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税费会在 Shopify 中自动计算,但您可以为这些税率提供优惠,以便更严格地控制您收取的税费。如果您需要执行以下任一操作,请使用优惠:

  • 控制针对特定产品收取的税费

  • 处理税务例外和免税

  • 为发货目的地指定唯一的税率

  • 为免税客户指定唯一税率。


优惠适用于在线销售和 Shopify POS 销售。


如果您不需要收取销售税,则可以创建优惠并将税率设置为 0%。请随时与当地税务机关核实,确保您向客户收取正确的税金。


  • 将产品设置为免销售税

  • 为需要手动税费的产品手动创建产品系列

  • 更改产品系列税或运费税

  • 设置免税客户

  • 内置税金豁免

  • 为大多数产品设置税率 0%




  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,点击产品,然后点击该产品的名称。

  2. 定价部分中,取消选中 Charge taxes on this product(对此产品收取税费)。

  3. 点击保存





  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品 > 产品系列

  2. 点击创建产品系列,并输入系列名称。

  3. 产品系列类型下,选择手动

  4. 如果要对任何有效销售渠道隐藏产品系列,请点击产品系列可用性部分中的管理,以取消选中销售渠道名称旁边的复选框。详细了解销售渠道的可用性。

  5. 点击保存





  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到设置 > 税费和关税

  1. 点击您要为其添加手动税费的国家/地区名称。

  2. 手动税费部分,点击添加手动税费

  3. 若要为产品添加优惠,请点击添加适用于国家/地区的手动税费对话框中的产品

  4. 若要为运费添加手动税费,请点击添加适用于国家/地区的手动税费对话框中的发货

  5. 点击保存


在 Shopify 后台的客户页面上,您可以将客户设置为完全免税。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到客户

  2. 查找您想设置为免税的客户,然后点击这些客户的姓名。

  3. 税费设置部分中,点击管理

  4. 取消选中收税

  5. 点击保存


对于两个特定情况,Shopify 有内置的手动税费:

  • 在纽约、马萨诸塞州和罗德岛销售服装的美国商家

  • 在不列颠哥伦比亚省和萨斯喀彻温省销售蒸气产品的加拿大商家



  • 纽约:在某些管辖区,单价低于 110 美元的服装产品、鞋类产品和用于修补服装产品的商品可以免除州级销售税。例如,两件总价为 200 美元的商品将分别免除销售税,但是一件单价为 110 美元的商品需要缴纳销售税。此免除还适用于以下管辖区的当地税率:

  • 马萨诸塞州:价格低于 175 美元的服装产品免除州销售税,价格高于 175 美元的服装产品将只针对超过 175 美元的价格部分收税。例如价格为 200 美元的服装商品将根据 25 美元收取税金,因为基础的 175 美元是免税的。

  • 罗德岛:对单价为 250 美元或以下的服装和鞋类产品免征州销售税,只对超出 250 美元的增量金额征收销售税。例如,如果一件套装的价格是 275 美元,则仅对 25 美元收税。

若要 Shopify 计算正确的税率,您的商店必须在州内有实体场所,并且您需要为适用的服装产品创建产品系列,并指定标题:tax:clothing


  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品 > 产品系列

  2. 点击创建产品系列

  3. 标题中,以小写字母输入 tax:clothing

  4. 产品系列类型下,选择手动

  5. 手动将产品添加到产品系列。

  6. 可选:若要从任何有效的销售渠道中隐藏产品系列,请更改产品系列的供货情况。

  7. 保存您的产品系列。

保存 tax:clothing 产品系列后,将自动应用适用的服装规则,并将针对此产品系列中的产品收取正确的税费金额。

仅将 tax:clothing 产品系列用于纽约州、马萨诸塞州和罗得岛州。如果其他服装免税适用于您所在的管辖区,请通过其他手动税费方式或在产品页面的定价部分将您的产品标记为免税。


不列颠哥伦比亚省对蒸汽产品应用更高的 PST 税率。此外,该 PST 还会对 GST 进行混合。若要 Shopify 计算正确的税率,您需要为适用蒸汽的产品创建产品系列,并指定标题:tax:eliquid_vaporizers

有关蒸气产品的 PST 费率的详细信息,请参阅不列颠哥伦比亚省政府网站。




  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品 > 产品系列

  2. 点击创建产品系列

  3. 标题中,以小写字母输入 tax:eliquid_vaporizers

  4. 产品系列类型下,选择手动

  5. 手动将产品添加到产品系列。

  6. 可选:若要从任何有效的销售渠道中隐藏产品系列,请更改产品系列的供货情况。

  7. 保存您的产品系列。

保存税费后: eliquid_vaporizers产品系列,适用的销售税会自动应用,并且会为该产品系列中的产品收取正确的税费。


萨斯喀彻温省对蒸气产品征收蒸气产品税(即 VPT)。若要 Shopify 计算正确的税率,您需要为适用蒸汽的产品创建产品系列,并指定标题:tax:eliquid_vaporizers

有关蒸气产品的 VPT 的详细信息,请参阅萨斯喀彻温省政府网站。




  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品 > 产品系列

  2. 点击创建产品系列

  3. 标题中,以小写字母输入 tax:eliquid_vaporizers

  4. 产品系列类型下,选择手动

  5. 手动将产品添加到产品系列。

  6. 可选:若要从任何有效的销售渠道中隐藏产品系列,请更改产品系列的供货情况。

  7. 保存您的产品系列。

保存 :eliquid_vaporizers 产品系列后,该产品系列中的产品将不再收取 PST,取而代之的是 VST。

为大多数产品设置税率 0%

如果您的大多数产品或所有产品都免收销售税,并且您所在的国家/地区同时具有联邦税和区域税,则您可以在基本税部分中将默认值更改为 0%。

但是,对于要纳税的产品,您将需要将它们添加到一个产品系列中,然后为该产品系列创建手动税费。在此情况下,请转到设置 > 税费和关税,然后点击国家/地区名称。在基本税部分中,指定用地区税率加上 0% 的联邦税。然后,在为该产品系列创建手动税费时,您可以在国家/地区添加手动税费对话框中指定您要更改用于相应国家/地区的税费。


Tax overrides and exemptions

Taxes are calculated automatically within Shopify, but you can override these tax rates for greater control over the taxes you charge. Use overrides if you need to do any of the following:

  • control how much tax you charge for a particular product

  • handle tax exceptions and exemptions

  • specify unique tax rates for shipping destinations

  • specify unique tax rates for tax-exempt customers.

For example, you can specify overrides for state tax exemptions in the United States, provincial tax exemptions in Canada, or VAT exemptions in the European Union or the United Kingdom.

Overrides apply to online sales and to Shopify POS sales.

To set up a tax override, create a manual collection for the products that are tax exempt, and then apply the override to that collection.

If you do not need to charge sales tax, then you can create overrides and set the tax rates to 0%. Always check with a local tax authority to make sure that you are charging your customers the correct tax rates.

On this page

  • Set a product to be exempt from sales tax

  • Create a manual collection for products that need a tax override

  • Override the taxes on a collection or on shipping charges

  • Set up tax-exempt customers

  • Built-in tax exemptions

  • Set a 0% tax rate for most of your products

Set a product to be exempt from sales tax

If you have just a few products that are exempt from tax, then you can prevent any taxes from applying to these products individually.


  1. In your Shopify admin, click Products, and then click the name of the product.

  2. In the Pricing section, uncheck Charge taxes on this product.

  3. Click Save.

Create a manual collection for products that need a tax override

To apply a tax override, you first need to group the tax-modified products in a specific manual collection.

Hidden collections can be used for tax overrides. Any products placed in the collection that you create will become tax exempt everywhere in your store, whether the collection is hidden or not.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.

  2. Click Create collection, and then enter a name for it.

  3. Under Collection type, select Manual

  4. If you want to hide the collection from any of your active sales channels, then click Manage in the Collection availability section to deselect the check box beside the name of the sales channel. Learn more about sales channel availability.

  5. Click Save.

Override the taxes on a collection or on shipping charges

You can specify unique tax rates for a collection of products or on shipping charges.

The percentage value that you enter is the amount that will be collected. It's not the amount exempted.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Taxes and duties.

  1. Click the name of the country for which you want to add the tax override.

  2. In the Tax overrides section, click Add a tax override.

  3. To add an override for products, click Products in the Add Tax Override for country dialog

    1. Click Select a collection, and select the collection that needs an override

    2. Under Location, select where you want the override to apply.

    3. Under Tax rate, enter the amount of tax that you want to charge for the products in the collection.

    4. Click Add Override.

  4. To add an override to shipping charges, click Shipping in the Add Tax Override for country dialog.

    1. Under Location, select where you want the override to apply.

    2. Under Tax rate, enter the tax rate that you want to apply to the shipping charge.

    3. Click Add Override.

  5. Click Save.

Set up tax-exempt customers

On the Customers page of your Shopify admin, you can set a customer to be fully tax exempt.

Tax exempt customers are not charged any tax when they complete a checkout. These customers need to check out using the same email address as the one listed on their customer account.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Customers.

  2. Find the customer you want to exempt from all taxes, and then click their name.

  3. In the Tax settings section, click Manage.

  4. Uncheck Collect tax.

  5. Click Save.

Built-in tax exemptions

Shopify has built-in tax overrides for two specific cases:

  • US merchants selling clothing in New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island

  • Canadian merchants selling vapor products in British Columbia and Saskatchewan

Clothing tax rules in US states

The following states have tax exemptions for certain clothing products:

  • New York: In some jurisdictions, clothing products, footwear products, and items used to repair clothing products with an individual price under $110 are exempt from state sales tax. For example, two items with a combined price of $200 will each be exempt from sales tax, but one item with an individual price of $110 will be subject to sales tax. This exemption also applies to the local tax rates of the following jurisdictions:

    • Bronx

    • Brooklyn

    • Chautauqua

    • Chenango (except the city of Norwich)

    • Columbia

    • Delaware

    • Greene

    • Hamilton

    • Manhatten

    • Queens

    • Staten Island

    • Tioga

  • Massachusetts: Clothing products with a price under $175 are exempt from state sales tax, and clothing products with a price of over $175 will collect tax only on the amount that their price is over $175. For example, an item of clothing with a price of $200 will be taxed on $25 because the first $175 is not taxable.

  • Rhode Island: Clothing and footwear products with an individual price of $250 or less are exempt from state sales tax, and only the incremental amount above $250 is subject to sales tax. For example, if a suit costs $275, then the tax applies only to $25.

For Shopify to calculate the correct tax rates, your store must have a physical presence in the state, and you need to create a collection for the applicable clothing products with a title of tax:clothing.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.

  2. Click Create collection.

  3. In Title, enter tax:clothing in lowercase letters.

  4. Under Collection type, select Manual

  5. Add products to the collection manually.

  6. Optional: To hide the collection from any of your active sales channels, change the collection's availability.

  7. Save your collection.

After you save the tax:clothing collection, the applicable clothing rule will be applied automatically, and the correct amount of tax will be collected for the products in that collection.

Use the tax:clothing collection only for the states of New York, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. If another clothing exemption applies in your jurisdiction, use other tax override methods or mark your products as nontaxable in the Pricing section of the product page.

British Columbia vapor product tax rules

British Columbia applies a higher PST rate to vapor products. In addition, GST is compounded on the PST. For Shopify to calculate the correct tax rates, you need to create a collection for the applicable vapor products with the title tax:eliquid_vaporizers.

For more information about the PST rate for vapor products, refer to the Government of British Columbia website.

Before you begin

For the override to apply correctly, you need to set up your tax accounts for Canada and British Columbia first.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.

  2. Click Create collection.

  3. In Title, enter tax:eliquid_vaporizers in lowercase letters.

  4. Under Collection type, select Manual

  5. Add products to the collection manually.

  6. Optional: To hide the collection from any of your active sales channels, change the collection's availability.

  7. Save your collection.

After you save the tax:eliquid_vaporizers collection, the applicable sales taxes are applied automatically, and the correct amount of tax will be collected for the products in that collection.

Saskatchewan vapor product tax rules

Saskatchewan applies a Vapour Products Tax, or VPT, to vapor products. For Shopify to calculate the correct tax rates, you need to create a collection for the applicable vapor products with the title tax:eliquid_vaporizers.

For more information about the VPT for vapor products, refer to the Government of Saskatchewan website.

Before you begin

For the override to apply correctly, you need to set up your tax accounts for Canada and Saskatchewan first.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products > Collections.

  2. Click Create collection.

  3. In Title, enter tax:eliquid_vaporizers in lowercase letters.

  4. Under Collection type, select Manual

  5. Add products to the collection manually.

  6. Optional: To hide the collection from any of your active sales channels, change the collection's availability.

  7. Save your collection.

After you save the tax:eliquid_vaporizers collection, PST is no longer collected on products in the collection, and it is replaced by VST.

Set a 0% tax rate for most of your products

If most or all of your products are exempt from sales tax and you are in a country that has both federal tax and regional taxes, then you can override the defaults to 0% in the Base taxes section.

However, for your products that are taxable, you will need to add those products to a collection, and then create a tax override for that collection. In this scenario, go to Settings > Taxes and duties, and click the country name. In the Base taxes section, specify that the regional tax rate is added to 0% federal tax. Then, when you create the tax override for the collection, you can specify that you are overriding the rate for the country or for a region in the Add Tax Override for country dialog.

