

您也可以使用“检查我的文件”功能在库存文件中自动检测变体集。有关更多详情和支持的分类,请参见 使用检查我的文件功能。



  • 父项:不可购商品,显示在搜索结果中。

  • 子项:与父项商品相关且随尺寸和/或颜色变化的可购商品。

  • 变体主题:定义商品彼此之间的相关性:尺寸和/或颜色。

行李箱类别仅具有一个变体主题: 颜色。


  • 父项:20’’ expandable Spinner
    子项:黑色 20’’ Expandable Spinner



  • 商品提供不同颜色选择(均码)


  • 商品不提供不同颜色选择。


为您的库存文件上传创建变体时,必须在这些 必填字段中提供信息:

  • sku:商品 SKU。

  • 百分比:定义商品是主商品的父项商品或子项(变体)。

  • parent-sku:如果商品是子项,请列出父项的 SKU。

  • relationship-type:如果商品是父项的子项(不同尺寸和/或颜色),请输入值“变体”。仅适用于子项商品。

  • variation-theme:父项商品产生差异的参数:尺寸、颜色或尺寸-颜色。父项和子项 SKU 的该字段的值必须相同。

如果您未能在任何必填字段中输入信息,Amazon.com 上可能会禁止显示您的报价。


  • 充分描述每个子项商品,以便该项商品包含在浏览和搜索结果中。

  • 在子项商品名称中包含尺寸和颜色。

  • 使用 SKU 创建商品关系。

  • 在库存上传文件或 XML 的父项 SKU 下方列出子项报价。


  • 请勿为父项商品包含商品价格和数量值。

  • 请勿在父项标题中包含尺寸或颜色。

  • 请勿输入尺寸、颜色或尺寸-颜色之外的变体主题。

  • 请勿将任何商品链接到不属于尺寸或颜色变体的父项商品。

XML 帮助

  • 商品关系输入数据概览

  • 商品关系输入数据示例



Variation Relationships for Luggage & Travel Accessories

Variations allow customers to choose the desired color and/or size of a product from a single detail page. This provides a cleaner customer buying experience. Without variation relationships, every unique size and color combination for a product would be listed separately, resulting in a poor customer experience.

You may also be able to use the Check My File feature to automatically detect variation sets in your inventory file. For details and supported categories, see Using the Check My Files Feature.

  • Learn how to properly set up your variation theme and product relationships.

The Parent product is the product that customers locate through search and browse. The Child product displays when a variation is selected by the buyer. The relationship of parent to child is the variation theme: size, color, or size- color.

There are three components to a Parent-Child relationship:

  • Parent:: Non-buyable products, displayed in search results.

  • Child: Buyable products related to a Parent product and varied by size, color, or both.

  • Variation theme: Defines how the products are related to each other: size, color, or both.

The Luggage category has only one variation Theme: Color.


  • Parent: 20’’ expandable Spinner
    Child: Black 20’’ Expandable Spinner

When to use variation relationships

Use Single Variations

  • The product is available in different colors ( one-size)

No Variations

  • The product has no different colors.

 Creating variations

When creating variations for your inventory file upload, you must provide information in these required fields:

  • sku: The item SKU.

  • parentage: Defines whether the product is a Parent product or a Child (variation) of the main product.

  • parent-sku: If the product is a Child, list the SKU of the Parent.

  • relationship-type: If the product is a Child (a different size, color, or both) of a Parent, enter the value "variation." For Child items only.

  • variation-theme: The parameter by which the Parent product may vary: size, color, or size-color. The value for this field should be the same for both the parent and child SKU.

If you fail to enter information into any of the required fields, your offer could be suppressed from display on Amazon.com.


  • Fully describe each Child product so it will be included in browse and search results.

  • Include size and color to the Child product title.

  • Use SKUs to build relationships.

  • List the Child offers under the Parent SKU in your inventory upload files or XML.


  • Do not include price and quantity values for Parent products.

  • Do not include size or color in the Parent title.

  • Do not enter a variation theme other than size, color, or size-color.

  • Do not link any products to the Parent product that are not a variation of size or color.

XML Help

  • Relationships Feed Overview

  • Relationships Feed Example


