将用户添加到 Shopify 组织后台



  • 为用户授予组织和商店访问权限

  • 两步验证的注意事项

  • 将用户添加到您的 Shopify 组织后台




如果您从 Shopify 组织后台向用户授予商店的访问权限,则会将员工添加到该商店。但是,收到 Shopify 组织后台邀请的用户要在接受了创建账户的邀请之后才会出现在商店的 Shopify 后台中。

如果您从商店的 Shopify 后台创建员工,则可在 Shopify 组织后台管理这些用户。直接从商店获得邀请的用户在接受邀请之前会在您的用户列表中显示为单独的用户。在用户接受邀请后,他们的用户条目会合并到您用户列表中的一名用户中。



从不需要两步验证更改为需要两步验证会使用户退出 Shopify。在进行此更改之前,请确认用户未在执行任务。


将用户添加到您的 Shopify 组织后台


  1. 在 Shopify 组织后台中,点击用户

  2. 点击添加用户

  3. 输入您要添加的用户的邮箱。

  4. 访问权限和其他权限部分中,执行以下任一操作:

    • 若要使用角色授予访问权限,请点击分配角色,然后选择角色。

    • 若要在不使用角色的情况下授予访问权限,请选择选择自定义访问权限,然后添加组织级访问权限和商店级访问权限。

  5. 可选:若要更改为不需要两步验证,请执行以下操作:

    1. 安全部分,点击更改设置

    2. 选择不需要两步验证

    3. 单击保存

  6. 点击发送邀请



Adding users to the Shopify organization admin

Add users to your organization by sending them an invitation.

On this page

  • Giving users organization and store accesses

  • Considerations for two-step authentication

  • Add users to your Shopify organization admin

Giving users organization and store accesses

When you add users to your organization, you can give organization-level accesses. If you want to let users log in to a store and make changes to it, then you need to give the users access to the store and give them the permissions that they need to perform tasks within the store.

You have the option of managing organization accesses and store permissions for users by assigning roles to them. If you want to use roles, then verify that the required roles have been created before you add users.

If you give users access to a store from the Shopify organization admin, then staff are added to that store. However, until they accept their invitation to create an account, users who are invited from the Shopify organization admin don't appear in a store's Shopify admin.

If you create staff from a store's Shopify admin, then you can manage those users in the Shopify organization admin. Until they accept their invitation, users who are invited directly from a store appear as separate users in your Users list. After users accept, then their user entries are combined into one user in your Users list.

Considerations for two-step authentication

By default, users are required to enable two-step authentication for their accounts. In this case, users are prompted to set up two-step authentication when they log in. You can change two-step authentication so that it is not required for an existing user.

Changing the two-step authentication setting from not required to required logs the user out of Shopify. Before you make this change, verify that the user is not in the middle of a task.

After you remove the two-step authentication requirement for an existing user, the user's authentication settings are not updated automatically. In this case, the user must change the security settings for their own account. Until the user deactivates two-step authentication in their own security settings, they are still prompted to complete the two-step authentication setup for any store where they are staff, whether or not the store is in your organization.

Add users to your Shopify organization admin


  1. From your Shopify organization admin, click Users.

  2. Click Add user.

  3. Enter the email addresses of the users who you want to add.

  4. In the Access and permissions section, do either of the following:

    • To give accesses using a role, click Assign role, and then select a role.

    • To give accesses without using a role, select Select custom access, and then add organization-level accesses and store-level accesses.

  5. Optional: To change two-step authentication to not required, do the following:

    1. In the Security section, click Change setting.

    2. Select Two-step authentication is not required.

    3. Click Save.

  6. Click Send invite.

Your new user now appears in the users list with the Pending status. After the users accept your invitation, their status changes to Active.

