


举报是对涉嫌侵权行为的一种通知,可以使用投诉编号进行追踪。一份举报可以涉及一个或多个 ASIN。


投诉编号是用于追踪举报的唯一标识。一个投诉编号可以对应对多个 ASIN 的举报。对于每个投诉编号,您可以点击唯一编号下方的箭头来查看所举报的 ASIN。





“提交历史记录”页面是否显示我针对其他亚马逊商城(Amazon.com、Amazon.de、Amazon.ca 等)中的内容提交的举报?


分配给我的举报或相关 ASIN 的状态是什么意思?

  • 审核中: 我们正在审核您的举报。

  • 已接受: 我们已经审核了您的举报,并删除了举报的内容。

  • 部分接受: 我们已经审核了您的举报,并针对您举报的部分 ASIN 接受了您的要求(并删除了内容)。

  • 未接受: 我们已经审核了您的举报,并确定该举报无效或不完整。

  • 正在接受其他审核: 提交的举报正在接受其他审核。您将收到有关举报最终状态的电子邮件通知。




在“提交历史记录”页面的顶部,您可以查看“提交一览”控制面板,其中显示了您在过去 7 天、30 天或 6 个月内通过“举报违规行为”工具为您的品牌提交的所有举报的一览。一览中显示了按状态类型汇总的举报数量。权利所有者也可以查看状态为“未接受”的举报的提交者列表。


Report a Violation tool: Submission History Help

Submission History is a log of your reports submitted through the Report a Violation tool. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

What is a report?

A report is a notice of suspected infringement that can be tracked using a complaint ID. One report can include one or more ASINs.

What is a complaint ID?

A complaint ID is a unique identifier provided to track your report. One complaint ID can include reports on multiple ASINs. For every complaint ID, you can view the reported ASIN(s) by clicking on the arrows below the unique ID.

Do reports I submit through other submission channels show on this page?

No, only reports submitted through the Report a Violation tool will be shown on the Submission History page.

How can I select and view reports for a specific brand?

To select a brand, use the brand drop-down menu in the top-left area of the page.

Does the Submission History page show reports I have submitted for content in other Amazon marketplaces (Amazon.com, Amazon.de, Amazon.ca, etc.)?

Yes, you can view the reports you have submitted for any marketplace by clicking the drop-down menu on the top-left area of the page, and selecting the relevant marketplace.

What does the status assigned to my report or associated ASIN mean?

  • Under review: We are in the process of reviewing your report.

  • Accepted: We reviewed your report and removed the reported content.

  • Partially accepted: We reviewed your report and accepted your claim (and removed content) for a subset of the reported ASINs.

  • Not accepted: We reviewed your report and determined that it was not valid or incomplete.

  • Under additional review: The submitted report is currently under additional review. You will be notified by email regarding the final status of your report.

After submission, for how long is a report visible on the Submission History page?

Your reports are visible for six months.

Where can I find a summary of all submitted reports?

At the top of the Submission History page, you can view the Submission Summary dashboard which shows you a summary of all reports submitted for your Brand through the Report a Violation tool in the past 7 days, 30 days, or 6 months. The summary shows the number of reports aggregated by status type. Rights Owners can also view a list of submitters who submitted reports with a status of “Not accepted.”

