

全球快递 (GE) 是一项端对端全球出口计划,让您能够从美国的库房上架和销售商品,并将商品配送至全球买家。加入这项计划,让全球买家在 Amazon.com 上搜索、浏览和购买您的商品。



  • 来自 100 多个国家/地区的买家将能够在 Amazon.com 上发现并购买您的商品。

  • 亚马逊帮助您确定哪些商品符合使用全球快递的要求。

  • 您可以享受由可靠配送合作伙伴网络提供的亚马逊协议价国际运费,通过“购买配送”服务即可配送您的国际订单。

  • 亚马逊负责向目的地国家/地区的买家和配送合作伙伴收取进口费用押金并处理付款相关事宜。

  • 您将享有针对配送相关指标的绩效保障优势: 买家负面反馈、亚马逊商城交易保障索赔、有效追踪率。要了解更多信息,请参阅购买配送服务的表 1。

  • 您可以默认选择整个目录,也可以选择想包含在这项计划中的商品。

  • 您无需在其他商城中创建或管理新商品信息或新的卖家账户。



目前,全球快递计划仅面向美国的卖家开放。符合要求的卖家将会在电子邮件邀请中收到计划注册链接。点击计划页面上的【注册】后,将在您所有的配送模板中激活全球快递配送设置。分配到已启用全球快递的配送模板的 SKU 将可用于出口。

或者,您也可以按照配送设置下的说明手动管理 SKU。

注意: 如果您未收到邀请电子邮件,但有兴趣加入全球快递计划,请将您的问询发送至 global-express-enrollment@amazon.com。



  1. 在通用配送设置中查看或提供非邮政信箱的美国配送地址。

  2. 【新建配送模板】或选择现有配送模板,然后点击【编辑模板】。

  3. 打开【配送区域自动化】,然后点击【编辑信息】。

  4. 在【发货地址】中选择一个或多个美国地址,在【国内配送自动化】中跳过或选择承运人首选项(可选)。

  5. 打开【启用全球快递】,然后点击【下一步】。

  6. 查看配送选项,然后在【自动配送设置】中点击【确认】。

  7. 保存已启用全球快递的配送模板,如有需要,请对其他配送模板重复此操作。

注意: 现有配送模板中分配的 SKU 将立即在该计划中启用。在已启用全球快递的配送模板中,亚马逊将管理【运输时间】,【运费】应在【国际配送】设置中填入。您可以相应地调整运费,但无法修改国家/地区。您可以从不想注册此计划的 SKU 中移除已启用全球快递的配送模板,请参阅【将 SKU 分配给已启用全球快递的配送模板】中的说明。所有配送模板均要求填写“国内配送”设置。



  1. 前往全球快递区域设置。

  2. 选择您想从该计划中排除的任何目的地区域或国家/地区。

  3. 保存更改后,所选目的地区域或国家/地区将从所有已启用全球快递的配送模板中移除。

注意: 全球快递区域设置仅适用于在该计划中已启用全球快递的现有配送模板。此设置不会影响其他配送模板中的国际配送选项。启用新配送模板后,请返回全球快递区域设置页面以再次保存。

将 SKU 分配给已启用全球快递的配送模板

从以下选项中选择一项,将 SKU 分配给已启用全球快递的配送模板:

选项 1

使用卖家平台管理库存页面一次最多可更改 50 项:选择您想要更新的一个或多个 SKU,点击左上角的【操作】,然后选择【更改配送模板】。

选项 2

使用上传数据处理超过 50 项的更改。

Excel 上传数据: 库存加载工具有一个名为 【merchant_shipping_group_name】 的列。使用此上传数据将 SKU 分配给配送模板

XML 上传数据: 商品 XML 上传数据包含一个名为 【MerchantShippingGroupName】 的属性。使用此属性将 SKU 分配给配送模板。


您可以使用这两个选项,从您不想在此计划中出口的 SKU 中移除已启用全球快递的配送模板。



常见问题: 当我尝试通过卖家平台上的“上传您的配送确认文件”功能确认全球快递 (GE) 发货时,为什么会发生错误?




  1. 选择已启用全球快递的现有配送模板,然后点击“编辑”模板。

  2. 在“配送区域自动化”中,点击“编辑信息”。

  3. 在“国内配送设置”下,如果您的“国内自动化”已启用,请点击“下一步”并关闭“国际自动化”。

  4. 如果您的“国内自动化”功能已禁用,请点击“取消”并关闭“配送区域自动化”。

  5. 针对每个启用全球快递的配送模板重复上述步骤,以停止接收全球快递订单。

注意: 即使在您的所有配送模板中停用全球快递后,您仍需负责配送任何待处理的全球快递订单。


Global Express

Program Overview

Global Express (GE) is an end-to-end global export program that allows you to list, sell and deliver products from your warehouse in the United States to worldwide customers door to door. By joining this program, worldwide customers are able to search, browse and purchase your products on Amazon.com.

Program Benefits

At no extra charge, you can expand your global business with the following program benefits:

  • Customers from 100+ countries will be able to discover and buy your products on Amazon.com.

  • Amazon helps you identify which of your products are eligible for Global Express.

  • You can benefit from Amazon negotiated international shipping rates from a trusted network of shipping partners to fulfill your international orders through Buy Shipping services.

  • Amazon handles Import Fee Deposit collection and payment with destination country customers and shipping partners.

  • You will enjoy the performance safeguard benefits on delivery-related metrics: Negative Customer Feedback, A-to-Z Guarantee claims, Valid Tracking Rate. To learn more, see Table 1 on Buy Shipping Services.

  • You can default your entire catalog, or select which products you want to include in this program.

  • You do not need to create or manage new listings, or new seller accounts on the other marketplaces.

Enrollment and Settings

Program Enrollment

Currently the Global Express program is only eligible for Sellers in the United States. Eligible Sellers will receive the program enrollment link in email invitations. Once you click Enroll on the program page, Global Express Shipping Settings will be activated in all your Shipping Templates. SKUs assigned to the Global Express-enabled Shipping Templates will be available for exports.

Alternatively, you can manually manage your SKUs by following the instruction under Shipping Settings.

Note: If you have not received the invitation email and you are interested in joining the Global Express program, send your inquiry to global-express-enrollment@amazon.com.

Shipment Settings

To activate Global Express Shipping Settings, follow the steps below:

  1. Check or provide a non-PO Box United States shipping address in General Shipping Settings.

  2. Create New Shipping Template or select an existing Shipping Template, click Edit template.

  3. Switch on Shipping Region Automation, click Edit Information.

  4. Select one or multiple US addresses in Ship-from Location, skip or select carrier preferences in Domestic Shipping Automation (optional).

  5. Switch on Enable Global Express and click Next.

  6. Review shipping options and click Confirm in the Automated Shipping Settings.

  7. Save the Global Express enabled Shipping Template and repeat for other Shipping Templates, if needed.

Note: SKUs that are assigned in the existing Shipping Templates will be immediately enabled in the program. In a Global Express enabled Shipping Template, Amazon will manage Transit Time, and Shipping Fee should be populated in the International Shipping setting. You can adjust the shipping fee accordingly, but you will not be able to modify countries and regions. You can remove the Global Express enabled Shipping Template from SKUs that you do not want to enroll in this program, see instructions in Assign SKUs to Global Express enabled Shipping Templates. Domestic Shipping setting is required in any Shipping Template.

Region Settings

To exclude destination regions or countries in the program, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Global Express Region Setting.

  2. Select any destination regions or countries that you would like to exclude from the program.

  3. Once you save the changes, the selected destination regions or countries will be removed from all Global Express enabled shipping templates.

Note: Global Express Region Setting will only apply to the existing Shipping Templates that are enabled in the program. This setting will not impact to the International Shipping options in other Shipping Templates. When you enable a new Shipping Template, return to the Global Express Region Setting page to save again.

Assign SKUs to Global Express enabled Shipping Templates

Select one of the following options to assign SKUs to Global Express enabled Shipping Templates:

Option 1

Use the Seller Central Manage Inventory page for up to 50 changes at a time: select one or more SKUs you want to update, click Actions in the top-left corner, and select Change shipping template.

Option 2

Use feeds for more than 50 changes.

Excel feed: The Inventory Loader has a column called merchant_shipping_group_name. Use this feed to assign SKUs to Shipping Templates.

XML feeds: The product XML feed contains an attribute named MerchantShippingGroupName. Use this attribute to assign SKUs to Shipping Templates.

Learn how to save and upload the template, see video tutorial.

You can use both options to remove Global Express enabled Shipping Template from the SKUs you do not want to export in this program.

Buy Shipping

For Global Express orders you must buy shipping using Amazon's Buy Shipping Services. You will not get paid if you buy shipping outside of Amazon's Buy Shipping Services.

Tip: Why do I get an error when I try to confirm Global Express (GE) Shipments via Uploading Your Shipping Confirmation File feature on Seller Central?

To prevent you from accidentally confirming Global Express orders using shipping outside of Amazon, Uploading Your Shipping Confirmation File feature on Seller Central is disabled for GE orders.

Deactivate Global Express

To stop receiving Global Express orders, follow the steps below:

  1. Select an existing Global Express enabled Shipping Template, click Edit template.

  2. In Shipping Region Automation, click Edit Information.

  3. Under Domestic Shipping Settings, if your Domestic Automation is enabled, click Next and switch off International Automation.

  4. If your Domestic Automation is disabled, click Cancel and switch off Shipping Region Automation.

  5. Repeat the above steps for each Global Express enabled Shipping Template to stop receiving Global Express orders.

Note: You will be responsible for fulfilling any pending Global Express orders even after deactivating Global Express in all your Shipping Templates.

