Wish如何计算销售税/非美国间接税 (VAT/GST)?


若商户在“税务设置”中选择设置欧洲税务,当用户(收货地址)位于商户已进行 VAT 登记的国家/地区时,Wish 将基于欧洲国家/地区国内的销售额计算 VAT;当用户和商户位于不同的欧洲国家/地区,且商户在欧洲发货地国家/地区已进行 VAT 登记,则 Wish 将基于欧盟境内的销售额计算 VAT。如果直发订单的发货地不在欧盟境内,且商户未在用户所在国家/地区进行 VAT 登记,或货物价值低于低价值商品进口的 VAT 阈值,则不会征收 VAT。

Wish 通过将产品售价乘以税率来计算平台产品订单的间接税。得出的金额便是向用户收取的税额。

向用户展示的价格将包含 VAT,即不会向用户单独显示一行税费,也不会额外收取税费。

与美国的订单类似,VAT 将与应付商户的商品货款一起支付给商户。

VAT 计算示例:

– 法国,20% VAT 税率,待支付的总发票金额为10欧元

VAT 计算10 x 20%2.00欧元
发票总额10 + 212.00欧元


“产品”(包含 VAT) …………………….. 12欧元



如果商户在“税务设置”中设置加拿大税务,则系统将以与美国销售税相似的方式处理加拿大税费 (GST/HST/PST/QST)。Wish 将会代表商户分别就产品的售价和运费向加拿大用户征收相应的税额。商户将会在正常放款中收到这些税款(减去退款/扣除金额)。



  • 在某些辖区,部分产品适用免税或零税率优惠。

  • 每个辖区的税率可能不同,且某些辖区对同一笔交易会征收多项税费。

  • GST 计算示例

  • 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省,GST/PST 税率 12%,用户购买一个10加元的产品。

GST/PST 计算10 x 12%1.20加元
发票总额8.93 + 1.0711.20加元


“产品” ……………………..10.00加元


Non-US Indirect Taxes (VAT/GST):

A. How does Wish calculate sales/VAT/GST taxes?


Where Merchants elect to use Tax Settings in Europe, Wish will calculate VAT on European domestic sales where the Customer (ship-to address) is located in a country where the Merchant is VAT registered and Intra European Union (EU) Sales where the Customer and the Merchant are in different EU Countries and the Merchant is VAT Registered in the Ship-from EU country. VAT will not be collected on Drop shipment sales where the ship-from is outside the European Union and Merchant is not VAT registered in the country of the Customer or the value of the goods is below the low value import VAT threshold.

Wish calculates indirect taxes on the sales made on the Wish platform by multiplying the sales price by an indirect tax percentage. The result is the indirect tax amount that is charged to the customer.

The price displayed to buyers will be inclusive of VAT, i.e. there will not be a separate tax line or an additional amount collected from the customer.

Similar to sales into the United States, VAT will be paid in addition to the normal Merchant payments for items sold on the platform. 

Example of the VAT calculation

– France, 20% VAT rate, and the total invoice amount to pay is EUR 10

Sales Price10EUR 10.00
VAT Calculation10 x 20%EUR 2.00
Total Invoice Amount10 + 2EUR12.00

This will be shown at the invoice as:

“Item” (VAT inclusive) …………………….. EUR 12


For merchants shipping Canada-bound orders from outside of Canada:

Where Merchants elect to use Tax Settings in Canada, Canadian taxes (GST/HST/PST/QST) will be handled similar to the United States sales taxes. Wish will collect Canadian taxes on behalf of Merchants separately from product and shipping costs. Merchants will receive these Canadian tax amounts as part of the normal payments process (less any refunds/deductions).

Many different factors affect the amount of tax on a sale. Such as whether a product qualifies for a zero or reduced rate or where the sale takes place.

For example:

  • Some jurisdictions may exempt or zero rate certain products from tax (e.g. foods, medical products)

  • Each jurisdiction may have a different tax rate, and some have multiple taxes on a single transaction

  • Example of the GST calculation

  • Canada, British Columbia 12% GST/PST rate, and the customer purchases a 10 CAD item.

Sales Price10CAD 10.00
GST/PST Calculation10 x 12%CAD 1.20
Total Invoice Amount8.93 + 1.07CAD 11.20

This will be shown at the invoice as:

“Item” ……………………..CAD10.00
Taxes…………………….…CAD 1.20
        Order total………………….CAD 11.20

