Global Express 商品资格要求


亚马逊会提供建议哪些已在美国卖家平台上架的商品可以通过全球快递出口。这些建议基于此商品可用的商品信息。一旦您注册了全球快递计划并向已启用全球快递的配送模板分配 SKU,全球买家将能够在 上浏览、搜索和购买您的商品。





  • 武器和仿制武器

  • 植物、植物商品、种子和泥土

  • 动物和某些动物制品

  • 监控设备

  • 激光指示器和相关商品



  • 酒类

  • 武器、武器组件和武器配件,包括防身喷雾、BB/气枪/彩弹枪及部件、瞄准具、枪套和便携包

  • 化学品,包括杀虫剂、化肥、杀虫剂、工业用化学品、汽车用化学品和某些清洁剂

  • 食品、药品和补充剂,包括宠物食品和宠物补充剂

  • 医疗器械,包括诊断套件、医疗警报装置和性别决定套件

  • 药物用具

  • 成人用品

  • 酿酒设备

  • 婴儿学步车、婴儿自行喂养设备和汽车座椅

  • 密码电子设备

  • 赌博相关商品和用具

  • 仿真货币



DHL: 危险品运输建议

UPS: 全球运输危险品指南


注意: 亚马逊将基于您在上传商品时提供的商品信息以及您可能提交的任何其他信息进行分类。您有责任确保此信息准确、完整并根据需要定期更新。不准确或不完整的信息可能会导致商品分类错误、配送延迟或其他问题,还会影响您的卖家绩效。

注意: 针对特定商品的其他限制可能适用于部分或全部目的地。您有责任确保您的商品符合使用法律,可在没有任何许可或其他授权的情况下合法出口,并且可以合法地进口至任何符合全球快递出口条件的国家/地区,同时遵守当地的所有适用法律。如果您不确定法律要求,请联系您的法律顾问。





Global Express Product Eligibility

Eligible Products

Amazon provides recommendations which of the products you have listed in US Seller Central could be exported via Global Express. These recommendations are based on the product information available for this product. Once you enroll in the Global Express program and assign SKUs to Global Express enabled Shipping Templates, customers worldwide will be able to browse, search and purchase your products on

When you expand your business to worldwide consumers outside your home marketplace and fulfill with a third-party shipping partner, you'll need to understand your obligations in the import/export process. For more information, refer to Importing and Exporting Inventory, Export Controls, Trade Control Laws, and International Trade Laws.

Products may not be eligible for Global Express for a variety of reasons, including:

Export restrictions

For certain classes of products, the laws of the source country prohibit the items from shipping internationally. For example, the US government prohibits export of military products as a matter of national security. The following types of products are generally restricted for export:

  • Weapons and imitation weapons

  • Plants, plant products, seeds, and soil

  • Animals and certain animal products

  • Surveillance equipment

  • Laser pointers and related products

Import restrictions

Although a source country may allow exports of an item, destination countries have their own policies regarding what may be imported. The policies vary by country. To avoid delays, customs clearance issues, and poor customer experience, Amazon has disabled the following types of products from Global Express (this is assessed on a country-by-country basis):

  • Alcohol

  • Weapons, weapon components, and weapon accessories, including defense sprays; BB, airsoft and paintball guns and parts; scopes; holsters; and carrying cases

  • Chemicals including pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, industrial and automotive chemicals, and certain cleaners

  • Food, medicines, and supplements, including pet food and pet supplements

  • Medical devices including diagnostic kits, medical alert devices, and sex determination kits

  • Drug paraphernalia

  • Adult products

  • Alcohol brewing equipment

  • Baby walkers, baby self-feeding devices, and car seats

  • Cryptographic electronic equipment

  • Gambling-related items and paraphernalia

  • Imitation currency

Dangerous Goods

For Dangerous Goods, carriers can have different restrictions. Please see below guidelines for partnered carriers with Global Express.

DHL: Shipping Advice for Dangerous Goods

UPS:Guide to Shipping Dangerous Goods Globally

For more information, refer Dangerous goods identification guide.Note: Amazon’s classification is based on the product information you provided when uploading your products and any further information you may have submitted. It is your responsibility to ensure that this information is accurate, complete and updated regularly as needed. Inaccurate or incomplete information may lead to wrong classification of the product, delivery delays or other problems and impact your seller performance.

Note: Additional restrictions for particular products may apply for some or all destinations. It is your responsibility to make sure that your products are compliant with applicable laws, can be lawfully exported without any license or other authorization, and lawfully be imported into, and comply with all applicable laws of, any Global Express export-eligible country. If you are unsure, about legal requirements, please contact your legal counsel.

Legal compliance and restrictions

For using Global Express, please make sure that all eligible products can be lawfully exported without any license or other authorization, and the products can be lawfully imported into, and comply with all applicable laws of any Global Express export eligible country.

If you have concerns that distribution agreements may limit where your products can be sold overseas, you can refer to Shipping Settings and disable Global Express in Shipping Template. You can do this at any time and for any reason.

