成功备战 2020 年旺季期间的相关变更 — 常见问题





是的。卖家可以发往亚马逊运营中心的所有商品都会有数量限制。多数商品将有足够的仓储空间,可用于 3 个月以上的商品销售。



重要: 运送库存商品的数量超过最大货件数量即属违反政策,可能导致不合规货件被取消。


您的最大货件数量 = 允许的最大库存水平 - 库存限额使用量



我们对所有商品都会提供一个初始的数量限制,以建立销售历史记录。随着商品销售绩效的产生(可能需要 4 周的时间),数量限制也会提高。您可以在“补充库存”页面和补货报告中查看新商品或近期无销量的商品的数量限制。





  • 入库计划中的商品数量超过 ASIN 的最大货件数量

  • 该仓储类型的库存使用量超出了仓储监视器中当前时间段内的仓储限制

  • ASIN 有政策方面的限制(例如:危险物品/危险品)



我的库存绩效指标分数高于 500,为什么不能创建货件?

所有亚马逊物流 ASIN 都有数量限制。

如果您的库存绩效指标分数高于 500 却无法创建货件,可能是因为:

  • 入库计划中的商品数量超过 ASIN 的最大货件数量,或者

  • ASIN 有政策方面的限制(例如:危险物品/危险品)





Changes as we prepare for successful peak 2020 – Frequently asked questions

Please note that Selling Partner Support does not have further information.

Why are you making these changes?

As we head into the holidays, we are preparing early to meet sustained increased demand. To ensure we’re ready to best serve all of our selling partners and customers, we are introducing adjustments as we ramp into peak. Our commitment to our selling partners has never been more steadfast, and we have already reduced our own Retail product ordering to accommodate more of your products and help you continue to see sales growth.

Do all products in FBA have quantity limits?

Yes. All products that sellers can send to our fulfillment centers will have quantity limits. Most products will have enough space available for over three months of sales.

How can I determine how much inventory I am able to send?

To determine how much you can send in, go to Restock Inventory and check the Days of Supply column. Click on the units above the color bar to open a pop-up window that includes your Maximum shipment quantity.

Important: Sending inventory in excess of the maximum shipment quantity is a policy violation and may result in cancellation of non-compliant shipments.

How do you calculate the Maximum shipment quantity allowed?

Your Maximum shipment quantity = Maximum inventory level allowed - Utilization

The utilization metric for each product is shown in the Days of Supply column at Restock Inventory. Click on the units right above the color bar to open a pop-up window containing utilization information. Utilization represents your current inventory at Amazon, which counts against your maximum inventory level and helps determine your maximum shipment quantity. It accounts for your incoming shipments, inventory pending removals, and your reserved inventory. This may or may not match with the Inventory supply at Amazon.

What about new products or products that do not have recent sales?

We provide an initial quantity limit for all products to build your sales history. Your quantity limit will increase as you build sales performance for your products, which can take up to four weeks. You can check the quantity limits for products that are new or do not have recent sales on the Restock Inventory page and Restock report.

Can I appeal for an increase in my product's quantity limit?

No, we are not accepting requests to modify quantity limits.

Why am I not able to create a shipment for some of my products?

You may be unable to create a shipment for your products if:

  • The units on the shipment plan exceed the ASIN’s maximum shipment quantity

  • Your sort-type usage has exceeded your storage limit for the current period in the storage monitor

  • The ASIN has a policy restriction (for example, dangerous goods / Hazmat)

Will you be making additional changes?

We will continue to make adjustments to best support your business and keep you informed along the way. We appreciate your partnership as we improve the efficiency of our fulfillment network to prepare all selling partners for a successful peak season.

I have an IPI score above 500, why can’t I create a shipment?

All FBA ASINs have quantity limits.

If you have an IPI score above 500 and are not able to create a shipment, it may be because:

  • The units on the shipment plan exceed the ASIN’s maximum shipment quantity, or

  • The ASIN has a policy restriction (e.g., Dangerous goods/Hazmat)

I submitted my removal order and my removal is still pending. Is this affecting my IPI score?

Pending removals will not adversely affect your IPI score.

For additional IPI FAQs, refer to the Inventory performance help page.

