



  1. 查看目前的预处理分类: 查看目前的预处理分类:您的每种商品都有一个或多个特定属性,这些属性决定了商品所需的预处理级别。我们会将这些属性归入相应的分类,从而确定每件商品所需的预处理分类。 在提交调查请求之前,您必须首先查看商品的当前分类,以确定您的考虑是否准确。

  2. 提交请求: 提交请求:如果您认为预处理分类不够精确,可以提交调查请求。接下来,我们将要求您提供更多详细信息,并观看关于亚马逊物流预处理服务的简短视频。

  3. 您将会在三天之内得到回复: 在您完成提交后,我们将立即针对您的请求创建问题记录,随后您将收到一封确认提交的电子邮件。您将会在三个工作日内得到回复。

注意: 提交预处理调查请求之后,在 90 日内不能再次提交请求。如果您掌握的其他信息表明需要重新调查,请在“问题日志”中重新打开该问题。



FBA prep investigation tool

In the Shipment Creation Workflow, the Fulfillment by Amazon team displays preparation guidance for products you are about to ship to Amazon on the “Prepare Products” tab. You will see the word “Investigate” in the Prep guidance column. You can click “Investigate” to open the prep investigation tool.

Submitting a prep investigation request

While creating your shipment in Seller Central, you will be shown guidance on how to prep your products before shipping them to Amazon fulfillment centers. If you decide to investigate this prep guidance further, follow these steps:

  1. Review current prep classification: Each of your products has one or more specific attributes that determine what level of prep is needed. We group these attributes into classifications that dictate exactly what type of prep is needed for a given product. Before you submit an investigation request, you must first review your product’s current classifications to see if you think one or more are accurate.

  2. Submit a request: If you feel the prep classifications are all inaccurate, you can submit an investigation request. Next, you will be asked to give more details and review a brief video about FBA prep.

  3. Wait three days for the response: Once your submission is complete, we will create a case for the request and you will receive an e-mail to confirm your submission. A response will be provided within three business days.

Note: After a prep investigation request has been submitted, another request cannot be made for 90 days. If a review is required due to additional information you may have, please re-open the case found in your Case Log.

For information about addressing problem notifications in your Shipment summary page, refer to Resolving inbound performance alerts.

