
在 Shopify POS 中,您可以在将产品添加到购物车后应用折扣。您可以将折扣应用于整个购物车,也可以应用于各个订单项目。

如果您对多个地点使用 POS Pro 订阅并且您使用 iOS 设备,那么您可以对这些地点应用您创建的任何自动折扣。



您需要手动应用订单项折扣,因为折扣不能用于 Shopify POS 上的订单项。


    1. 在 Shopify POS 中,轻触产品名称。

    2. 轻触应用折扣

    3. 轻触金额百分比 (%) 或价格覆盖

    4. 填写字段并轻触保存

    5. 轻触保存



    1. 在 Shopify POS 中,点击产品名称。

    2. 点击应用折扣

    3. 编辑折扣,然后点击保存

    4. 点击保存


    1. 在 Shopify POS 中,点击产品名称。

    2. 点击应用折扣

    3. 点击清除折扣保存

    4. 点击保存


    Discount management

    In Shopify POS, you can apply discounts when you've added items to the cart. You can apply a discount to the whole cart or individual line items.

    If you have locations with a POS Pro subscription and use an iOS device, then you can apply any automatic discounts you create to those locations.

    Line-item discounts

    A line-item discount (or product-specific discount) is a discount that's applied to a single product in an order.

    You need to apply line item discounts manually because discount codes can't be used for line items on Shopify POS.

      Apply a line-item discount

      1. In Shopify POS, tap the product's name.

      2. Tap Apply discount.

      3. Tap AmountPercentage (%), or Price override.

      4. Fill in the fields and tap Save.

      5. Tap Save.

      The product price in the cart updates when the discount is applied. The regular retail value of the product appears under the discounted price.

      Edit a line-item discount

      1. In Shopify POS, tap the product's name.

      2. Tap Apply discount.

      3. Edit the discount, and then tap Save.

      4. Tap Save.

      Remove a line-item discount

      1. In Shopify POS, tap the product's name.

      2. Tap Apply discount.

      3. Tap Clear discount and Save.

      4. Tap Save.

