





Selection-based Fee Promotions

Selection-based fee promotions are limited-time referral fee discounts designed to help you offer popular items on Amazon. Available selection-based fee promotions are listed in Selling Coach Reports.

For your available selection-based fee promotions, you will receive the Referral Fee discount for each eligible item you sell during the promotion period, which begins on the Promotion start date and runs through the Promotion end date.

Amazon applies referral fee discounts at the time an order is placed for any eligible items sold during a fee promotion. Referral fee discounts will show up as a Referral Fee Discount line item in your Transaction Details. Fee promotions are limited-time only, and after the specified promotion end date, standard Referral Fees will apply. Amazon may change or cancel any fee promotion at any time, but sales prior to any modification will still receive the original discount.

For information on standard referral fee rates, please see the Selling on Amazon Fee Schedule.

