
您可以使用 Shopify 支持的蓝牙条码扫描器在结账时快速将产品添加到购物车。无线条码扫描器可以扫描距您的 iPad 或 iPhone 最远 100 米的条码。

Shopify 支持以下蓝牙条码扫描器:

Socket Mobile 1D 条码扫描器黑色、白色SocketScan® S700美国、加拿大、英国、爱尔兰、德国、荷兰、丹麦、比利时、西班牙、澳大利亚和新西兰
Socket Mobile 2D 条码扫描器黑色、白色SocketScan® S740美国、加拿大、英国、爱尔兰、德国、荷兰、丹麦、比利时、西班牙、澳大利亚和新西兰


若要在您的 Shopify 商店中使用此硬件,您需要满足以下要求:

  • 全新 Shopify POS

  • 运行 iOS 12.2 或更高版本的兼容 iPad 或 iPhone 或者运行 5.0 版 (Lollipop) 或更高版本的兼容 Android 设备

1D 条码与 2D 条码

条码扫描器的选择取决于您是要扫描 1D 还是 2D 条码。这两种类型的条码易于区分,并且有不同的用途。您可以使用 Socket Mobile S740 和 CHS 7Qi 2D 条码扫描器扫描 1D 和 2D 条码。

1D 条码

1D 条码是一排粗细不等的平行线:

您可以为产品创建带有 1D 条码的条码标签,然后使用 Socket Mobile S700 和 CHS 7Ci 1D 条码扫描器或您设备的前置摄像头,在为客户结账时快速将产品添加到 Shopify POS 购物车中。

2D 条码

2D 条码是一种由黑白图块组成的正方形图案:

借助 Shopify POS,您可以通过以下几种方式使用 2D 条码:

  • 当您销售实物礼品卡时,扫描礼品卡的条码将它添加到购物车中。

  • 兑换礼品卡时,在结账时扫描实物或纸质条码。

  • 使用收据打印机打印具有 2D 条码的纸质礼品卡。

  • 在客户收据上包含 2D 条码,以便将来通过扫描它们查找关联的订单。

授予 Shopify POS 应用访问设备相机的权限

您可以使用设备的相机扫描以下 1D 和 2D 条码:

  • 产品

  • 收据

  • 礼品卡(仅限 2D)

果您想使用 iPad 或 iPhone 的前置摄像头扫描条码,则需要授予 Shopify POS 应用访问相机的权限。当您第一次点击条码按钮或扫描礼品卡时,系统会要求您授予该应用访问权限,但您也可以通过 iPad 或 iPhone 的隐私设置手动执行此操作。


  1. 在您的 iPad 或 iPhone 的主屏幕上,点击设置

  2. 点击 Shopify POS

  3. 启用相机


Barcode scanners

You can use Shopify-supported Bluetooth barcode scanners to quickly add products to the cart at checkout. Cordless barcode scanners can be used up to 100 meters away from your iPad or iPhone.

Shopify supports the following Bluetooth barcode scanners:

Barcode scannerColor optionsModel numberAvailability
Socket Mobile 1D Barcode ScannerBlack, WhiteSocketScan® S700United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Australia, and New Zealand
Socket Mobile 2D Barcode ScannerBlack, WhiteSocketScan® S740United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Australia, and New Zealand

On this page

  • Requirements

  • 1D barcodes versus 2D barcodes

  • Grant the Shopify POS app access to your device's camera


To use this hardware with your Shopify store, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • the all-new Shopify POS

  • a compatible iPad or iPhone that is running iOS 12.2 or higher OR a compatible Android device that is running version 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher

1D barcodes versus 2D barcodes

Your choice of barcode scanner depends on whether you want to scan 1D or 2D barcodes. The two types of barcode are easy to tell apart and have different uses. You can use the Socket Mobile S740 and CHS 7Qi 2D barcode scanners to scan both 1D and 2D barcodes.

1D barcodes

1D barcodes are a row of parallel lines of varying thickness:

You can create barcode labels with 1D barcodes for your products, and then use the Socket Mobile S700 and CHS 7Ci 1D barcode scanner, or your device's front-facing camera, to quickly add products to the Shopify POS cart when you check out a customer.

2D barcodes

2D barcodes are a pattern of black and white blocks arranged in a square:

With Shopify POS, you can use 2D barcodes in a few ways:

  • Scan the barcode of a gift card to add it to the cart when you sell a physical gift card.

  • Scan a physical or paper barcode at checkout when you redeem a gift card.

  • Use the receipt printer to print paper gift cards that have a 2D barcode.

  • Include 2D barcodes on customer receipts so that you can scan them in the future to find the associated order.

Grant the Shopify POS app access to your device's camera

You can use your device's camera to scan the following 1D and 2D barcodes:

  • products

  • receipts

  • gift cards (2D only)

If you want to scan barcodes with your iPad or iPhone's front-facing camera, then you need to grant the Shopify POS app access to the camera. You're asked to grant the app access the first time you tap the barcode button or scan a gift card, but you can also do so manually from your iPad or iPhone's privacy settings.


  1. From your iPad or iPhone's home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Shopify POS.

  3. Enable Camera.

