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根据 Wish 政策,商户有责任正确识别其申报义务,并在适当的情况下代收和申报销售税。


Home-rule States

A handful of States may require both a State-level filing and additional local-level filings. These States have “home rule” jurisdictions, which means that the States have granted sovereignty to certain cities and counties within their State that permits these jurisdictions to levy and/or administer their own sales taxes. In home-rule jurisdictions, the sales tax system can be considered an entirely separate system from that of the State: the tax is administered and collected locally by the jurisdiction, and the sales tax rules can be different from those of the State and those of other local jurisdictions.  For sales tax compliance, additional filing obligation may exist for Merchants with nexus in a home-rule local jurisdiction.

In the following States, Merchants may be required to comply with additional filings for a local-level taxing authority:

  • Alaska

  • Colorado

  • Louisiana

To determine where additional filings may be required, Merchants should review their activities in the States above at a local level to determine where nexus may exist in local jurisdictions. If a Merchant has nexus in a specific local jurisdiction that has home-rule status, it may also have a sales tax filing obligation in that local jurisdiction.  

Note that application varies by State. For example: Alaska has no State-level sales tax, however local jurisdictions may administer their own sales tax. Some but not all local jurisdictions in Colorado are self-administered. (But note that certain jurisdictions in Colorado require local sales tax collection for all Merchants with State-level nexus, see explanation above). All local jurisdictions in Idaho and Louisiana are self-administered. Other specific administration practices may vary by State.

Per Wish policy, Merchants are responsible for correctly identifying their filing obligations and collecting and reporting sales tax.

