
您可以使用“配送设置”功能查看和编辑运费及配送限制,包括配送区域(如墨西哥城、新莱昂州等)和服务级别(如标准或加急服务)。您为每个区域选择的设置必须满足相应服务级别协议 (SLA) 的规定,即您承诺在发出订单进行配送后的特定天数内将商品送达买家。





注意: 如果您拥有使用“配送设置”功能的用户权限,该功能就会出现在“设置”链接中。您也应在“设置”链接中“用户权限”下更改用户权限。只有您账户(非 Amazon Payments)的主要账户持有人有权授予使用此功能的权限。要获得使用此功能的权限,请联系您账户的主要账户持有人。(主要账户持有人是最初注册 Amazon Payments 的人。)


Amazon Payments 提供一系列默认配送设置,您可根据自己的需求进行自定义设置。默认设置如下:

  • 配送方式:基于商品的配送
  • 运费:单次配送 4.49 美元 + 每磅 0.50 美元
  • 配送区域:美国大陆、夏威夷和阿拉斯加、保护国以及 APO/FPO 地址
  • 是否支持邮政信箱地址:是,适用于三个地区




  • 基于商品的配送 - 如果您提供基于商品的配送,您可以设置固定的单次配送费用以及每磅或每件商品的固定处理费用。当买家购买您的商品时,Amazon Payments 会收取一项单次配送费用,然后使用您的配送设置计算订单中每件商品对应的每磅或每件商品费用。
  • 价格区间配送 - 如果您提供价格区间配送,可创建价格范围,如 0 到 25 美元、25.01 到 50 美元、50 美元及以上。每个价格区间对应不同的运费。当买家购买您的商品时,Amazon Payments 检查订单总额(不含税费),确定区间,以用于计算运费。


您可使用“配送设置”功能自定义您的配送区域(地理区域)以及每个区域支持的服务级别。您可向 7 个区域发货(参见以下 SLA),也可从标准和加急这两个预定义的配送服务级别中进行选择。


如果您提供某个特定的服务级别,则表明您承诺会满足该配送服务级别对应的配送服务级别协议 (SLA)。例如,美国大陆境内标准配送的 SLA 是 3 至 7 天。如果买家下单后想要使用标准配送,您需负责在订单配送后 3 至 7 个工作日内完成配送订单。(这并不意味着您自行配送;这是指您选择一种可确保配送的负责任的配送方式,您有方法追踪配送并处理延迟配送。)如果您无法为给定区域和服务分类给出配送 SLA,那么请勿启用该区域和服务分类。

每个区域的配送 SLA 如下所示:

配送区域 标准配送 加急配送
美国大陆 3-7 天 1-3 天
阿拉斯加/夏威夷 3-7 天 1-4 天
美属保护地(美属萨摩亚、关岛、马绍尔群岛、密克罗尼西亚联邦、北马里亚纳群岛、帕劳群岛、波多黎各和维尔京群岛) 4-8 天 2-4 天
加拿大 5-10 天 2-4 天
欧洲(阿尔巴尼亚、英国、德国、法国、荷兰、意大利、瑞士、西班牙、瑞典、土耳其、爱尔兰、丹麦、挪威、比利时、葡萄牙、希腊、芬兰、奥地利、冰岛、波兰、克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚、俄国、捷克共和国、塞浦路斯、卢森堡、匈牙利、马耳他、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、乌克兰、波斯尼亚―黑塞哥维亚、立陶宛、斯洛伐克、摩纳哥、马其顿、格林兰、直布罗陀、列支敦斯登、法国本土、法罗群岛、乔治亚、安道尔、白俄罗斯、南斯拉夫、梵蒂冈城国(圣座)、圣马力诺、斯瓦巴和扬马延、塞尔维亚、蒙特内哥罗和科索沃) 10-20 天 2-4 天
亚洲(日本、澳大利亚、韩国、中国香港、新西兰、中国台湾、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、中国、菲律宾、印度、印度尼西亚、斯里兰卡、越南、中国澳门、文莱、达鲁萨兰、法属波利尼西亚、斐济、巴布亚新几内亚、新喀里多尼亚岛、尼泊尔、孟加拉国、瓦努阿图、老挝人民民主共和国、柬埔寨、蒙古、马尔代夫、库克群岛、不丹、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛、汤加、缅甸联邦、基里巴斯、尼乌亚岛、图瓦卢、瑙鲁、圣诞岛、东帝汶) 10-16 天 2-5 天
美国、欧洲、加拿大和亚洲之外的区域(中南美洲、墨西哥、南非和所有其他国家/地区) 10-20 天 2-5 天



当您更改了配送设置后,更改将在您点击【保存更改】 4 小时后生效。您可以在点击【保存更改】后的第一个小时内更改配送设置,所有更改将同时生效。如果您在 1 小时后才进行更改,则无法对将生效的设置进行更改。此延迟让您有 1 小时改变主意的时间,但在 1 小时后,您的更改将被“锁定”,并在之后的 3 小时后生效。


  • 中午 12 点,您在更改运费后点击了【保存更改】。更改将在下午 4:00 生效。
  • 中午 12:30,您再次更改运费。更改仍将在下午 4:00 生效。
  • 中午 1:00,您的更改将被锁定。此时,您不能再进行更改,您也无法阻止配送设置在下午 4:00 生效。
  • 在 1:05,您进行了另一项更改。点击【保存更改】后,更改将在 5:05 生效。
  • 在下午 4:00,您的第一组更改将生效。
  • 在下午 5:05,您的第二组更改将生效。


注意: 该延迟期让您有 1 小时时间来调整配送设置或改变主意,1 小时后,您对配送设置的更改将被“锁定”,从而无法再行更改或阻止其生效。



备货时间 + 运输时间 = 配送时间。


  1. 设置链接中,点击配送设置





默认的配送类型为基于商品的配送。但是,默认单次配送费用是 0.00 美元,默认的每件商品费用是每磅 0.00 美元。如果您未更改配送设置,那将不会收取运费。


当您使用基于商品的配送时,Amazon Payments 向买家收取一项单次配送费用,然后使用您的配送设置计算订单中每件商品对应的每磅或每件商品费用。

例如,假设您使用的单次配送费用是 4.49 美元,每磅费用是 0.50 美元/磅。买家向您购买了两件商品,一件为 100 磅的电视机,另一件是 5 磅的DVD 播放器。Amazon Payments 将按照如下方式计算向买家收取的总运费:

商品 数量 重量(磅) 固定的单次配送费用 每磅费用
电视机 1 100 4.49 美元 0.50 美元
DVD 播放器 1 5 4.49 美元 0.50 美元


运费 4.49 美元 + 50.00 美元 + 2.50 美元 = 56.99 美元




(100 x 0.50 美元,电视的按重量计费)


(5 x 0.50 美元,DVD 播放器的按重量计费)


(4.49 美元 + 50.00 美元 + 2.50 美元)

或者,假设您将单次配送费用设置为 3.99 美元,将每件商品费用设置为 0.99 美元/商品。一位买家向您订购了两件商品:蓝宝石吊坠和钻石皇冠。Amazon Payments 将按照如下方式计算向买家收取的总运费:

商品 数量 重量(磅) 固定的单次配送费用 每磅费用
吊坠 1 不适用 3.99 美元 0.99 美元
皇冠 1 不适用 3.99 美元 0.99 美元


运费 3.99 美元 + 0.99 美元 + 0.99 美元 = 5.97 美元








(3.99 美元 + 0.99 美元 + 0.99 美元)


  1. 设置链接中,点击配送设置


  2. 点击编辑区域和服务级别


  3. 点击选择未选中的“区域”复选框。
  4. 点击继续


  5. 在运费框中,输入您想要收取的运费金额。

    一览表中会显示会显示至少支持一个服务级别(包括邮政信箱地址和 APO/FPO 目的地)的区域。如果此表中未显示区域,则说明您不支持向该区域配送商品。

  6. 如果您想向该区域配送,请使用“单次配送”下拉框更改运费类型。
  7. 在您做出想要的更改后,请点击继续。


  8. 点击确认保存更改。


    此时将显示“配送设置”页面,表明您已更新运费。请注意,更改将在至少 4 小时后才会生效;在更改“锁定”前,您有 1 小时的时间进行更改。




You can use the Shipping settings feature to view and edit your shipping rates and your shipping restrictions, including your shipping regions (such as Continental U.S. or Canada) and your service levels (such as Standard or Expedited service). The setting you choose for each region must meet a Service Level Agreement (SLA), which is your promise to deliver your products to customers within a certain number of days after the time you send the order out for shipment.

By default, your account has a set of these shipping rates and restrictions. If you want to use these default settings, you can leave them the way they are. Otherwise, you can use the Shipping settings feature to customize your shipping settings to meet the needs of your business.


The shipping settings you choose appear automatically on the shipping settings Help pages that customers see when they view your custom Help pages. See Your Information & Policies page for more information.

You use the Shipping settings feature to set permission levels for users on your account, so that some users can just view the Shipping settings, while others can view and edit these settings.

Note: The Shipping settings feature appears on the Settings link if you have the user permission to use this feature. You can change user permissions on the Settings link, under User Permissions. Only the primary account holder for your account (and not Amazon Payments) can grant permission to use this feature. To gain access to this feature, contact the primary account holder for your account. (The primary account holder is the person who initially registered with Amazon Payments.)

The default shipping settings

Amazon Payments provides a set of default shipping settings that you can then customize. The default settings are as follows:

  • Shipping Methodology: Item-based shipping
  • Shipping Rate: $4.49 per-shipment + $0.50 per-pound
  • Shipping Regions: Continental U.S., Hawaii and Alaska, U.S. Protectorates, and APO and FPO addresses
  • P.O. Box Enabled: Yes, for all three regions

You can change these settings using the Shipping settings feature.

Methods for calculating shipping rates

You use the Shipping settings feature to select the method you use to calculate your shipping rates. You can calculate shipping rates for item-based or price-tier shipping:

  • Item-based shipping - If you offer item-based shipping, you can set a flat per shipment charge and either a per-pound charge or a flat per product charge for handling. When customers purchase your products, Amazon Payments applies a single per-shipment charge, and then uses your shipping settings to calculate the appropriate per pound or per-product charge for each product in the order.
  • Price-tier shipping - If you offer price-tier shipping, you create ranges of prices, such as $0 to $25, $25.01 to $50, and $50 and up. Each price tier has its own shipping rates. When customers purchase your products, Amazon Payments reviews the total order (excluding tax) and identifies the tier to use to calculate the shipping charge.

Shipping regions, shipping service levels, and service level agreements

You can use the Shipping settings feature to customize the regions (geographic areas) you ship to and the service levels you support for each region. You can ship to seven regions (see SLA table below), and you can select from two pre-defined shipping service levels: Standard and Expedited.


If you offer a particular service level, you are committing to meet the delivery service level agreement (SLA) associated with the shipping service level. For example, the SLA for Standard shipping in the Continental U.S. is 3-7 days. If a customer places an order with you and wants Standard shipping, you are responsible for delivering the order within 3-7 business days from when the order ships. (This doesn't mean that you deliver it yourself; it means that you pick a responsible delivery method that can guarantee the delivery, and that you have methods in place to track the delivery and deal with delays.) If you cannot commit to the delivery in the SLA for a given region and category of service, then do not enable that region and category of service.

The delivery SLA for each region is as follows:

Shipping region Standard shipping Expedited shipping
Continental U.S. 3-7 days 1-3 days
Alaska / Hawaii 3-7 days 1-4 days
U.S. Protectorates (American Samoa, Guam, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) 4-8 days 2-4 days
Canada 5-10 days 2-4 days
Europe (Albania, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Finland, Austria, Iceland, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Russia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Estonia, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Lithuania, Slovakia, Monaco, Macedonia, Greenland, Gibraltar, Liechtenstein, Metropolitan France, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Andorra, Belarus, Yugoslavia, Vatican City State (Holy See), San Marino, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Is., Serbia, Montenegro, and Kosovo) 10-20 days 2-4 days
Asia (Japan, Australia, South Korea, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Macau, Brunei, Darussalam, French Polynesia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Nepal, Bangladesh, Vanuatu, Lao People's Democratic Rep., Cambodia, Mongolia, Maldives, Cook Islands, Bhutan, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Myanmar, Kiribati, Niue, Tuvalu, Nauru, Christmas Island, East Timor) 10-16 days 2-5 days
Outside US, Europe, CA and Asia (Central and South America, Mexico, South Africa and all other countries) 10-20 days 2-5 days

The information in your shipping settings appears to customers when they view your My Info & Policies pages.


When you change your Shipping settings, the changes take effect four hours after you click Save Changes. You can make changes to the shipping settings within the first hour after you click Save Changes, and the changes will all take effect at the same time. If you wait longer than an hour to make changes, then you cannot make changes to what will take effect. This latency gives you an hour to change your mind, but after an hour, your changes are "locked in" and will take effect after an additional three hours pass.

Here's an example of how this works:

  • At 12 noon, you click Save Changes after changing the shipping rates. The changes take effect at 4:00 p.m.
  • At 12:30 p.m., you make another change to the shipping rates. The change still will take effect at 4:00 p.m.
  • At 1:00, your changes are "locked in." At this point, you can no longer make changes, and you cannot stop the shipping settings from taking effect at 4:00 p.m.
  • At 1:05, you make yet another change. When you click Save Changes, then the changes will take effect at 5:05.
  • At 4:00 p.m., your first set of changes takes effect.
  • At 5:05 p.m., your second set of changes takes effect.


Note: While this latency period gives you a one-hour window to adjust the shipping settings or to change your mind, after the one-hour window, your changes to the shipping settings are "locked in" and you cannot change them or stop them.

The total delivery time

The total delivery time is the time it takes you to handle (process) the order, plus the time it takes your delivery service to get the order to customer.

Handling time + Transit time = Delivery time

View your shipping settings

  1. On the Settings link, click Shipping Settings.

    The Current Shipping Rates and Settings page appears:

Using item-based shipping settings

You use the shipping settings feature to configure your item-based shipping settings.


Item-based shipping is the default type of shipping. However, the default per-shipment charge is $0.00, and the default per-item charge is $0.00 per pound. If you do not change your shipping settings, then there will be no shipping cost charges.

How item-based shipping works

When you use item-based shipping, Amazon Payments charges the customer a single per-shipment charge, and then uses your shipping settings to calculate the appropriate per-pound or per-product charge for each product in the order.

For example, suppose you use a per-shipment charge of $4.49 and a per-pound charge of $0.50/lb. A customer purchases two products from you, a 100 lb. television and a 5 lb. DVD player. Amazon Payments calculates the total shipping charge to the customer as follows:

Product Qty Weight (lbs.) Flat rate per shipment Per-pound charge
Television 1 100 $4.49 $0.50
DVD Player 1 5 $4.49 $0.50

Therefore, for this shipment, Amazon calculates the shipping charges as follows:

Shipping charges $4.49 + $50.00 + $2.50 = $56.99


(Per-shipment charge)


(100 x $0.50, weight charge for the TV)


(5 x $0.50, weight charge for the DVD player)


($4.49 + $50.00 + 2.50)

Or, suppose you set a per-shipment charge at $3.99 and per-product charge at $0.99. A customer orders two products from you, a sapphire pendant and a diamond tiara. Amazon Payments calculates the total shipping charge to the customer as follows:

Product Qty Weight (lbs.) Flat rate per shipment Per-pound charge
Pendant 1 n/a $3.99 $0.99
Tiara 1 n/a $3.99 $0.99

Therefore, for this shipment, we calculate the shipping charges as follows:

Shipping charges $3.99 + $0.99 + $0.99 = $5.97


(Per-shipment charge)


(Per-item charge for the pendant)


(Per-item charge for the tiara)


($3.99 + $0.99 + $0.99)

Your shipping rates and restrictions automatically appear on your shipping Help pages when customers view the Your Information & Policies page. You can edit the information on your Help pages so customers can make better purchase decisions. See Your Information & Policies page for more information about customizing your Help pages.

Add a region and rate to your item-based shipping settings
  1. On the Settings link, click Shipping Settings.

    The Current Shipping Rates and Settings page appears.

  2. Click Edit Regions and Service Levels.

    The Select Regions and Service Levels page appears.

  3. Click an empty region check box to select it.
  4. Click Continue.

    The Set Your Shipping Rates page appears. If you added a region with a default shipping charge (such as Expedited Continental U.S. Street), the charge is filled in for you.

  5. In the shipping rate boxes, type the dollar amounts you want to charge for shipping.

    The regions you enabled for at least one service level (including PO Boxes and APO/FPO destinations) appear in the summary table. If a region does not show up in this table, you do not support shipping to that region.

  6. If you want, you can change the type of charge using the per Shipment drop-down box
  7. After you make the changes you want, click Continue

    The Confirm Your Settings page appears. Changes to your rates appear as bold and highlighted text.

  8. Click Confirm to save your changes.

    The Shipping settings page appears, showing that you updated your shipping rates. Note that the changes will not take effect for at least four more hours; you have one hour to make changes before they are final.

