连连(LianLian Global)官网首页





  • 使用 Advanced Shopify 或 Shopify Plus 套餐

  • 使用 Shopify Shipping 以外的运输服务

  • 未使用 Shopify 发货网络

  • 为产品应用 HS 编码

  • 使用基于登记的税费。



  • 定价

  • 在结账时征收关税和进口税

  • 为产品添加 HS 编码和原产地

  • 停止在结账时收取关税和进口税


交易手续费适用于计算关税和进口税的订单。此费用的金额取决于您是使用 Shopify Payments 还是第三方支付服务提供商。

  • 对于使用 Shopify Payments 作为网关的商店,在结账时计算关税和进口税的订单需支付 0.85% 的交易手续费。只要 Shopify Payments 是主要网关,使用第三方支付服务提供商(例如 PayPal)的订单也需要支付 0.85% 的交易手续费。

  • 对于使用其他支付服务提供商作为网关的商店,在结账时计算关税和进口税的订单需支付 1.5% 的交易手续费。如果 Shopify Payments 不是商店的主要网关,但商店使用 Shop Pay 快捷结账方式,则同样需要支付 1.5% 的交易手续费。


  • 运送到商店所在的国家/地区或区域的订单。

  • 在欧盟成员国之间运送的订单。

  • 弃单。




  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 市场

  2. 对要在结账时收取关税和进口税的市场旁边,点击管理

  3. 关税和进口税部分中,点击设置

  4. 选择要在结账时收取关税和进口税的发货国家/地区。

  5. 查看标记为缺少 HS 编码的产品以及原产地的产品,并添加任何缺少的信息,确保准确计算关税和进口税。

  6. 确认您的承运商和第三方服务支持 DDP 发货标签。

  7. 确认您 已更新商店政策和国际销售通知。

  8. 查看在结账时计算关税和国际税费的服务条款。

  9. 点击 同意并激活





为产品添加 HS 编码和原产地

若要在结账时向您的国际客户显示关税预计金额,您需要编辑产品详细信息,使其包含发货国家/地区和 HS 编码,以便提高准确性。如果产品缺少 HS 编码,则计算将改为基于产品的描述和产品类型。如果产品没有 HS 编码、描述或类型,即使您将来自一个国家/地区的订单设置为在结账时收取关税和进口税,系统也不会计算该订单的关税和进口税。

原产地(或 COO)是产品创建或组装成您销售产品的形式以及采用 HS 编码分类的地方。例如,您销售一张桌子。该桌子由加拿大的木材、墨西哥的粘合剂和中国的螺丝共同制成;桌子则是在美国使用这些材料组装而成。在这种情况下,原产地是美国,因为这就是使用材料生产桌子的地方。

协调产品描述和编码系统代码(HS 编码)用于国际贸易中描述产品的定义。通常,HS 代码为六位数。从世界海关组织处详细了解HS编码。

若要向产品添加 HS 编码和原产地,请执行以下其中一项操作:

  • 使用CSV 文件导入信息。

  • 在 Shopify 后台中,添加产品页面信息。

  • 使用批量编辑器。

通过导入 CSV 文件,添加 HS 编码和原产国

如果您有许多产品需要更新,并且已知道产品 HS 代码,或者不确定哪些产品缺少代码,您可以使用 CSV 文件更新产品。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 市场

  2. 在要收取关税和进口税的市场旁边,点击管理

  3. 点击前往关税和税费

  4. 关税和进口税部分中,点击管理

  5. 导出缺少信息的产品的 CSV 文件。

    1. 在 产品信息 部分中,点击 使用 CSV 进行更新

    2. 点击导出

    3. 选择您的首选文件格式,然后点击 导出产品。CSV 文件会通过电子邮件发送给您。

  6. 使用电子表格程序(例如Google 表格)编辑您的 CSV 文件。

  7. 导入您编辑的 CSV 文件。

    1. 在 产品信息 部分中,点击 使用 CSV 进行更新

    2. 点击导入

    3. 点击 添加文件 或将文件拖放到导入窗口来添加要导入的文件。

    4. 点击上传

    5. 点击 导入。此过程完成后,系统将通过电子邮件发送给您。

关税和进口税 CSV 文件与用于 Shopify 的其他 CSV 文件类似,但列不同。关税和进口税 CSV 中会使用以下列:

  • handle - handle 是每种产品的唯一名称。它们可以包含字母、短划线和数字,但是不能包含空格。每个产品的 URL 中都使用一个 handle。

  • 产品标题 - 标题列可选,可以留空。

  • 多属性 SKU - 产品或多属性的 SKU。此值用于通过库存跟踪服务跟踪库存。

  • 选项 1 名称 - 如果产品有选项,则输入其值。例如,颜色。对于只有一个选项的产品,此值应设置为 Title。

  • 选项 1 值 - 如果产品有选项,则其值会显示在此列中。例如,黑色。对于只有一个选项的产品,此值应为"默认标题"。

  • 选项 2 名称 - 如果产品有第二个选项,则其名称会显示在此列中。例如,"尺寸"。

  • 选项 2 值 - 如果产品有第二个选项,则会在此列中显示它的值。例如,大号。

  • 选项 3 名称 - 如果产品有第三个选项,则会在此列中显示它的名称。例如,材质。

  • 选项 3 值 - 如果产品有第三个选项,则其值会显示在此列中。例如,棉制。

  • 原产地 - 原产地是产品创建或组装成销售形式的原产地。此列中的值用于估算国际客户的关税和进口税。

  • HS 编码 - HS 编码是一个数字,用于对产品进行国际贸易的分类。此列中的值用于估算国际客户的关税和进口税。

在产品页面上添加 HS 编码和原产地

如果您很多产品都不需要更新,也不清楚产品 HS 编码,则您可以直接在产品页面上添加 HS 编码和原产地。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品

  2. 点击要更改的产品的名称。

  3. 海关信息部分中,更改产品详细信息。

    1. 选择发货国家或地区。

    2. 输入 HS 编码。如果您的产品没有 HS 编码,请开始输入产品说明以搜索相应的编码。

  4. 点击保存

使用批量编辑器为产品添加 HS 编码和原产地

如果您很多产品都不需要更新,但清楚产品 HS 编码,则您可以使用批量编辑器添加 HS 编码和原产地。


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品

  2. 确认要修改的产品。

  3. 点击编辑产品

  4. 点击添加字段

  5. 发货部分中,点击 HS 编码发货国家/地区

  6. 根据需要编辑产品,然后点击保存




  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 市场

  2. 在要收取关税和进口税的市场旁边,点击管理

  3. 点击前往关税和税费

  4. 点击要收取关税和进口税的国家或地区。

  5. 取消选中在结账时收取关税和进口税


Collecting international duties and import taxes at checkout

To collect duties and import taxes in your store's checkout, your store needs to meet the following requirements:

  • be on the Advanced Shopify, or Shopify Plus plan

  • uses a shipping service other than Shopify Shipping

  • does not use the Shopify Fulfillment Network

  • has HS codes applied to products

  • uses registration-based taxes.

If your store doesn't meet the requirements to charge duties and import taxes at checkout, then you can use a third-party app to calculate duties and import taxes.

On this page

  • Pricing

  • Collect duties and import taxes at checkout

  • Add HS codes and the country or region of origin to your products

  • Stop collecting duties and import taxes at checkout


A transaction fee applies to orders that have duties and import taxes calculated. The amount of this fee depends on whether you use Shopify Payments or a third-party payment provider.

  • A 0.85% transaction fee applies to orders that have duty and import taxes calculated at checkout in stores that use Shopify Payments as their gateway. The 0.85% transaction fee also applies to orders that use a third-party payment provider, such as PayPal, as long as Shopify Payments is the primary gateway.

  • A 1.5% transaction fee applies to orders that have duty and import taxes calculated at checkout in stores that use other payment providers as their gateway. The 1.5% transaction fee also applies to stores that use Shop Pay as an accelerated checkout if Shopify Payments isn't the primary gateway.

The transaction fee is applied for every order that has duties and import taxes calculated at checkout, even if the calculated amount is zero. Transaction fees are not charged in the following cases:

  • Orders that are shipped to the same country or region as where the store is located.

  • Orders that are shipped between EU member countries.

  • Abandoned checkouts.

Collect duties and import taxes at checkout

When you enable collecting duties and import taxes at checkout, duties and import taxes are charged on international orders. Orders that are placed from regions where you have a fulfillment location are not affected.


  1. From the Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.

  2. Next to the market where you want to collect duties and import taxes at checkout, click Manage.

  3. In the Duties and import taxes section, click Manage.

  4. Select the shipping countries or regions where you want to collect duties and import taxes at checkout.

  5. Review products that have been flagged as missing HS codes and a country or region of origin and add the missing information to ensure that duties and import taxes are calculated accurately.

  6. Confirm that your shipping carriers and third-party integrations support DDP shipping labels.

  7. Confirm that you've updated your store policy and notifications for international sales.

  8. Review the terms and conditions for calculating duties and international taxes at checkout.

  9. Click Agree and activate.

When the duties and import taxes at checkout setup is complete, review the additional tasks to complete to set up your store for international sales.

Collect duties and import taxes on draft orders

The collection of duties and import taxes occurs during the shipping step of the checkout. If a shipping option is selected during the creation of a draft order, then duties and import taxes aren't calculated because the customer doesn't reach the shipping checkout page.

To charge duties and import taxes on a draft order, create a draft order without selecting a shipping rate, and then email the invoice to your customer. When your customer follows the prompt to complete their purchase, they're directed to select a shipping method. After they choose a shipping method, duties and import tax are calculated and applied to the order.

Add HS codes and the country or region of origin to your products

To show a duties estimate to international customers in your checkout, you should edit your product details to include the country or region of origin and the HS code for better accuracy. If a product is missing an HS code, then calculations are based on the product's description and product type instead. If a product doesn't have an HS code, description, or type, then duties and import taxes are not calculated for that order even if you've set orders from a country or region to collect duties and import taxes at checkout.

The country or region of origin, or COO, is where a product is created or assembled into the form in which you sell it, and where it takes on its HS code classification. For example, you sell a table. The table is made of wood from Canada, glue from Mexico, and screws from China. The table is assembled from these materials in the United States. In this case, the country or region of origin is the United States because that's where the materials are used to create the table.

The Harmonized Item Description and Coding System code, or HS code, is used in international trade to describe what a product is. Typically, the HS code is six digits long. Learn more about HS codes from the World Customs Organization.

To add an HS code and a country or region of origin to products, do one of the following:

  • Import the information with a a CSV file.

  • From the Shopify admin, add the information on the product's page.

  • Use the bulk editor.

Add HS codes and the country of origin by importing a CSV file

If you have a lot of products to update and you already know your product HS codes, or if you aren't sure which of your products are missing codes, then you can use a CSV file to update your products.


  1. From the Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.

  2. Next to the market where you want to collect duties and import taxes, click Manage.

  3. Click Go to duties and taxes.

  4. In the Duties and import taxes section, click Manage.

  5. Export a CSV file of products with missing information.

    1. In the Product information section, click Update with CSV.

    2. Click Export.

    3. Select your preferred file format and click Export products. A CSV file is sent to you in an email.

  6. Edit your CSV file by using a spreadsheet program such as Google Sheets.

  7. Import your edited CSV file.

    1. In the Product information section, click Update with CSV.

    2. Click Import.

    3. Add your file for import, either by clicking Add file or by dragging and dropping your file to the import window.

    4. Click Upload.

    5. Click Import. An email is sent to you when the process is complete.

The duties and import taxes CSV file is similar to other CSV files that you use with Shopify, but has different columns. The following columns are used in the duties and import taxes CSV:

  • Product Handle - Handles are unique names for each product. They can contain letters, dashes and numbers, but no spaces. A handle is used in the URL for each product.

  • Product title - The Title column is optional, and can be blank.

  • Variant SKU - The SKU of the product or variant. This value is used to track inventory with inventory tracking services.

  • Option1 Name - If a product has an option, then its name is displayed in this column. For example, Color. For products with only a single option, this value should be Title.

  • Option1 Value - If a product has an option, then its value is displayed in this column. For example, Black. For products with only a single option, this value should be Default Title.

  • Option2 Name - If a product has a second option, then its name is displayed in this column. For example, Size.

  • Option2 Value - If a product has a second option, then its value is displayed in this column. For example, Large.

  • Option3 Name - If a product has a third option, then its name is displayed in this column. For example, Material.

  • Option3 Value - If a product has third option, then its value is displayed in this column. For example, Cotton.

  • Country of origin - The country of origin is where the product was created or assembled into the form that it is sold in. The value in this column is used to estimate duties and import taxes for international customers.

  • HS code - The HS Code is a number that classifies a product for international trade. The value in this column is used to estimate duties and import taxes for international customers.

Add HS codes and the country or region of origin on the product page

If you don't have many products to update and you don't know your product HS codes, then you can add the HS code and country or region of origin directly on a product's page.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click the name of the product that you want to change.

  3. In the Customs information section, change the product details.

    1. Select a country or region of origin.

    2. Enter an HS code. If you don't have an HS code for your product, then start entering a description of your product to search for the appropriate code.

  4. Click Save.

Add HS codes and a country or region of origin using the bulk editor

If you don't have many products to update and you already know your product HS codes, then you can add the HS code and country or region of origin using the bulk editor.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Check the products that you want to modify.

  3. Click Edit products.

  4. Click Add fields.

  5. In the Shipping section, click HS code and Country of origin.

  6. Edit your products as necessary, and then click Save.

Stop collecting duties and import taxes at checkout

If you no longer want to collect duties and taxes in your checkout, then do the following.


  1. From the Shopify admin, go to Settings > Markets.

  2. Next to the market where you want to collect duties and import taxes, click Manage.

  3. Click Go to duties and taxes.

  4. Click the country or region where you want to collect duties and import taxes.

  5. Uncheck Collect duties and import taxes at checkout.

