

要详细了解可改善买家体验的指标,我们建议您的所有卖家自配送 Prime 商品的每种商品都遵循以下配送速度指标目标:

注意: 标准尺寸商品和大件商品的配送速度指标目标不同。每个指标的实际值和目标值均向上取整到最接近的整数。

对于次日达或隔日达配送承诺,绩效指标使用小于或等于 (<=) 及大于或等于 (>=) 来表示。

小于或等于 (<=) 1 天的详情页面浏览量百分比是指,配送速度不超过 1 天的商品详情页面浏览量所占的百分比。小于或等于 (<=) 2 天的详情页面浏览量百分比是指,配送速度不超过 2 天的商品详情页面浏览量所占的百分比。使用小于或等于 1 天或 2 天的详情页面浏览量除以详情页面浏览总数,便可以计算出绩效控制面板上提供的各个指标的百分比


  • <= 1 天的详情页面浏览量百分比为 30%

  • < = 2 天的详情页面浏览量百分比为 74%(包括 <= 1天的详情页面浏览量)


  • <= 1 天的详情页面浏览量百分比为 17%

  • < = 2 天的详情页面浏览量百分比为 63%(包括 <= 1天的详情页面浏览量)


标准尺寸商品是指完全包装后的重量不超过 20 磅且商品包装尺寸不超过 18 x 14 x 8 英寸的所有商品。超过上述尺寸的商品属于大件商品。有关商品尺寸的更多信息,请参阅卖家自配送 Prime 商品尺寸、重量和包裹尺寸


大件商品是指重量超过 20 磅或商品包装尺寸超过 18 x 14 x 8 英寸的商品。

注意: 如果您仅销售标准尺寸商品,则只需参阅配送承诺小于或等于 1 天、2 天和大于 2 天的标准尺寸商品详情页面浏览量百分比;如果您仅销售大件尺寸,情况与此类似。




您可以筛选时间段为 7 天、30 天、6 个月、1 年的配送速度指标,也可以选择自定义范围。


下载配送速度报告链接可生成一份报告,报告中会显示影响了配送速度指标的 ASIN。了解有关配送速度报告的更多信息



  • 启用 Prime 次日达或扩大其覆盖范围。您可以通过向您的 Prime 配送模板添加更多州来手动执行此操作。如果您使用“配送区域自动化”来设置您的 Prime 区域,则可以通过额外添加配送服务和/或更新配送服务的配送区域限制来提高覆盖范围。了解有关配送区域自动化的更多信息。

  • 将订单截止时间设置为当天稍晚的时间,并根据您当地承运人的取件安排相应调整您的取件时间。如果您使用多个承运人配送商品且取件时间随星期而不同,我们建议您调整所使用的每个承运人在一周中每天的订单截止时间。

  • 使用可在周末取件和/或配送给买家的配送服务。详细了解如何自定义配送设置,包括订单截止时间、周末营业和周末配送。


Delivery Speed Metrics

Delivery Speed metric is defined calendar days between when a customer views an offer on the detail page and the promise delivery date provided on the detail page. The metrics are presented as a distribution of delivery promises weighed by detail page views. The metrics measure the percentage of detail page views that displayed a one or two-day delivery promise segmented by standard size and over-size products.

To provide insights on metrics that improve customer experience, we recommend you to follow below Delivery Speed metrics targets for each type of products across all of your Seller Fulfilled Prime offers:

Note: Delivery Speed metrics targets are different for standard size and over-size products. Both actuals and targets for each of the metrics are rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Performance metrics are communicated as less than or equal to using (<=) and greater than or equal to using (>=) for one or two day delivery promises.

Less than or equal to (<=) 1-Day detail page view percentage is the percentage of your products’ detail page views with a delivery speed of one day or less. Less than or equal to (<=) 2-Day detail page view percentage is the percentage of your products’ detail page views with a delivery speed of two days or less. The number of detail page views with a less than or equal to 1 day or 2 day divided by the total number of detail page views is used to calculate the percentages of each metric provided on the performance dashboard

For standard size products, the target is:

  • <= 1-Day Detail Page View percentage is 30%

  • < = 2-Day Detail Page View percentage is 74% (includes <= 1-Day)

For over-size products, the target is:

  • <= 1-Day Detail Page View percentage is 17%

  • <= 2-Day Detail Page View percentage is 63% (includes <= 1-Day)

Delivery Speed (standard size)

Standard size is defined as any item, when fully packaged, weighs 20lb or less and does not exceed 18 x 14 x 8 inches in item packaging dimensions. Any item exceeding these dimensions is considered over-size. For more information on product size, see SFP Item Size, Weights and Dimensions

Delivery Speed (over-size)

Over-size products are defined as products weighing over 20lb, or having dimensions exceeding 18 x 14 x 8 inches in item packaging dimensions.

Note: If you sell only standard size products, then you only need to look at metrics with the detail page view percentage of <= 1-Day, <= 2-Day and >2-Day delivery promises for standard size items, similaraly if you only sell over-size products.

If you sell both standard and over-size products, then you can find your actual detail page view percentage for both selection types and their required targets.

Performance metrics

Your performance dashboard shows the Delivery Speed metrics at the top, followed by other metrics(On-time Shipment, Buy Shipping usage, Cancellation Rate, and On-time Delivery) at the bottom. Delivery Speed metrics are categorized under Pre-Order Eligibility Metrics and other metrics are categorized under Post-Order Eligibility Metrics.

You are able to filter for Delivery Speed metrics for a time period of 7 days, 30 days, 6 months, 1 year and an option of custom ranges.

Download Speed Report

The Download Speed Report link generates a report that shows you ASIN that has affected your Delivery Speed metrics. Learn more about the speed report

How to improve Delivery Speed metrics

Here are a few things you can do to improve Delivery Speed metrics:

  • Enable or increase Prime coverage of One Day Delivery. You may do so manually by adding more states to your Prime shipping templates. If you are using Shipping Region Automation to set your Prime regions, you may improve coverage by adding additional shipping services and/or updating the delivery zone limit of the shipping services. Learn more about Shipping Region Automation.

  • Set your order cut-off time to a later time in the day and adjust your pick up time accordingly based on your local carrier’s pick-up schedule. If you are shipping with multiple carriers and have pick-up schedules that vary by day of the week, we encourage you to adjust the order cut-off times for every day of the week for each carrier that you use.

  • Use shipping services that pick-up and/or deliver to customers over the weekend. Learn more on how you can customize your fulfillment settings including order cut-off times, weekend operations and weekend delivery.

