Global Express配送和交付


全球快递是一项【卖家自行配送】计划,您有责任满足从亚马逊上海外买家收到的所有国际订单的配送期望。加入全球快递,您必须通过购买配送服务处理和配送国际订单,确认并同意 (i) 亚马逊的条款和条件,以及 (ii) 您购买的配送受适用承运人或服务提供商的条款和条件的约束:

  • DHL 美国条款和条件以及配送说明

  • UPS 条款和条件

您能以购买配送费率向 DHL Express 和 UPS iParcel 购买国际货件标签。要查看购买配送费率,请选择管理订单页面上的【购买配送】。

注意: 如果目的地国家/地区(即巴西、玻利维亚、智利、哥斯达黎加、厄瓜多尔、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜、秘鲁、萨尔瓦多、印度和中国)有要求,承运人将直接联系买家收集身份信息。运输时间将相应更新,不会影响您的绩效指标。要了解更多信息,请参阅购买配送服务的表 1。





注意: 全球快递目前不支持卖家自配送 API 或批量配送。我们将在未来提供这些功能。发送反馈和建议到。我们非常重视您的反馈,并将认真考量您的意见来确定需要优先改进的功能。



全球快递计划中的所有货件均为完税后交货 (DDP)。承运人将在清关时支付进口关税。买家在收到商品时无需支付额外的关税相关费用。

注意: 亚马逊将基于您在上传商品时提供的商品信息以及您可能提交的任何其他信息进行计算。您有责任确保此信息准确、完整并根据需要定期更新。不准确或不完整的信息可能会导致商品分类错误、计算错误、配送延迟或其他问题,还会影响您的卖家绩效。


Global Express Fulfillment and Delivery

Fulfillment Terms and Conditions

Global Express is a Merchant-fulfilled program and you are responsible to meet the shipping expectation for all international orders you receive from out-of-country customers on By joining Global Express, you must fulfill and ship the international orders through Buy Shipping services, acknowledge and agree (i) to Amazon's terms and conditions and (ii) that your purchase of shipping is governed by and subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable carrier or service provider:

  • DHL US Terms and Conditions and Shipping Instructions

  • UPS Terms and Conditions

You have access to buy international shipping labels with Buy Shipping rates from DHL Express and UPS iParcel. To view the Buy Shipping rates, select Buy Shipping on the Manage Orders page.

Note: Carriers will contact buyers directly to collect identification information if it is required by destination country (i.e., Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru, El Salvador, India, and China). Transit time will be updated accordingly, and it will not impact your Performance Metrics. To learn more, refer to Table 1 on Buy Shipping services.

Buy Shipping Services

To use Buy Shipping to ship Global Express orders, refer Buy shipping through Seller Central.

With Amazon's Buy Shipping services, you can buy international shipping labels individually or in bulk, ship and confirm your orders, and track your shipments on US Seller Central. Buy Shipping ensures that your products are delivered to your customers in export-eligible countries using a trusted network of shipping partners. Buy Shipping protects sellers’ performance metrics by providing ship methods with a high likelihood of meeting the buyer’s delivery promise.

Buy Shipping rates cover domestic shipping from drop-off or collection point, international leg, customs clearance, and last-mile delivery to destination buyer’s address. You are responsible for dropping off packages to the carrier or arranging pick-up service by directly working with the carriers at own cost:

Note: Global Express currently does not support Merchant Fulfillment API or bulk shipping. We will provide these features in the future. Send feedback and suggestions to We value your feedback and will review your input carefully, as we prioritize feature improvements.

Import Duty and Taxes Deposit

Amazon will calculate and collect Import Duty Deposit from international Customers. You will not be obligated to handle duty collection and payment with Customers nor shipping carriers.

All shipments in Global Express program are Delivered Duty Paid (DDP). Carriers will pay the import duty at custom clearance. Customers should not need to pay additional duty related fees when they receive the products.

Note: Amazon’s calculation is based on the product information you provide when uploading your products and any further information you may submit. It is your responsibility to ensure that this information is accurate, complete and updated regularly as needed. Inaccurate or incomplete information may lead to wrong classification of the product and wrong calculation, delivery delays or other problems and also impact your seller performance.

