 1 session and 1 visitor are reported.

If you want to view your online store without having it count as a session in your acquisition reports, then from your desktop Shopify admin, click the eye icon. Any other method of viewing your online store on desktop counts as a session in your reports.

If you view your online store from the Shopify app on iPhone or Android, then it counts as a session in your acquisition reports.

