
如果您在优先配送资格工具中的当前状态为不合格,这是因为您的一个或多个绩效指标低于要求的最低标准。此时,我们会针对您的商品停用“次日达”选项 30 天。



Note: 优先配送资格工具中,仅显示卖家自配送订单的指标。我们使用这些指标来计算您提供“隔日达”配送服务的资格。优先配送资格工具上的指标可能会与账户状况上的指标有所不同,因为账户状况汇总显示了卖家自配送指标和亚马逊配送指标。绩效指标每天计算并记录一次。最近订单的指标可能需要到 24 小时以后才会显示在此页面上。

Why am I not eligible for One-Day Delivery?

If your current status on the Premium Shipping Eligibility tool shows your status as Not eligible, it is because one or more of your performance metrics is below the required threshold. During this time, we'll deactivate the One-Day Delivery option on your offers for 30 days.

If you meet the performance metrics after that time, we'll reactivate the shipping option, and your status on the Premium Shipping Eligibility tool will change to Eligible. However, you must continue to meet the performance requirements, or you will lose One-Day Delivery eligibility once again.

For more information, see One-Day Delivery "Not eligible" status and Restore One-Day Delivery eligibility. Go to Qualify for One-Day Delivery to learn more about your eligibility.

Note: Only metrics for seller-fulfilled orders appear on the Premium Shipping Eligibility tool. We use these to calculate your eligibility to offer Two-Day Shipping. Metrics on the Premium Shipping Eligibility tool might differ from Account Health because Account Health is a combination of seller-fulfilled and Amazon-fulfilled metrics. Performance metrics are calculated and recorded once a day. Metrics on recent orders might not appear on this page for at least 24 hours.