Wish Local零售商费用和付款政策
Wish Local 零售商费用和付款政策
9.3Wish Local 零售商费用和付款条款
*第9.3条仅适用于 Wish Local 零售商。
如果 Wish Local 零售商以 Wish 商户身份在 Wish 上销售产品(每笔交易均为“‘在 Wish 上售卖’交易”),则该“在 Wish 上售卖”交易将有资格按照下文所述或 Wish 另行告知商户的方式获得付款。在不限制任何其他补救的情况下,Wish 可以单方面决定在确认用户完成取货和在30天的用户退款期限截止前,延迟汇款并暂扣应付给商户的任何款项。无法通过商户的 Wish Local 账户或wish商户平台的内部系统确认已取货的“在 Wish 上售卖”交易可能无法获得付款资格。Wish 将每月两次就商户的合资格“在 Wish 上售卖”交易向商户付款。
对于每笔“在 Wish 上售卖”交易,需由商户在 Wish Local 应用中确认用户已取货。如果“在 Wish 上售卖”交易未被确认,则 Wish 没有义务就该“在 Wish 上售卖”交易向商户付款。
在用户取到所订货物后,用户可在30天内就“在 Wish 上售卖”交易要求退款。在订单过了30天的退款期限后,“在 Wish 上售卖”交易的款项可在下一付款周期立即获得付款资格。
根据商户的 Wish 账户中注明的条款或商户可能与 Wish 签订的任何其他协议的条款,在产品售出时,Wish 将向商户支付商户提供给 Wish 的定价中抽取一定百分比或固定金额。
如果商户使用用于通过 Wish 服务售卖产品的服务或功能,或与之相关的其他服务或产品功能(例如,ProductBoost、Fulfillment By Wish 等),Wish 可能会就这些服务或产品功能收取 Wish 告知的某些额外或其他费用。如果 Wish 推出用于通过 Wish 服务售卖产品的新服务或功能,或与之相关的新服务或产品功能,则该服务或产品功能的费用将在服务或产品功能推出时生效。除非另有说明,否则所有费用均以美元 (USD) 报价。
在某些情况下,包括但不限于无效的交易,Wish 可以在商户的账单中借记适用费用。
除非《商户服务条款》或《税费政策》另有规定,您有责任支付与使用 Wish 和在 Wish 上销售相关的所有费用和适用税项。
9.3Wish Local Retailer Fees and Payment Terms
* Section 9.3 is only applicable to Wish Local Retailers.
9.3.1Order Payment Eligibility
If a Wish Local Retailer sells an item on Wish (each sale a “‘Sell On Wish’ Transaction”) as a Wish merchant, such ‘Sell On Wish’ Transaction will be eligible for payment as set out below or as otherwise communicated to the merchant by Wish. Without limiting any other remedies, Wish may unilaterally decide to delay the remittance and withhold any amount payable to the merchant until receiving the confirmation of fulfilled pickup and passing the 30-day customer refund window. ‘Sell on Wish’ Transactions that cannot be confirmed as picked up either by the merchant’s Wish Local account or through our internal systems may be ineligible for payment. Wish will pay the merchant for its eligible ‘Sell On Wish’ Transactions twice per month.
Each ‘Sell On Wish’ Transaction requires the merchant to confirm the customer pickup in its Wish Local application. In the event that a ‘Sell On Wish’ Transaction is not confirmed, Wish has no obligation to pay the merchant for such ‘Sell On Wish’ Transaction.
Once the customer picks up the customer’s order, the customer will have 30-days to request a refund for a ‘Sell On Wish’ Transaction. Once the order clears the 30-day refund window, the ‘Sell On Wish’ Transaction will become eligible for payment on the immediate following payment cycle.
Depending on the terms noted within the merchant’s Wish account or the terms of any other agreement the merchant may have with Wish, Wish will either take a percentage or a set amount of the list price provided to Wish by the merchant when an item sells.
Should the merchant use additional services or product features related to the sales of items through or in connection with Wish’s services (e.g., ProductBoost, Fulfillment by Wish, etc.), these services or product features may be subject to certain additional or different fees as communicated by Wish. In the event Wish introduces a new service or product feature related to the sales of items through or in connection with Wish’s services, the fees for that service or product feature will be effective upon the launch of the service or product feature. Unless otherwise stated, all fees are quoted in US Dollars (USD).
In certain situations, including but not limited to a void or invalid transaction, Wish may issue a debit to a merchant’s billing statement for the applicable fees.
Except as set forth in the Merchant Terms of Service or the Tax Policy, you are responsible for paying all fees and applicable taxes associated with using and selling on Wish.