
库存调整报告会显示特定时间段内的净库存详情。使用本报告可以分析进出亚马逊运营中心的库存流转情况,包括已售商品、退货商品、移除/弃置商品、已残损商品、丢失商品和找到的商品。您可以在本报告中查看 18 个月以来的库存流转历史记录。


【起始库存余量】 + 【已接收库存】 – 【买家订单】 + 【买家退货】 +/- 【盘库】 – 【移除】 = 【期末库存余量】


使用每月库存历史记录报告确定某个 SKU 或一组 SKU 上一月的期末库存余量。

注意: 在次月 5 日后才能获得月度报告数据。必须在每个月完全结束后才能获得月度报告数据。对于库存流转,月数据在次月的 5 日截止。要查看上个月的数据,请等到本月的 5 日后再运行此报告。


注意: 核对库存的最佳方式是在每个报告中使用 FNSKU 字段。


卖家 SKUSKU您分配给商品的唯一标识。

ASIN亚马逊商品编码 (ASIN) 由 10 个字母或数字组成,是用于标识商品的唯一编码。ASIN 由亚马逊分配。您可以在商品详情页面找到商品的 ASIN。

状况您商品的实际状况: 新品;翻新;收藏品,尚可;二手,好;二手,很好

注意: 您也可以点击查看赔偿按钮,查看在线报告中与报告日期相对应的赔偿。请注意,丢失或已残损商品的赔偿最多可能需要 45 天才会转入您的账户。要了解有关赔偿的更多信息,请参阅亚马逊物流丢失和已残损库存赔偿政策。


Inventory Reconciliation Report

Inventory Reconciliation Report shows your net inventory details for a specific time period. Use this report to analyze your inventory movements to and from Amazon fulfillment centers including products that are sold, returned, removed/disposed of, damaged, lost, and found. You can view all historical movements of your inventory for 18 months in this report.

To fully reconcile inventory balances, it helps to understand the various inventory events that contribute to your ending balance. There is a report for each inventory event to help you identify the key details. We recommend reviewing inventory events in this order:

Starting inventory balance + received inventory – customer orders + customer returns +/- adjustments – removals = ending inventory balance

Define your starting inventory balance:

Use the Monthly Inventory History report to determine the prior month’s ending inventory balance for a SKU or set of SKUs.

Note: Monthly report data is unavailable until after the fifth day of the next month. The month needs to close completely before data is available for the monthly report. For inventory movements, the month closes on the fifth day of the following month. To view data for the previous month, wait to run this report until after the fifth day of the month.

If you have any discrepancies, expand the dates of your report. An inventory event could occur in the previous month, which would affect your data in the report window. Expanding the dates of your report can provide you with more visibility into your inventory movements.

Note: The best way to reconcile inventory is to use the FNSKU field in each report.

Field definitions

Online HeaderDownload HeaderDescription
FNSKUfnskuUnique identifier assigned by Amazon to products stored in and fulfilled from an Amazon fulfillment center.
Merchant SKUskuUnique identifier you assign to products.
Titleproduct-nameThe title of your product.

ASINAmazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. ASINs are assigned by Amazon. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page.
Beginning Quantitybeginning-quantityThe physical count of your units in the fulfillment center at the beginning of the report date.
Total Units In
The total amount of units that were received via inbound shipments, customer returns, found, or otherwise added to your inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers.
Total Units Out
The total amount of units that were sold, removed/disposed of, damaged, lost, or otherwise removed from your inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers.
Ending Quantityending-quantityThe physical count of your units in the fulfillment center at the end of the report date.

conditionThe physical condition of your unit: NewItem, Refurbished, CollectibleAcceptable, UsedGood, VeryGood
ReceivedreceivedAll units received in inbound shipments to Amazon fulfillment centers.
SoldsoldAll units sold and fulfilled from your inventory
FoundfoundAll units that were previously missing and then found and returned to your inventory
ReturnedreturnedAll units returned to Amazon fulfillment centers by customers and returned to your inventory.
RemovedremovedAll units removed from your inventory via Removal Order and shipped from Amazon fulfillment centers.
DisposeddisposedAll units removed from your inventory and disposed of.
LostlostAll units that are missing from your inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers and for which you may be or already have been reimbursed.
OtherotherAll units that were identified as damaged and for which you may be or have already been reimbursed, as well as all other inventory dispositions that may not be covered under these definitions.

Note: You can also view your reimbursements for the report date on the online report by clicking the See Reimbursements button. Note that reimbursements for lost or damaged units may take up to 45 days to post to your account. To learn more about reimbursements, see the FBA lost and damaged inventory reimbursement policy.
