


  • 当您确定两个版本的优化版商品描述进行测试时,请确保使用优化版商品描述管理器将两个版本应用到完全相同的 ASIN 集。否则,您将无法进行实验。

  • 确保您的实验商品描述存有高度差异性: 如果商品描述太相似,则不太可能影响买家行为,难以确定获胜版本。

  • 让您的实验持续进行: 即使前期结果喜人,但也可能具有误导性。如果您根据这些结果早早结束实验,便很有可能高估实验影响,甚至选择错误版本。



  • 在您的详情页面上引入新的优化版商品描述模块。

  • 向商品描述添加高分辨率图片,或刷新现有图片。

  • 仅使用生活图片或标准商品图片。

  • 突出显示一组功能与一组不同的功能。

  • 在优化版商品描述中使用对比图。



  • 在实验结束前,请勿太频繁地查看结果: 临时结果可能具有误导性。

  • 导出结果: 您可以使用从“实验详情”页面导出数据来创建自己的图表或运行您自己的分析。

  • 进行更多实验: 您可以通过测试不同的 ASIN、更改同一 ASIN 的商品描述假定,或者在不同的季节性阶段测试以了解不同类型的买家如何理解您的商品,从而持续改进您的商品描述策略。


Tips for Experiments

Creating Experiments

These can help you set up and get more value out of your experiments

  • When you identify two versions of A+ content to test in an experiment, make sure both versions are applied to the exact same set of ASINs using the A+ Content Manager. Otherwise, you won’t be able to set up your experiment.

  • Make sure your experimental content is different enough: If your content is too similar, it is less likely to affect customer behavior, and you may not be able to confidently determine a winner.

  • Let your experiment run for the entire duration: Even if early results are promising, they can be misleading. If you end an experiment early based on those results, you increase the chance of overestimating the impact of your experiment or even selecting the wrong version.

Ideas for Experiments

Here are some things you may be interested in experimenting on. But don’t restrict yourself to these ideas – use your own judgement to determine what to test.

  • Introducing new A+ content modules to your detail pages.

  • Adding high-resolution imagery to your content, or refreshing your existing imagery.

  • Using exclusively lifestyle imagery or standard product imagery.

  • Highlighting one set of features versus a different set.

  • using a comparison chart in your A+ content.

Experiment Results

By making the most of your results, you can maximize the total impact of each experiment.

  • Don’t check your results too frequently before an experiment ends: Interim results can be misleading.

  • Export your results: You can use the data export from the Experiment Details page to create your own graphs or run your own analyses.

  • Run more experiments: You can continually improve your content strategy by testing on different ASINs, changing your content hypotheses for the same ASIN, or testing during different seasonal periods to understand how different types of customers approach your product.

