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(1) 所有有质量问题的,买家一定要发给卖家图片,卖家根据图片进行核实,核实后确实是质量问题进行补发或者退款处理。若问题不严重、不影响使用的,可以给1~2 美元退款或者给买家下一个订单一些折扣;问题严重到影响使用的,可以全额退款或者补发一件新的。



Dear friend.

I am so sorry that it was stained. Can you try to wash it off? Through the photo, it seemsit is a small spot, I think it will be easy to wash off. If you can't wash it off, can you take it toa laundry to wash it? I think they may have special way to clean it, you can check how muchit will cost, we would like to pay for the cost, will that be ok?

Waiting to hear from you soon. Thank you very much in advance


Dear friend ,

I am so sorry that it was defective. It is our fault that we didn't check it carefully beforesend out We would resend you a new one with good quality , will that be ok? Sincerely hopeyou could forgive us , we will check it very carefully before send out.Waiting for your confirmation and then we will arrange to ship it for you soon.

Thank you.

(2) 如果发错产品 (款式、颜色、尺码),买家也要提供图片进行核实,可以让买家拍下收到的产品图片和袋子上贴的 SKU,确认是否 SKU 贴错了抑或是仓库发错货解决问题后要找到相应的负责人。

如果卖家发错货的话,可以与买家沟通,是否留下发错的商品,或者通过货物的性价比和其他方面 (物质补偿或者下次订单有折扣) 游说买家留下商品。若买家坚持换货或者退货,卖家就要可以补发正确产品或者按照买家要求的退款金额退款。

Dear friend.

I am so sorry to sent you a wrong color/item/size.

Please can you do me a favour to take a photo for the sticker which was put on the bag likeatached? Please don't worry , we will give you a good solution after find out the prob.lem. Sometimes the workers may put wrong sticker on the bag so that our warehouse sent bymistake.

We will check who packed it and will give you a good solution for it, please don't worry.

Waiting to hear from you soon.

Thank you very much.

当漏发、少发产品及配饰时,首先到通途里查看订单发货信息,是否有少发漏发,可以通过对比产品数量和包裹重量 (通途里有两个重量一个是订单估重,一个是通途重量,其中通途重量是包裹的实际重量)。如果真的少了的话,可以补发或者退款。少发配饰的,如腰带漏发等,很难辨别,可以让买家再查看包裹中是不是遗漏在包裹的角落里了,如果实在找不到的话,可以补发或者退相应的钱。补发之前要先和产品小组确认是否有多余的配饰可以补发,没有多余的只能退点钱作为补偿。

Dear friend ,

I am so sorry that you didn't receive the belt. Please can you double check the parcel? Itwas put separately. Please don't worry , if you can't find it, we will give you a good solution foryou. Thank you.


Dear friend,

I am so sorry to hear that you haven't receipt your order.

I tracked your parcel found it has delivered to you on 11th Jan, 2016, attached is thetracking information , you can have a look.

If you still haven't got it, please kindly check with your family to see if anybody picked it oryou can call your local postal office to see where and who they sent it to. Hope you will get it soon.Thank you so much.

(4) 物流方式与买家选择的不一致,这种情况很少发生,一般发生的话买家也不会找麻烦,除非因此买家被收取了额外的费用。如有因此产生额外的费用,我们可以适当退款作为补偿。海关偶尔会抽查包裹,这个不是我们可控的,一般我们不承担此费用。最多可以承担部分税费或者给买家下一个订单一点折扣以示补偿。

Dear friend,

We are so sorry that you were taxed. As you know, the customers always will check someof the parcels and may charge for it This is out of our control. Hope you could understand. Butwe would like to give you a little discount for your next order. Thank you.


Dear friend,

It is so regret to hear that it was empty bag, may I know was the parcel broken when youreceipt? We never sent empty parcel, because if it is empty parcel, our postman even don'collect it and ship it for us. Hope you could check if your family or friend take out the item fo.you. Thank you.


(5) 所有以未收到货为由提纠纷的,要先看下承诺运达时间并到通途里查询包裹的物流状态。


承诺运达时间:是在速卖通平台原有“大小包 60 天未妥投纠纷退款规则”的基础上,将设置物流时间的权力交给卖家,让有能力为买家提供更好物流服务、敢于对买家承诺物流服务的卖家优势得到突显,增强买家购物信心,提升买家购物后保障而推出的一项消费者保障服务。它是我们处理因物流原因未收到货的依据,原则上如果包裹未在承诺运达时间内妥投的话,我们应该退款给买家。

发中邮小包的:承诺运达时间为60天(巴西90天),一般20~40 天可送达发E邮宝的:承诺运达时间为27 天,一般5~15 天送达。

(6) 有时候某些产品可能断货了,我们一般会先更新物流单号,这个时候是查不到物流跟踪信息的(实际还未发出): 此时有客户问物流情况,可以跟买家说包裹丢了,我们可以给他补发:若买家不要了,让卖家申请退款,退款给买家。

Dear friend .

I am so sorry that you haven't receipt your order.

Just now I tracked the parcel found there is no tracking information, I called our postaloffice, they said it was lost on the way. We would arrange to resend you a new one. Please canyou help us to cancel the dispute to wait for it? Please don't worry about your money, I haveextended the protection time by 30 days for you. lf you still can't receive it, you can open anew dispute.

And if you can't wait for it, we will refund you the money.

Waiting to hear your idea.

Thank you very much in advance.


Dear friend.

I am so sorry that you haven't receipt your order.

Usually it takes 20 -40 days for delivery, sometimes it maybe a little slow due to manyfactors, such as bad weather, busy shipping season, holidays and so on. And I tracked theparcel found it is in normal transit now, attached is the tracking information for your reference. Hope you could help us to cancel the dispute and wait for more days.

On the other hand, the promised delivery time is 60 days and there still have 25 days be-fore the deadline, we can't refund now, sincerely hope you could cancel the dispute to wait formore days.

Please don't worry about your money , if you still can't receive it before the deadline , youcan open a new dispute and we will full refund you by then.

Thank you very much for your kindly understanding.

(8) 物流信息显示妥投但客户反馈未收到的,这种情况也一律不可以退款。有时可能是因为时间有延误,可以让买家再等等或者联系物流公司查询;或者提醒买家询问是否有人代收。

Dear friend ,

I am so sorry to hear that you haven't receipt your order.

I tracked your parcel found it has delivered to you on 11th Jan, 2016, attached is thetracking information , you can have a look.

If you still haven't got it, please kindly call your local postal office or check with yourfamily to see if anybody else picked it up for you.

If you will receive it soon , hope you can help us to cancel the dispute.Thank you so much


Dear friend ,

I am so sorry that you haven't receipt your order.

Sometimes it will be a little slow due to many factors, such as bad weather, busy shipping season, holidays and so on. Please can you wait for a few days more?

And sometimes the tracking information may not updated on time. If you're convenient,please can you call your local postal office to check it? You can give them your tracking no. tocheck it.

Please don't worry about your money , if you can't receive it, we will refund you the moneyThank you.

(10) 包裹被退回这种情况可以退款或者补发。首先查看包裹被退回的原因,原因不明确的,就直接退款或者问买家愿不愿意补发;如果是地址错误或者买家超时未去领取的,若买家同意补寄,要跟买家再次核对地址并告知买家要及时去领取包裹。

Dear friend ,

It is so regret that it was returned to us.

I am not sure what happened with it, is there any problem about your address?

And do you want us to resend it for you? If you agree with resend, hope you could helus to cancel the dispute, because we only could arrange our warehouse to resend the item afterdispute be cancelled. If you can't wait for it, we will refund you the money.

Waiting to hear your idea. Thank you.














Dear x X,

We have got your order of x x x x x x But it seems that the order is still unpaid. lfthere's anything I can help with the price , size , etc. , please feel free to contact me. After thepayment is confirmed,I will process the order and ship it out as soon as possible. Thanks!

Best Regards





Dear xx,

Your payment for item x x x x x x x x x x x x x x has been confirmed. We willship your order out within  x x business days as promised. After doing so , we will send youan e - mail notifying you of the tracking number. If you have any other questions , please feelfree to let me know. Thanks!

Best Regards


译文:您的订单编号为x xxx x x x x x xxxxx的款项已收到,我们将在承诺的x xx天内发货,发货后,我们将通知你货运单号。如果您有任何问题请随时联系我。谢谢!

(3) 发货后:

Dear x x ,

The item x x x x x x x x  x x x x x you ordered has already been shipped out andthe tracking number is x x x X x x X x x x x x x x.The shipping status is as follows.xxxxxxxxxxxx x x.You will get it soon.

Thanks for your support!

Best Regards


译文:订单号为xx x xx x x x xx x xx的货物已经发货,发货单号是xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,运输方式是xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,订单状态是x x x x x x x x x x x x x x。您将会很快收到货物,感谢您的支持和理解!


(4) 询问是否收到货:

Dear x x,

According to the status shown on 17track website ,your order has been received by you. Ifyou have got the items, please confirm it on alie x press. com. If not, please let meknow. Thanks!

Best Regards


译文:EMS 网站显示您已收到货物。如果您已收到货物请到敦煌网确认,如果有问题请告知我。谢谢!


(5) 客户投诉产品质量有问题:

Dear x x,

I am very sorry to hear about that. Since I did carefully check the order and the package tomake sure everything was in good condition before shipping it out,I suppose that the damagemight have happened during the transportation. But I'm still very sorry for the inconveniencethis has brought you. I guarantee that I will give you more discounts to make this up ne x t timeyou buy from us. Thanks for your understanding.

Best Regards





Dear x X

I am very happy that you have received the order. Thanks for your support. I hope that youare satisfied with the items and look forward to doing more business with you in future. Thanks !

Best Regards




Dear x X,

Thanks for your continuous support to our store, and we are striving to improve ourselves interms of service,quality, sourcing,etc. It would be highly appreciated if you could leave us apositive feedback, which will be a great encouragement for us. If there's anything I can helpwith , don't hesitate to tell me.

Best Regards



