专家市场将您与 Shopify 专家联系在一起,您可以聘请这些专家来完成与建立业务有关的复杂或困难的工作。
创建工作:创建工作以便与最适合您需求的专家进行匹配。您可以选择您所需的服务,然后提供其他详细信息,以帮助专家了解您的需求。在创建工作后,工作详细信息会发送给最多六位专家。然后,有意处理您工作的专家可以与您联系以了解更多信息。您只有已拥有 Shopify 商店才能创建工作。
在您联系专家时,系统会提示您登录到 Shopify 专家市场。在您登录后,您可以访问和管理所有的专家市场消息、提案和工作。您可以使用 Shopify 账户来登录到专家市场。如果您没有 Shopify 账户,可以创建一个。您创建 Shopify 账户时并不需要先创建商店。
如果您的商店已链接到您的 Shopify 账户,系统会提示您选择需要这项服务的商店。如果工作内容针对新商店,请选择新商店。
如果您的商店未链接到您的 Shopify 账户,或者您选择了新商店,则提案将被标记为已接受,但不会创建工作。但是,若想查看已接受的提案,您可以点击提案消息,或在提案和工作窗格中点击已接受的提案。
Hiring help
The Experts Marketplace connects you with Shopify experts who you can hire for complicated or difficult tasks related to building your business.
When you contact an expert, you’re not committed to hiring them. You decide whether you want to work with them.
On this page
Planning to contact an expert
Contacting experts
Communicating with experts
Next steps
Planning to contact an expert
Before working with an expert, be prepared to describe the requirements for your job. The following best practices can be considered when planning to hire an expert:
Familiarize yourself with any business or technical terms related to your job. This helps you and the expert discuss and understand the work.
Do some preliminary research about the work. For example, you can find examples of other businesses who are doing something similar to what you want.
Clearly define your budget, timeline, and the results. Share as much detail as possible so the expert can give you an accurate quote.
Contacting experts
You can contact experts within the Experts Marketplace in the following ways:
Browse services: Browse the available services in the Experts Marketplace and discover experts who offer the service. If you find an expert that you’re interested in working with, then you can contact them to discuss your needs.
Create a job: Create a job to get matched with an expert that is best suited to your needs. You can select the service that you need to have performed, and then provide additional details to help the expert to understand what you need. After your job is created, the job details are sent to up to six experts. Experts that are interested in your job can then contact you with more information. You can create a job only if you already have a Shopify store.
You can view expert prices in your local currency by changing the display currency at the bottom of the page. If you’re browsing services, then you can filter experts by price and view starting prices in your selected currency. However, the proposals and invoices you receive from experts are in USD. You will be charged for services in USD.
Communicating with experts
When you contact an expert, you’re prompted to log into the Shopify Experts Marketplace. After you log in, you can access and manage all of your Experts Marketplace messages, proposals, and jobs. You can log in to the Experts Marketplace with your Shopify account. If you don’t have a Shopify account, then you can create one. You don’t need to create a store to create a Shopify account.
When you contact an expert or create a job, the information about your request is sent to the expert as a message. The expert might respond with questions about your budget, timeline, and the expected results. You should share as much detail as possible so that the expert can create an accurate proposal. When the expert has the information that they need, they can send you a proposal. If you are satisfied with the proposal, then you can accept it and the expert can start working.
You can access your messages with experts in the Messages tab of the Experts Marketplace.
When the expert has the information that they need about your job, they can send you a proposal. A proposal outlines details about job requirements, timelines, and cost. All proposal costs are in USD. A proposal also acts as a record that you can reference in Experts Marketplace.
The expert should include as much detail as possible in the proposal. This includes outlining specific pieces of work and a timeline of milestones.
Make sure to also define a process for requesting job changes with the expert. Requests for even small adjustments can have an impact on deadlines and costs. All changes should be agreed upon as early as possible before they’re incorporated into the job.
If you receive a proposal that's missing important information, then you can decline the proposal and ask the expert to revise it. Provide feedback so that the expert can send you a new proposal.
You can accept or decline a proposal from your conversation with the expert in the Messages tab of the Experts Marketplace.
Accepting a proposal
To accept the proposal, click Accept proposal at the bottom of the proposal outline.
If you have a store linked to your Shopify account, then you’re prompted to select the store that the work will be done for. If the work is for a new store, then select New store.
If you select a store, then a job is created. You can access your job from the Jobs page of the Experts Marketplace, or by clicking on it in the Proposals and jobs pane.
If you don’t have a store linked to your Shopify account, or you selected New store, then the proposal is marked as accepted but no job is created. Instead, you can review the accepted proposal by clicking on the proposal message or by clicking on the accepted proposal in the Proposals and jobs pane.
If you change your mind after you accept a proposal, then you can close the job from the Jobs page and contact other experts about the job.
Declining a proposal
To decline the proposal, click Decline proposal at the bottom of the proposal outline. If you decline a proposal, then you're prompted to provide a reason.
Do I have to pay an expert after accepting a proposal?
It depends on what you and the expert agree on and if you’re ready to work together. Talk to the expert about payment terms and make sure that the terms are included in the proposal. Learn more about paying experts.
Next steps
After you accept an expert's proposal, you can work with the expert to get the job done.