Shopify在 Google Search Console 中设置国际定位
在 Google Search Console 中设置国际定位
国际定位也称为地理定位,可用于将客户定向到与其地理位置对应的特定于地区的 URL。当您的商店显示在搜索结果中时,国际定位可帮助搜索引擎显示相应的特定于地区的域名。例如,如果您针对美国和德国设置了国际定位,则美国客户的搜索结果将与德国客户的搜索结果显示不同的 URL。您可以在 Google Search Console 中为商店的每个域名或子域名设置目标国家或地区。
如果您使用国际域名向多个市场销售产品,则需要在 Google Search Console 中验证您的每个域名并提交站点地图。接下来,您可以通过访问旧版工具和报告 > 国际定位来在 Google Search Console 中设置每个 URL 对应的目标国家/地区。
有关设置国际定位的更多信息,请参阅 Google Search Console 帮助。
Setting up international targeting in Google Search Console
International targeting, also known as geo-targeting, enables you to direct your customers to the region-specific URL for their geographic location. When your store appears in search results, international targeting helps search engines display the appropriate region-specific domain. For example, if you set up international targeting for the United States and Germany, then search results for customers in the United States display a different URL than search results for customers in Germany. You can set a target country or region for each of your store's domains or subdomains in Google Search Console.
If you use international domains to sell to multiple markets, then you need to verify each of your domains and submit your sitemaps in Google Search Console. Next, you can set the target country or region for each URL in Google Search Console by going to Legacy tools and reports > International targeting.
For more information about setting up international targeting, refer to Google Search Console Help.