查看产品的库存调整历史记录(Shopify 后台)

如果您使用 Shopify 来跟踪产品的库存,则可以查看此产品的库存调整历史记录。如果此产品有多属性,则可以查看正在跟踪的每种多属性的库存历史记录,但无法一次查看所有多属性的库存历史记录。

您只能查看产品或多属性最近 90 天的库存历史记录。


  • 日期 - 每次调整的日期。

  • 活动 - 导致调整的事件,例如转移或订单

  • 调整人员 - 执行调整的员工。

  • 有货 - 调整后有货的库存数量。

  • 已承诺 - 订单中尚未发货的产品数量。在草稿订单成为实际订单前,草稿订单占用的库存量不会计入已承诺的数量。



  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品

  2. 点击产品的名称。

  3. 如果产品有多属性,请点击多属性旁边的编辑

  4. 库存部分中,点击调整历史记录


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到产品 > 所有产品

  2. 点击产品。

  3. 如果产品有多属性,请点击多属性。

  4. 点击库存

  5. 点击查看库存历史记录


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到产品 > 所有产品

  2. 点击产品。

  3. 如果产品有多属性,请点击多属性。

  4. 点击库存

  5. 点击查看库存历史记录


View a product's inventory adjustment history (Shopify admin)

If you are using Shopify to track a product's inventory, then you can view the history of its inventory adjustments. If the product has variants, then you can view the inventory adjustment history for each variant that is being tracked, but you can't view the inventory adjustment history for all of the variants at once.

You can view only the last 90 days of inventory adjustment history for a product or variant.

When you view the inventory adjustment history for a product or variant, you see the following information about inventory adjustments:

  • Date - The date of each adjustment.

  • Activity - The event that caused the adjustment, such as a transfer or an order.

  • Adjusted by - The staff member who made the adjustment.

  • Available - The inventory quantity that is available after the adjustment.

  • Committed - The number of units that are part of an order but aren't yet fulfilled. Inventory units that are part of draft orders aren't counted as committed until the draft order becomes an order.



  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click the name of the product.

  3. If the product has variants, then click Edit beside a variant.

  4. In the Inventory section, click Adjustment history.


  1. From the Shopify app, go to Products > All products.

  2. Tap a product.

  3. If the product has variants, then tap a variant.

  4. Tap Inventory.

  5. Tap View inventory history.


  1. From the Shopify app, go to Products > All products.

  2. Tap a product.

  3. If the product has variants, then tap a variant.

  4. Tap Inventory.


