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Shopify国际域名Shopify URL


国际域名是特定于某个国家/地区的网址或 URL。针对某个国家/地区设置国际域名时,您可以使用该地区的货币和语言来设置本地化版本的在线商店。您还可以在搜索结果中显示特定于区域的域名,以帮助客户找到适合他们的商店版本。当您的在线商店以客户的当地语言和货币显示时,客户更有可能购买产品。


您可以使用 Shopify 管理的域名和第三方域名来设置国际域名。您可以使用顶级域名、子域名、子文件夹或这几者的组合。例如,如果您以不同的语言和货币在美国和法国进行销售,则可以设置以下国际域名:

  • your-shop-name.com - 美国

  • your-shop-name.frfr.your-shop-name.com。或 your-shop-name.com/fr-fr - 法国

Basic Shopify 套餐或更高级别套餐中支持国际域名。


  • 设置国际域名的注意事项

  • 针对特定国家/地区设置唯一 URL

  • 将客户定向到特定于其地区的 URL


International domains

An international domain is a web address or URL that's specific to a country or region. When you set up international domains for a country or region, you create a localized version of your online store in the currency and language for that region. You also display region-specific domains within search results to help customers find the appropriate version of your store. When your online store appears in a customer’s local language and currency, customers are more likely to make a purchase.

Localized shopping experiences affect how customers perceive your brand and how quickly they make a purchase. By setting up international domains, you can attract customers from other countries and regions and build your reputation as an international brand.

You can set up international domains with both Shopify-managed domains and third-party domains. You can use top-level domains, subdomains, subfolders, or a combination of each. For example, if you sell in both the United States and France using different languages and currencies, then you can set up the following international domains:

  • your-shop-name.com for the United States

  • your-shop-name.frfr.your-shop-name.com. or your-shop-name.com/fr-fr for France

International domains are available on the Basic Shopify plan or higher.

In this section

  • Considerations for setting up international domains

  • Setting up unique URLs for specific countries or regions

  • Directing customers to their region-specific URL

